
New releases and other announcements

January 18, 2018

Release of OME Data Model 5.6.1

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OME Data Model 5.6.1

January 11, 2018

Release of Bio-Formats 5.7.3

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats 5.7.3

December 04, 2017

Release of OME Files C++ 0.5.0

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OME Files C++ 0.5.0

November 24, 2017

Release of OMERO.iviewer 0.4.1

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO.iviewer 0.4.1

November 23, 2017

Release of OMERO 5.4.1

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO 5.4.1.

November 21, 2017

Release of Bio-Formats 5.7.2

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats 5.7.2

October 24, 2017

OME Project Status Update

October 10, 2017

Release of OMERO.figure 3.1.2

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO.figure 3.1.2

October 09, 2017

Release of OMERO 5.4.0

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO 5.4.0.

October 04, 2017

SECURITY Release of OMERO 5.3.5

The OME team announces OMERO 5.3.5, a security update which we recommend all sysadmins upgrade to as soon as possible.

You can find details of earlier releases in the documentation for the product you're interested in

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