Today we are releasing our version 0.2.0 of OMERO.iviewer: an OMERO.web app for
visualizing images in OMERO. This version requires OMERO 5.3.3.
This 0.2.0 version is still work-in-progress and some areas are likely to be modified.
We have already a good number of tasks planned for our next release [1].
This version includes:
- support for omero prefix
- improved manipulation of rendering setting for floating images with very small pixels range
- support for maximum intensity projection along Z
- loading ROIs using the web api
- added ability to draw lines
- improved copy and paste of ROIs and added a new context menu for these actions
- added ability to open multiple selected images
- improved layout of ROIs table
- added support for two new lookup tables from
- added option to turn on or off the interpolation
For installation instruction go to:
To know more, watch an intro video:
The OME Team