Hello OMERO users,
I asked Dr. Swedlow for advice on disseminating a position announcement. He told me to post it on the OME mailing lists/forums. I think this community would be interested in the work and I need the skills that this community has. I apologize for the duplicate posts, and I would like to point you to my work on registering WSI images to glass slides on a microscope (https://github.com/DIDSR/eeDAP).
Position available at FDA research lab:
Digital Pathology Image and Algorithm Evaluation
Division of Imaging, Diagnostics, and Software Reliability (DIDSR)
Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories (OSEL)
Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)
U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
A staff position is available in the digital pathology lab to support the evaluation of image quality of whole slide imaging (WSI) devices and the performance of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. In addition to research, the candidate will split their time doing regulatory review of WSI devices and AI algorithms. The applicant’s research activity will support and guide regulatory evaluation of these devices. A related project proposal can be found at https://tinyurl.com/y8p3qem5. The ideal candidate has experience with one or all the following in order of importance: 1) designing, executing, and analyzing studies with pathologists interpreting pathology slides or images, 2) designing and evaluating AI algorithms, and 3) designing and characterizing digital and optical imaging systems (including color management). The skills required start with communication (speaking and writing) and programming (statistics, modeling and simulation, hardware control). Top candidates will have an advanced degree or documented skills and experience with one or more of the following in order of importance: statistics, pathology, perception, AI algorithm development, optical and digital imaging (microscopes, digital cameras, displays), and grant writing. This position does not include wet-lab activities. This position is open to young, mid-career, and senior level investigators and available immediately. Candidates should apply as soon as possible as applications will be continuously reviewed until the position is filled. This call expires on 6/1/2018.
The candidate will join a diverse medical imaging research group with a regulatory focus. DIDSR laboratories are located on the FDA White Oak campus in metropolitan DC with multiple opportunities for training within and outside the FDA laboratories. Candidates must have resided in the US for 3 of the last 5 years to satisfy security clearance requirements. Interested candidates should send an email to Brandon Gallas (brandon.gallas@fda.hhs.gov) with detailed resume or CV and the name and contact information of three references. Please use the words "DIDSR Digital Pathology Position" as subject.
Thank you for your time,
Brandon D. Gallas, PhD
Center For Devices and Radiological Health
Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Tel: 301-796-2531