Recovering Metadata on tile positions
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:55 pm
Having a confocal microscope with a motorized stage, I can acquire arbitrary tiles using the included software (ZEN or LAS).
The stitching done within the software is rather poor and I was looking to use some of Fiji's built-in stitchers.
However, some of these tiles were acquired in non-grid patterns (Asking the microscope to follow a convex hull or manual tile placement so I cannot use the fully automated methods unless I have the X,Y coordinates of the images.
But having a motorized stage, the X,Y positions of each image in the LIF or LSM files should be accessible somewhere in the metadata. I've used your LOCI Formats reader to extract the metadata from the file, but there isn't a single field matching this criterion.
Seeing as the LAS or ZEN can reconstruct the image when I open the file in their reader, they must be recovering the positions from somewhere, right?
Thank you for any help you may provide with this issue.
Having a confocal microscope with a motorized stage, I can acquire arbitrary tiles using the included software (ZEN or LAS).
The stitching done within the software is rather poor and I was looking to use some of Fiji's built-in stitchers.
However, some of these tiles were acquired in non-grid patterns (Asking the microscope to follow a convex hull or manual tile placement so I cannot use the fully automated methods unless I have the X,Y coordinates of the images.
But having a motorized stage, the X,Y positions of each image in the LIF or LSM files should be accessible somewhere in the metadata. I've used your LOCI Formats reader to extract the metadata from the file, but there isn't a single field matching this criterion.
Seeing as the LAS or ZEN can reconstruct the image when I open the file in their reader, they must be recovering the positions from somewhere, right?
Thank you for any help you may provide with this issue.