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CZI from Elyra PALM

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:43 am
by ebbwdan

I have been using the 'Convert to Image' functionality of Zen (Black) to save STORM image data (reconstructed images) and I have noticed an issue opening the file saved as CZI using Bioformats (in FIJI and Omero). The two planes that get saved to the image have different XY dimensions:

HR: x: 1280, y: 1280
WF: x: 128, y: 128

And the file opens at the WF dimensions and as a result (I think) the pixel data in the HR plane is lost. I can export the data as tif but it would mean saving two files rather than one. I have uploaded an example.



Re: CZI from Elyra PALM

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:42 pm
by emil.rozbicki
Hi Dan,

thanks for reporting the problem. I have opened a ticket for it

Emil Rozbicki