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unble to handling cellomics images

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:59 am
by rahulmekala
i have a .co1 images and i want to upload the data ,the issue is the while uploading an image through omero.insight it takes the all the images and the field values images also , but in case of the CLI it takes as individual file and it show each file content in different plate location .

how can i upload images through CLI those must be stored with same file and stored within a single page which contains 64 well positions (field values.)

Re: unble to handling cellomics images

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:54 am
by sbesson
Dear Rahul,

could you let us know which version of OMERO.insight and of the command-line interface you are using for the import? Also are you using a default command-line import or are you specifying some options?

Assuming your Cellomics fileset is smaller than 2GB, it would be handy to upload a sample file at so that we can reproduce your steps. If the fileset is larger than 2GB, let us know and we will provide you with details for uploading the data.


Re: unble to handling cellomics images

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:31 am
by rahulmekala
I am using Omero 5.1

Re: unble to handling cellomics images

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:34 am
by sbesson

as said above, would it be possible for you to upload a sample Cellomics fileset for us to investigate the issue?


Re: unble to handling cellomics images

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:00 pm
by rahulmekala
i have uploaded a file please find it

Re: unble to handling cellomics images

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:20 pm
by sbesson
Dear Rahul,

thanks for uploading the fileset. We were able to duplicate the error on command-line using Bio-Formats and we have opened a ticket to track this issue. We are about to release Bio-Formats 5.1.3 imminently so I would expect this issue will be assigned and resolved for the following Bio-Formats milestone.

You have been added on the ticket so you can be notified of its resolution but let us know if you do not want to be cc'ed on it.
