many thanks Josh,
the Dataset is 2.2 G.
Is it possible to configure server to do "chgrp" on such data?
(I'll let Administrator know anyway).
If not, maybe we'll need to wait until 4.4.10.
I followed the instructions:
perl -i -pe 's/Xmx512M/Xmx2048M/' etc/grid/templates.xml perl -i -pe 's/XX:MaxPermSize=128m/XX:MaxPermSize=256M/'
And the resulting output of 'ps -efww':
cisbic 28248 28213 78 13:35 ? 00:31:43 java -Xmx2048M
-XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dlog4j.configuration=etc/log4j.xml
-Domero.logfile=var/log/${}.log -jar lib/server/blitz.jar --Ice.Config=/opt/OMERO.server-4.4.9-ice33-b98/var/master/servers/Blitz-0/config/config
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