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Filtering issues

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Filtering issues

Postby Sethur » Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:05 pm


more issues that came up during the OMERO workshop:

a) In OMERO.insight, the live filtering apparently does not accept wildcards and only finds image by name if the search string is at the beginning of the image. This is bad to begin with, but to make things more complicated, OMERO.web allows for filtering images with the search string just appearing anywhere in the image, even without wildcards.

b) OMERO.insight can filter using tags, OMERO.web cannot

c) The extensive search both in OMERO.insight and OMERO.web does not support searching images with a certain combination of tags.

d) OMERO.insight needs the user to hold down shift during mousewheel zooming in the image viewer, but for OMERO.web the mousewheel alone is enough. This confuses users.

e) In OMERO.insight, I can load XML ROIs into the ROI tool, but when I click on Save... directly above Load..., the ROIs are just permanently associated with the image. This does not make much sense, one would expect a dialog to save the ROIs as XML here. Is the latter even possible, and if yes, how?

f) In the ROI tool (of OMERO.insight), when an ROI is created, there is always a root node which seebs unnecessary since there can apparently not be more than one child node (which represents the actual ROI). This is also confusing for users and reduces conciseness.

g) One user tried to view an attachment (via OMERO.insight) that contained spaces in the file name and got an error saying file
Code: Select all
could not be found. I have not verified this yet, but I think there is something wrong with how OMERO.insight handles files containing spaces.

That's it for today :)

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Re: Filtering issues

Postby jburel » Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:23 pm

Hi Tristan

Thanks for the feedback and the detailed comparison of both insight and web.
a) This is on our radar, and hopefully we will have the issue fixed in 5.1
b) This a divergence we are aware of. More metadata are now available from the images themselves, and we would like to allow more filtering options. This will have to be scoped.
Do you have feedback on some useful fields users would like to filter by?

c) Please find thereafter the link to the Search Help.http://help.openmicroscopy.org/search.htm
You may want to try OMERO.webtagging to search using various tagging combinations.

d) That is a point we have been debating. The implementation in OMERO.insight matches what happens on some workstations i.e. scrolling through z using the mousewheel.
The Web, in general, uses the mousewheel to zoom. That's the reason we have not adjusted the OMERO.web
to match the behaviour of OMERO.insight.
Another option will be to use the mousewheel to zoom, in insight, when there is only one z-section but it could add more confusion.

e) This is mainly to handle legacy ROI files. We previously only save the ROI locally in an XML file.
When the ROI loaded that way were then saved, they are saved into the DB.
The option is no longer available. I will have to check if we can turn that feature back.

f) You can have more than one shapes under one given ROI e.g. propagate the shape under t or z.
That the reason we have the ROI parent. We could certainly hide the parent when there is only one shape.

g) Thanks for report the bug,we will have a look.

Thanks again for your feedback

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