Hi Will, hi Josh,
a minute ago another frustrated user who was unable to find his images inside the DropBox (orphaned images) folder left my office. I had to explain to him that the filtering feature works as discussed above to which he commented that nobody would expect it to work like that (something I totally agree to). I could see that he was very displeased on having wasted so much time on such a simple task.
In order to avoid future frustration with this particular user, I wanted to help him on the spot by cleaning out his "orphaned images" folder and creating some datasets for him. Alas, this was not possible (via OMERO.web) since even administrators cannot create projects or datasets for other users. Again, this is something that an IT-experienced person would not expect (most systems implement such a feature for superusers) and it made administrating the system unpleasent in more than one occation. I meantioned this issue in a previous post of mine
http://www.openmicroscopy.org/community/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7484 but I don't think it reached I high position in the priority list.
So what I want to say is this: From my point of view, the fact that the filter is not working on all pages is not just a missing feature. It's a bug that makes users want to not use OMERO any longer. I would suggest to fix this with the next release. The issue with the projects and datasets is less critical (and actually belongs in a separate thread), but there should be a fix for this, too, in the very near future. Admins need to have
full controll over the data in the system without the need to employ commands on the CLI or manually messing around with the database.