Hi Alex,
LeroyAlex wrote:Just a naive question but you only name windows server 2008 as good to go to install dropbox.
Is windows server 2012R2 good too?
As it stands OMERO.dropbox won't run on a Windows Server 2012r2 but it could certainly be configured to do so if you were happy to edit a small Python file in your server distribution. Unfortunately we don't have a suitable server to hand that we can log in to in order to provide a patch ourselves. If this is something you'd be comfortable doing them let me know and I'll provide more details.
LeroyAlex wrote:Then, in the omero documentation example (section 8.1), i dont get if the command are entered in the usual CLI or not.. I saw a cli-import paragraph reference but if i understood well i cannot access it on windows.
In fact, as a newbie i m completely clueless, and i can't see where you explain how to set up the link between an omero file on a laptop or microscope computer and omero dropbox.
You don't need to do anything at the CLI to use OMERO.dropbox in its default configuration. You simply need to create directories for each user under the DropBox directory of your OMERO data repository, as shown in 8.1.2 of the PDF or here
https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/omero5/sysadmins/dropbox.html#using-dropbox in our online docs (though our example uses Unix-style paths). A user then simply copies or moves their image files from the acquisition computer, or their laptop, into their DropBox directory on the OMERO server and they should be imported automatically.