Febdback for OMERO staff

hi, I had a skype call with Jason today, and he mentioned that you folks hear from people when they've got problems, and then when the problems are solved, people just disappear on you, and you never really get any feedback. OK, so I told him that I'd come back to the forum and give you feedback!
!.) everybody who responded to my sometimes very frustrated posts was really helpful, not judgemental, and the responses were quick, almost always within 24 hours. From those standpoints, you guys are doing a really excellent job, so pat yourself on the back.
2.) whoever is the person who writes the code to "decipher" all the different proprietary company image formats and gets them into the proprietary OMERO format so that everything is viewable, is a programming goddess (Jason said so, too) and her work is, to my mind, the real draw of OMERO. So, whoever you are, you are THE BOMB.
3.) OK, problem.....OMERO is open-source. You guys live and breathe Open Source. The problem is that I don't. You know what ICE is. I don't. You know what RHEL 4 and RHEL 6 is/are. I don't. Well, NOW I do, but when I got started in this, I didn't know. You guys think and talk this stuff all day long, I don't, and I bet that a whole, whole lot of your users don't, either. So when someone explained something to me on the forum, half the time the writer made natural assumptions, that I would know enough about LINUX or Open Source projects to be able to decipher what they said. The problem was that I, in fact, do NOT have that sort of expertise.
This means that you have to write/talk to me like a dummy, for me to "get it". On your end, to do more effective support, you have to either A.) spend time figuring out the relative level of expertise of the user you're helping, or B.) talk to them really simply. Make NO assumptions. NONE.
LIke this, I copied and pasted this from the forum...
It, whatever "it" may be, might seem obvious to you, but to me, NOTHING was obvious.
OK, a major frustration here....
When the faculty member (Lucy O'Brien) and I got interested in this, I did an installation on am OSX Mac in her lab. I got it to work with the "homebrew" instructions on the OMERO sys admin web page. Understand this...I have NO idea what "homebrew" is, whatsoever, and I bet a LOT of your users don't, either. When it came time to try to move data from Pilot #1 (the mac) to Pilot #2 (a windows install), come to find out that "homebrew" puts things in all sorts of nifty, special subdirectories. I couldn't find /bin/OMERO for example, and I spent a good hour and a half just looking for the directory. Upshot was, I couldn't migrate data from the first pilot machine to the second.
This is a perfect example of how YOU GUYS know what "homebrew" does, but a fair number of us slobs out here do not.
!.) everybody who responded to my sometimes very frustrated posts was really helpful, not judgemental, and the responses were quick, almost always within 24 hours. From those standpoints, you guys are doing a really excellent job, so pat yourself on the back.
2.) whoever is the person who writes the code to "decipher" all the different proprietary company image formats and gets them into the proprietary OMERO format so that everything is viewable, is a programming goddess (Jason said so, too) and her work is, to my mind, the real draw of OMERO. So, whoever you are, you are THE BOMB.
3.) OK, problem.....OMERO is open-source. You guys live and breathe Open Source. The problem is that I don't. You know what ICE is. I don't. You know what RHEL 4 and RHEL 6 is/are. I don't. Well, NOW I do, but when I got started in this, I didn't know. You guys think and talk this stuff all day long, I don't, and I bet that a whole, whole lot of your users don't, either. So when someone explained something to me on the forum, half the time the writer made natural assumptions, that I would know enough about LINUX or Open Source projects to be able to decipher what they said. The problem was that I, in fact, do NOT have that sort of expertise.
This means that you have to write/talk to me like a dummy, for me to "get it". On your end, to do more effective support, you have to either A.) spend time figuring out the relative level of expertise of the user you're helping, or B.) talk to them really simply. Make NO assumptions. NONE.
LIke this, I copied and pasted this from the forum...
Re: setting PYTHONPATH variable doesn't "stick"
Postby Alan H ยป Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:01 pm
Took me a while, like a full day, to figure this out....omero_dist .. the "dist" is the distribution code of that build or beta or whatever. Like
OMERO.server-4.4.8-ice33-b256 ---- the "dist" = "server-4.4.8-ice33-b256"
See, you have to talk to me like a 4th grader or I don't get it!
It, whatever "it" may be, might seem obvious to you, but to me, NOTHING was obvious.
OK, a major frustration here....
When the faculty member (Lucy O'Brien) and I got interested in this, I did an installation on am OSX Mac in her lab. I got it to work with the "homebrew" instructions on the OMERO sys admin web page. Understand this...I have NO idea what "homebrew" is, whatsoever, and I bet a LOT of your users don't, either. When it came time to try to move data from Pilot #1 (the mac) to Pilot #2 (a windows install), come to find out that "homebrew" puts things in all sorts of nifty, special subdirectories. I couldn't find /bin/OMERO for example, and I spent a good hour and a half just looking for the directory. Upshot was, I couldn't migrate data from the first pilot machine to the second.
This is a perfect example of how YOU GUYS know what "homebrew" does, but a fair number of us slobs out here do not.