We have an electron microscopy facility in our institute and when i tried to visualize one of their image (.mrc) in the insight viewer i encountered some issues:
The rendering settings are bad, i cannot really see the objects i m supposed to see on the image because it s too grey...i see them when i open it on imageJ that displays the image as i see it during the acquisition. I wanted to enhance the contrast on omero.insight using the rendering effect tools but when i click on the icon to access it, i can't see the rendering options in the right pannel but i see a black screen instead...Otherwise no problem to open the file in itself.
I should precise that we're using omero 5.0.5, maybe this bug is fixed in 5.0.6...?
I have another question that is not related: does the volume viewer (astex viewer?) works on omero 5.0.5?
and is there any omero script/plugin to create a 3D view from a stack of images?