I had no problems starting OMERO and all the data is in place as it was before.
However, the rendering settings are not working properly:
- * I am viewing a DeltaVision image imported as floating-point
* If I set the rendering scale to "Min/Max", it looks relatively fine.
* However, if I *increase* the "Min" level (slider or manually), the smallest-valued areas in the image start to become the brightest. They should be zero/black, since the "Min" level is now above those pixel values, but it looks instead is as if a LUT is being applied setting those pixels to full intensity.
* If I *continue to increase* the "Min" level, the pixel values start to go back down, and with continued increasing, the pixel intensities get stranger and eventually become noise (see attachments).
* Under "Advanced" (in the Rendering Settings in Insight), the Bit Depth is set as 255 — probably not right? Does that mean 8-bit? These should be floating-point images.
EDIT 02015-06-02: This scaling/rendering problem does not occur with a UInt16 image which I just imported. So this is specific to floating-point images after the 5.0.3→5.1.2 upgrade (before the upgrade, there were no problems with either floating-point or UInt16).
Pete Carlton
Images and `omero admin diagnostics` here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/458 ... arlton.zip