Dear OME People - I have another question about the iViewer, this time relating to an ROI.
If I create a "Point" ROI in an image, save it, go away for some time, and then return to the image having forgotten where this Point ROI actually is - is there a tool within the viewer that I can use to indicate where this ROI is? (eg. "X marks the spot")
I inherited an image with a point ROI in it, but had no clue where this ROI was - they only thing I could do to find it, was to look at the JSON returned for the ROI to find the X and Y coordinates, and then track my cursor over the image to roughly the same point; I then enlarged the image and found the eaxct point.
It would be handy if there was a mouse-over action that popped up a flag to show Point ROIs in the vicinity.
Many thanks
Mike W