- Code: Select all
ROIFacility roifac = gateway.getFacility(ROIFacility.class);
//Retrieve the roi linked to an image
List<ROIResult> roiresults = roifac.loadROIs(ctx, image.getId());
ROIResult r = roiresults.iterator().next();
if (r == null) return;
Collection<ROIData> rois = r.getROIs();
List<Shape> list;
Iterator<Roi> j = rois.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
roi = j.next();
list = roi.copyShapes();
// Do something
In my practice, roi is an omero.gateway.model.ROIData object and it does not have a method called copyShapes(): https://javadoc.scijava.org/OMERO/omero ... IData.html
I could not find it in the index either: https://javadoc.scijava.org/OMERO/index-all.html
- Code: Select all
roifac = getGatewayFacility(gateway,'ROIFacility'); %see https://www.openmicroscopy.org/community/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8615&p=20473#p20473
//Retrieve the roi linked to an image
roiresults = roifac.loadROIs(ctx, image.getId());
r = roiresults.iterator().next();
if isempty(r)
rois = r.getROIs();
j = rois.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
roi = j.next();
list = roi.copyShapes(); %TODO
// Do something
I guess that the code example is obsolete and requires renewal.