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C++ Components

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:24 pm
by fisher
The FAQ says that components can be written in Java, Python or C++
yet Ice supports other languages - is there any reason why the rest of
the Ice supported languages are not supported by OMERO?

Has anybody experience of writing C++ components and integrating them on the server side?

Steve Fisher

Re: C++ Components

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:22 am
by jmoore
Hi Steve,
fisher wrote:is there any reason why the rest of
the Ice supported languages are not supported by OMERO?

OMERO provides a layer on top of the code-generated ice classes to make working with our model (somewhat) easier. Without the necessary OMERO-code generation, it's not possible to use, say, ruby or .NET.

Has anybody experience of writing C++ components and integrating them on the server side?

There should be no barrier to writing components in C++, and they will look much like those in other languages. Everything outside of the Java server with the PostgreSQL connection is considered a client, so there are a number of examples you can look at.

The main barrier will be that some helper functions have not yet been written in C++, but we'd certainly be very keen to help provide anything you may need.

What are you looking to integrate server side?


Re: C++ Components

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:00 am
by fisher
No specific plans at the moment. I am just considering how best to integrate OMERO.