Hi all,
I'm having a problem concerning the OMERO 5.0.0 Virtual Appliance. Simply put, every time I try to boot the Virtual Appliance, the Virtual Box screen goes empty (only a cursor is visible) while Debian is loading. After this occurs, nothing appears to change after half an hour of waiting. Furthermore, I cannot log on to the server with either the OMERO.web or OMERO.insight clients.
More specifically, after starting the Virtual Appliance, I see the Virtual Box splash screen, which is followed by a black screen that displays the lines "Grub loading." and "Welcome to GRUB!" sequentially. A new black screen then appears and displays the text found in this image: http://kmdouglass.github.io/img/ome/setup1-vbScreen.jpg. A few seconds after the line "Loading initial ramdisk ..." is displayed, all text is cleared from the screen and I see only the non-blinking cursor.
I have installed VirtualBox version 4.3.8 r92456 for Windows using the default options. I have also successfully downloaded OMERO Virtual Appliance version 5.0.0-b19. I am running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64 bit edition.
Before starting the Virtual Appliance I checked that port forwarding was configured (it was). I followed all the steps listed here: https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/omero4/users/virtual-appliance.html.
Would anyone be able to point me towards a solution to this problem so that I may run the Virtual Appliance on my machine?