When you read in an OME-TIFF, any OriginalMetadata annotations in the OME-XML are converted into original metadata accessible via the FormatReader API (or via the metadatastore or model APIs if you want it directly from the OME-XML objects).
In the OME-XML:
- Code: Select all
<XMLAnnotation ID="Annotation:5" Namespace="openmicroscopy.org/OriginalMetadata">
<Value><OriginalMetadata xmlns="">
<Key xmlns="">vessels DetectionChannel Spectral Scan Channels #1</Key>
<Value xmlns="">32</Value>
<XMLAnnotation ID="Annotation:6" Namespace="openmicroscopy.org/OriginalMetadata">
<Value><OriginalMetadata xmlns="">
<Key xmlns="">vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Gain B/C 2 #2</Key>
<Value xmlns="">1.0</Value>
This results in the following output (running "ome-files info --orig vessels.ome.tiff"). I chopped out the several hundred other keys, but it illustrates how this is preserved.
- Code: Select all
Image: /home/rleigh/images/vessels.ome.tiff
Using reader: OME-TIFF (Open Microscopy Environment TIFF)
Reader setup took 00:00:00.725874
Filename = "/home/rleigh/images/vessels.ome.tiff"
Used files = ["/home/rleigh/images/vessels.ome.tiff"]
Reading core metadata
Series count = 1
Series #0:
Image count = 288
RGB = [false, false] ([1, 1])
Interleaved = false
Indexed = true
Width = 1024
Height = 1024
SizeZ = 144 (effectively 144)
SizeT = 1 (effectively 1)
SizeC = 2 (effectively 2)
Thumbnail size = 128 × 128
Endianness = little
DimensionOrder = XYCZT (certain)
PixelType = uint16
Bits per Pixel = 12
MetadataComplete = true
ThumbnailSeries = false
Global metadata:
vessels DetectionChannel Acquire #1: 1
vessels DetectionChannel Acquire #2: 1
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Gain #1: 1.0
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Gain #2: 1.0
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Gain B/C 1 #1: 1.0
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Gain B/C 1 #2: 1.0
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Gain B/C 2 #1: 1.0
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Gain B/C 2 #2: 1.0
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Name #1: Amplifier1
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Name #2: Amplifier1
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Offset #1: 0.06999999999999998
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Offset #2: 0.09
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Offset B/C 1 #1: 0.06999999999999998
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Offset B/C 1 #2: 0.09
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Offset B/C 2 #1: 0.06999999999999998
vessels DetectionChannel Amplifier Offset B/C 2 #2: 0.09
vessels DetectionChannel Detection Channel Name #1: Ch2
vessels DetectionChannel Detection Channel Name #2: Ch3
vessels DetectionChannel Detector Gain #1: 724.0
vessels DetectionChannel Detector Gain #2: 746.0
vessels DetectionChannel Detector Gain B/C 1 #1: 724.0
vessels DetectionChannel Detector Gain B/C 1 #2: 746.0
vessels DetectionChannel Detector Gain B/C 2 #1: 724.0
vessels DetectionChannel Detector Gain B/C 2 #2: 746.0
vessels DetectionChannel Detector Name #1: Pmt2
vessels DetectionChannel Detector Name #2: Pmt3
vessels DetectionChannel Filter Name #1: BP 500-550 IR
vessels DetectionChannel Filter Name #2: LP 575
vessels DetectionChannel Filter Set Name #1: EF2
vessels DetectionChannel Filter Set Name #2: EF3
vessels DetectionChannel Integrator Name #1: Integrator2
vessels DetectionChannel Integrator Name #2: Integrator3
vessels DetectionChannel Pinhole Diameter #1: 54.0
vessels DetectionChannel Pinhole Diameter #2: 59.99999999999999
vessels DetectionChannel Pinhole Name #1: PH2
vessels DetectionChannel Pinhole Name #2: PH3
vessels DetectionChannel SPI Wavelength End #1: 735.0
vessels DetectionChannel SPI Wavelength End #2: 735.0
vessels DetectionChannel SPI Wavelength Start #1: 415.0
vessels DetectionChannel SPI Wavelength Start #2: 415.0
vessels DetectionChannel Spectral Scan Channels #1: 32
vessels DetectionChannel Spectral Scan Channels #2: 32
I would suggest looking at the tutorial for using metadata:
http://downloads.openmicroscopy.org/ome ... orial.htmlThis is the function which iterates over and displays the metadata:
https://github.com/ome/ome-files-cpp/bl ... o.cpp#L262This is the function which extracts the original metadata from OME-XML:
https://github.com/ome/ome-files-cpp/bl ... s.cpp#L930In all cases, it requires that the OME-XML contain appropriate OriginalMetadata XML annotations. In this case, these were generated by the Java Bio-Formats bfconvert of the original Zeiss LSM metadata, which is preserved in the OME-XML on conversion. Any files you read in must already contain such annotations.
I hope this makes sense. Please do follow up if you have any further questions or need anything explaining in more detail.