hi all,
Sorry if that question is bit trivial, but my knowledge of web servers, and IIS in particular, is a bit lacking... I recently finally got OMEROweb to work (and played a bit with the whole django framework, really quite powerful), but it seems now all url coming to the server are interpreted by django's parser, thus hiding wharever else was there.
The solution I found somewhere would be to install django on another virtual directory: when installing omero iis, it says "Configured Virtual Directory: /", thus getting any address on the server. I tried to modify omero_web_iis.py, where that seem to be defined, to /omero; it did say "Configured Virtual Directory: /omero" when started but is not working as expected afterward. What should I do and is there a proper way to do it? Is there something obvious I missed?
additional question: while tinkering with stuff, I manually deleted the handler mapping that was redirecting all request to the omero django server, trying to reset everything to before I installed omeroweb. But it does not seems to install itself again if I reinstall OMEROweb... (so now omero web is not working anymore. But the rest is...)
many thanks
(btw it's omero 4.3.3 on windows server 2008, iis 7.5)