I'm attempting to get started with image analysis in Matlab. I would like to get access to the images and its metadata for reading and writing.
So far I'm getting the image information like name, description,date, x-,y,z,t-size(...) for a special image id.
But I', stuck with the overwriting of metadata.
My procedure is to start in Matlab an omero session, after that I create a omero.model.ImageI or omero.model.PixelsI object:
Code: Select all
image = getImage(gateway, ImageId)
pixels = gateway.getPixels(ImageId)
Now I look for useful commands with for example >>methods omero.modelImageI <<or I'm searching through the omero API documentation. But it isn't really clearly arranged and I don't get on very fast.
Is there a user guide which could help me? Or perhaps a better way to proceed in programming?
I would very much appreciate your feedback,