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Image analysis with Matlab

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:59 am
by sophie
I'm attempting to get started with image analysis in Matlab. I would like to get access to the images and its metadata for reading and writing.
So far I'm getting the image information like name, description,date, x-,y,z,t-size(...) for a special image id.
But I', stuck with the overwriting of metadata.
My procedure is to start in Matlab an omero session, after that I create a omero.model.ImageI or omero.model.PixelsI object:

Code: Select all
image = getImage(gateway, ImageId)
pixels = gateway.getPixels(ImageId)

Now I look for useful commands with for example >>methods omero.modelImageI <<or I'm searching through the omero API documentation. But it isn't really clearly arranged and I don't get on very fast.
Is there a user guide which could help me? Or perhaps a better way to proceed in programming?
I would very much appreciate your feedback,

Re: Image analysis with Matlab

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:48 am
by jmoore
Hi Sophie,

You might take a look at the files under for some operations you might want to use or at least use as examples. Another page that may be helpful is, but let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
