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File Uploads on Ubuntu 12.04.1 using OMERO.client 4.4.5

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:13 pm
by sycao

I am currently unable to upload entire files directories or multiple images at once onto the server. I am using Ubuntu 12.04.1 x64 and using Omero client 4.4.5. I have tried this on multiple linux computers and it seems to give the problem, though it works fine on Mac operating systems.

Can you help me?

Thank you!

Re: File Uploads on Ubuntu 12.04.1 using OMERO.client 4.4.5

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:02 pm
by cblackburn

Unfortunately the file chooser in Ubuntu is very limited in its functionality which presents problems when trying to import large numbers of files. We have investigated using third-party file choosers but without any success as yet. We do have a long-standing ticket,

RFE: Importing SPW under Ubuntu 9.10

which still applies to more recent versions of Ubuntu. The problem doesn't apply to Mac OS and Windows clients.

Although not ideal solutions you could look at using the command line importer or DropBox both of which allow folders of files to be imported.

