Hi Chris,
Thanks for the feedback.
Certainly the issue of "locking-up" all the resources of the web server if there are multiple users downloading is a big problem that won't be solved by different zip or tar-streaming strategies.
We have started exploring the usage of micro-services for some features (rendering images/thumbnails etc) and this strategy might be extended to downloads, so they don't impact on the main OMERO.web. However this will not be a solution in the short term.
As you said, Insight does offer some improvements over the webclient but we'll look at improving webclient downloads if possible as mentioned above.
With respect to the Metadata export, it should be possible to improve the metadata exported in OME-TIFF Please let us know what specific metadata is missing.
If the access to this metadata can be done via ImageJ (as you were asking about at
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8451&p=19063) then this is likely to be a quicker solution. Please let us know if we can help more on that topic.