I get what looks like data corruption when attempting to view projects/datasets in the web client
as well as what looks to be bogus tags when opening up the Tag tab in Insight...in fact the Insight client crashes when I click on one of the tags (none created by me)
The steps in my installation:
1. installed/configured/ran 4.1 server successfully I believe
2. downloaded 4.1 source to same machine
3. built source
4. created Eclipse project from source tree
5. configured and ran ome.server.itests.search.SearchTest as a TestNG test..seemed to run ok (most tests passed)
6. Ran Importer and imported 215 .tif images into new TestProject/TestDataset...all without errors
7. Opened broswer and logged into WebClient
8. Clicked on MyData=>TestProject and got the error submission page for an internal error...which I submitted.
Did I need to configure/create a different /OMERO_XXX repository directory since I ran omero from the source code? Didn't know if that clobbered anything? Can I recover from it? Drop all user data from the db and any file repositories and start from there??
I did just now go into Insight and I can drill down into TestProject/Dataset and see the images and view them... but as I said above the Tags that appear in the Tags tab look pretty bogus and it crashes when I select one of the tags.