From the directory structure output from the CTScanner I have created an OMERO dataset for each of the SE directories.
Within each of these directories I have created a pattern file which contains a single line in the form of IM<x-y> where IM is the generic name of the image and x and y are the sequence numbers of the files.
eg. IM<1-301> indicates that there are 301 files in the directory named IM1 up to IM301
You can see the idea from the screenshot of my database table (not omeroDB)
On uploading this pattern file to OMERO, the log file for the import shows the pattern file being read from PA2/ST1/SE3
in which there are 301 files. (This is correct)
Then the importer imports a single image from each of PA2/ST1/SE2 and SE3
followed by reading all 376 files that are in both PA2/ST1/SE4 and SE5
This results in 3 series being created in OMERO
The first one is a single image (looks like the first image of the 301 in SE3
The second is a high resolution sequence with 376 images in the sequence (SE4)
The third is a lower resolution sequence with 376 images in the sequence (SE5)
So I was expecting the pattern file IM<1-301> just to load the 301 images from SE3.
Is there something in a DICOM file in SE3 that links to these other sequences in SE4 and SE5?
The obvious thing I can see is the dcm:study_decription attribute but why does it not load SE3?
I'm sure that this has something to do with the way that the OMERO importer works but is it reading something from the DICOM files themselves?
Any help/pointers greatly appreciated.
OMERO 5.4.0
My application is Java.
Within that I am calling the CommandLineImporter to do the uploads as I have experienced compiling issues when using the OMEROMetadataStoreClient (Another story!)