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Metadata editor

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:03 am
by heg

I was looking for a user interface to generate ome-tiff/xml metadata. I found OME Metadata Editor and the screenshot ( looks a lot to what I was looking for. Sadly, in the download page it says "Work on the OME Metadata Editor has ceased in favor of the OMERO.editor project. "

However, the OMERO.editor seems to be designed to generate protocols, not OME Metadata. Can someone clarify on this? Is there any way to use OMERO.editor to generated ome-tiff/xml metadata? Is there any other program?



Re: Metadata editor

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:54 am
by jrswedlow
Hi Heg-

A simple question, and unfortunately, a complex answer.

1. OMERO.editor does in fact allow you to edit OME-XML. The latest demo movie ( ... didn't include this (we'll fix that!). Some info on that (admittedly, with a previous version, but it will show you how it works): ... ditor.html

2. The BBSRC, in their wisdom, cut the funding for OMERO.editor (despite strong reviews!). That does not mean that we are not longer developing or supporting OMERO.editor, but we are working to find ways to get it funded, and thus actively worked on.

3. OMERO.editor does not work with OME-TIFF headers-- it requires separate OME-XML files. An unfortunate limitation that we want to fix.

4. OMERO.editor is very much focussed on providing a user-friendly UI for working with structured data. As you know, this is not easy. We appreciate all feedback and suggestions.

