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HQL documentation - query for # of images in Dataset or Plat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:49 am
by dsudar

I know that you can do a lot with the HQL queries, even simply from the command line but I'm having a hard time finding the documentation besides a few examples for some specific cases. Is there a place to look for some kind of tutorial, specifically in relation to OMERO's schema? The page: ... hlight=hql is a start but not enough for someone who is also SQL-deficient.

I'm specifically looking for a simple query that gets the number of images present in a Dataset or in a Plate. Our downstream processing needs to know how many images to iterate through and sometimes the Datasets or Plates are only partial.

- Damir

Re: HQL documentation - query for # of images in Dataset or

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:08 am
by mtbc
Dear Damir,

You are quite correct: I shall add to the documentation you found a couple of links that personally I find invaluable: ... bject.html for finding my way around the OMERO object model, and ... ryhql.html for phrasing HQL queries.

For how many images there are in dataset 1234:
Code: Select all
bin/omero hql "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM DatasetImageLink WHERE = 1234"

For how many images there are in plate 8765:
Code: Select all
bin/omero hql "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM WellSample AS field, Well AS well WHERE field.well = well AND well.plate = 8765"
