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REQUEST: Datatip for an ROI for full definition?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 2:35 pm
by Kouichi_C_Nakamura

We're making a mouse brain atlas using OMERO.

I've got a feedback about ROIs, text annotations made of Label objects. We use a lot of them for brain regions. They are all abbreviations. The feedback was about the full definition of them.

I know at the moment it would be difficult to be implemented, but we thought that if we can show a tooltip or datatip of full definition when we hover a mouse cursor over an ROI in the list, that would be really useful.

Already datatip is working and showing ID of the ROI.
Image009.png (2.98 KiB) Viewed 525 times

But if Label class has an additional field and store full definition such as "Anterior Commisure" in this example, and if datatip shows that definition alongside the ID, it would be quite useful.

We came up with this from our very specific use-case, but I think the same feature can be useful in many situations in bioscience.


Re: REQUEST: Datatip for an ROI for full definition?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:37 am
by mtbc
Dear Kouichi,

Thank you for the clear and well-motivated example: we have been thinking about how to improve the tooltips in work like so I've added your above suggestion to the mix for when we come back to this question.
