we're experiencing a very fast growth of OMERO's logfiles, even though the system is not (yet) under heavy usage. For example, the current Blitz-0.log is approx. 10 days old and already 200 MB large.
I did a quick check which categories are the chattiest ones:
- Code: Select all
1025 ome.logic.JavaImageScalingService
1132 ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
3045 ome.services.ThumbnailCtx
4583 ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
5040 ome.io.nio.PixelsService
5843 omeis.providers.re.HSBStrategy
7557 omero.cmd.SessionI
12546 ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
40945 ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
47331 omeis.providers.re.Renderer
96201 ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
178147 ome.security.basic.EventHandler
291255 org.perf4j.TimingLogger
725537 ome.services.util.ServiceHandler
Checking the forum and the wiki docs, I didn't find anything about how to decrease the verbosity on a production-like system. So my next step would be to add new entries (or adjust existing ones) for at least the most verbose categories from above to the logging configuration in etc/log4j.xml - or do you have any other suggestions?