Hello again,
I want to use omero with scanR data sheets, but I don't know if this really works.
The scanR data sheets include different .tif pictures. For example with different dues. (Cy3, DAPI,FITC)
This pictures should be overlap, so that I get one picture with different colours. (This information are in the .dat and .xml files)
But when I import the scanR data files I get only 3 single pictures, not a overlap picture.
My question is, if it's generally possible to get one overlap picture from three .tif pictures from a scanR data sheet and when how it works.
Because I have seen on the main page, that the scanR function isn't works optimally.
The second thing is, that I have some further information to my pictures in a excel file. Something about in which well was the picture made and so on.
How can I attach this information or this excel file to my pictures?
Kind regards