
Identity Constraints
Used by
Main schema ome.xsd
Open Microscopy Environment
OME XML Schema January 2015
Author:  Ilya G. Goldberg, Andrew J Patterson
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
version 2
Schema location
Element OME
The OME element is a container for all information objects accessible by OME.
				These information objects include descriptions of the imaging experiments
				and the people who perform them, descriptions of the microscope, the resulting
				images and how they were acquired, the analyses performed on those images,
				and the analysis results themselves.
				An OME file may contain any or all of this information.

				With the creation of the Metadata Only Companion OME-XML and Binary Only OME-TIFF files
				the top level OME node has changed slightly.
				It can EITHER:
				    Contain all the previously expected elements
				    Contain a single BinaryOnly element that points at
				    its Metadata Only Companion OME-XML file.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#OME_UUID ome_xsd.tmp#OME_Creator ome_xsd.tmp#Rights ome_xsd.tmp#Project ome_xsd.tmp#Dataset ome_xsd.tmp#Experiment SPW_xsd.tmp#Plate SPW_xsd.tmp#Screen ome_xsd.tmp#Experimenter ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterGroup ome_xsd.tmp#Instrument ome_xsd.tmp#Image SA_xsd.tmp#StructuredAnnotations ROI_xsd.tmp#ROI ome_xsd.tmp#OME_BinaryOnly
content complex
Children BinaryOnly, Dataset, Experiment, Experimenter, ExperimenterGroup, Image, Instrument, Plate, Project, ROI, Rights, Screen, StructuredAnnotations
<OME Creator="" UUID="" xmlns="" xmlns:SPW="" xmlns:SA="" xmlns:ROI="">
  <Project ID="" Name="">{0,unbounded}</Project>
  <Dataset ID="" Name="">{0,unbounded}</Dataset>
  <Experiment ID="" Type="">{0,unbounded}</Experiment>
  <SPW:Plate ColumnNamingConvention="" Columns="" ExternalIdentifier="" FieldIndex="" ID="" Name="" RowNamingConvention="" Rows="" Status="" WellOriginX="" WellOriginXUnit="reference frame" WellOriginY="" WellOriginYUnit="reference frame">{0,unbounded}</SPW:Plate>
  <SPW:Screen ID="" Name="" ProtocolDescription="" ProtocolIdentifier="" ReagentSetDescription="" ReagentSetIdentifier="" Type="">{0,unbounded}</SPW:Screen>
  <Experimenter Email="" FirstName="" ID="" Institution="" LastName="" MiddleName="" UserName="">{0,unbounded}</Experimenter>
  <ExperimenterGroup ID="" Name="">{0,unbounded}</ExperimenterGroup>
  <Instrument ID="">{0,unbounded}</Instrument>
  <Image ID="" Name="">{0,unbounded}</Image>
  <ROI:ROI ID="" Name="" Namespace="">{0,unbounded}</ROI:ROI>
  <BinaryOnly MetadataFile="" UUID="">{1,1}</BinaryOnly>
QName Type Use Annotation
Creator xsd:string optional
This is the name of the creating application of the OME-XML
and preferably its full version.
e.g "CompanyName, SoftwareName, V2.6.3456"
This is optional but we hope it will be set by applications
writing out OME-XML from scratch.
UUID UniversallyUniqueIdentifier optional
This unique identifier is used to keep track of multi part files.
						It allows the links between files to survive renaming.

						While OPTIONAL in the general case this is REQUIRED in a
						MetadataOnly Companion to a collection of BinaryOnly files.
<xsd:element name="OME">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The OME element is a container for all information objects accessible by OME. These information objects include descriptions of the imaging experiments and the people who perform them, descriptions of the microscope, the resulting images and how they were acquired, the analyses performed on those images, and the analysis results themselves. An OME file may contain any or all of this information. With the creation of the Metadata Only Companion OME-XML and Binary Only OME-TIFF files the top level OME node has changed slightly. It can EITHER: Contain all the previously expected elements OR: Contain a single BinaryOnly element that points at its Metadata Only Companion OME-XML file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="Rights" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <!-- Either: standard expected elements -->
          <xsd:element ref="Project" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="Dataset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="Experiment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="SPW:Plate" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="SPW:Screen" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="Experimenter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterGroup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="Instrument" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="Image" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xsd:element ref="SA:StructuredAnnotations" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
          <xsd:element ref="ROI:ROI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <!-- Or: Single BinaryOnly element -->
        <xsd:element name="BinaryOnly" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
            <xsd:documentation>Pointer to an external metadata file. If this element is present, then no other metadata may be present in this file, i.e. this file is a place-holder.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="MetadataFile" type="xsd:string" use="required">
                <xsd:documentation>Filename of the OME-XML metadata file for this binary data. If the file cannot be found, a search can be performed based on the UUID.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="UUID" type="UniversallyUniqueIdentifier" use="required">
                <xsd:documentation>The unique identifier of another OME-XML block whose metadata describes the binary data in this file. This UUID is considered authoritative regardless of mismatches in the filename.</xsd:documentation>
        <!-- End of MetadataOnly Element -->
    <xsd:attribute name="UUID" type="UniversallyUniqueIdentifier" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>This unique identifier is used to keep track of multi part files. It allows the links between files to survive renaming. While OPTIONAL in the general case this is REQUIRED in a MetadataOnly Companion to a collection of BinaryOnly files.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Creator" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>This is the name of the creating application of the OME-XML and preferably its full version. e.g "CompanyName, SoftwareName, V2.6.3456" This is optional but we hope it will be set by applications writing out OME-XML from scratch.</xsd:documentation>
  <!-- Unique IDs -->
  <xsd:key name="ChannelIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="DatasetIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Dataset"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="DetectorIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:Detector"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="DichroicIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:Dichroic"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ExperimentIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Experiment"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Experimenter"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="FilterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:Filter"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="FilterSetIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:FilterSet"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ExperimenterGroupIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:ExperimenterGroup"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ImageIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="InstrumentIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="LightSourceIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:LightSource"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="MicrobeamManipulationIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Experiment/OME:MicrobeamManipulation"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ObjectiveIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:Objective"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="PixelsIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="PlateIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Plate"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ProjectIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Project"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ReagentIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Screen/SPW:Reagent"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ScreenAcquisitionIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Screen/SPW:ScreenAcquisition"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ScreenIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Screen"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="WellIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Plate/SPW:Well"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="WellSampleIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Plate/SPW:Well/SPW:WellSample"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ROIIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="ROI:ROI"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="ShapeIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="ROI:ROI/ROI:Union/ROI:Shape"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:key name="AnnotationIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SA:StructuredAnnotations/*"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <!-- Unique references -->
  <xsd:key name="WellSampleImageRefIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Plate/SPW:Well/SPW:WellSample/OME:ImageRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <!-- Valid references -->
  <xsd:keyref name="DatasetExperimenterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Dataset/OME:ExperimenterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="DatasetExperimenterGroupIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterGroupIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Dataset/OME:ExperimenterGroupRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="DatasetProjectIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ProjectIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Dataset/OME:ProjectRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ExperimentExperimenterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Experiment/OME:ExperimenterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ExperimentMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Experiment/OME:MicrobeamManipulation/OME:ExperimenterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ExperimentMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsLightSourceIDKeyRef" refer="OME:LightSourceIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Experiment/OME:MicrobeamManipulation/OME:LightSourceSettings"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ExperimenterExperimenterGroupIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterGroupIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Experimenter/OME:ExperimenterGroupRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ExperimenterGroupContactExperimenterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:ExperimenterGroup/OME:Contact"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ExperimenterGroupLeaderExperimenterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:ExperimenterGroup/OME:Leader"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImageDatasetIDKeyRef" refer="OME:DatasetIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:DatasetRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImageExperimenterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:ExperimenterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImageExperimentIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimentIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:ExperimentRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImageExperimenterGroupIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterGroupIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:ExperimenterGroupRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImageInstrumentIDKeyRef" refer="OME:InstrumentIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:InstrumentRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImageMicrobeamManipulationIDKeyRef" refer="OME:MicrobeamManipulationIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:MicrobeamManipulationRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImageObjectiveSettingsObjectiveIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ObjectiveIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:ObjectiveSettings"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImagePixelsChannelDetectorSettingsDetectorIDKeyRef" refer="OME:DetectorIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel/OME:DetectorSettings"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImagePixelsChannelFilterSetIDKeyRef" refer="OME:FilterSetIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel/OME:FilterSetRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImagePixelsChannelLightPathExcitationFilterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:FilterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel/OME:LightPath/OME:ExcitationFilterPath/OME:FilterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImagePixelsChannelLightPathExcitationDichroicIDKeyRef" refer="OME:DichroicIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel/OME:LightPath/OME:ExcitationFilterPath/OME:DichroicRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImagePixelsChannelLightPathDichroicIDKeyRef" refer="OME:DichroicIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel/OME:LightPath/OME:DichroicRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImagePixelsChannelLightPathEmissionFilterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:FilterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel/OME:LightPath/OME:EmissionFilterPath/OME:FilterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImagePixelsChannelLightPathEmissionDichroicIDKeyRef" refer="OME:DichroicIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel/OME:LightPath/OME:EmissionFilterPath/OME:DichroicRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImagePixelsChannelLightSourceSettingsLightSourceIDKeyRef" refer="OME:LightSourceIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/OME:Pixels/OME:Channel/OME:LightSourceSettings"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="InstrumentFilterSetExcitationFilterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:FilterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:FilterSet/OME:ExcitationFilterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="InstrumentFilterSetDichroicIDKeyRef" refer="OME:DichroicIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:FilterSet/OME:DichroicRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="InstrumentFilterSetEmissionFilterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:FilterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:FilterSet/OME:EmissionFilterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="InstrumentLightSourceLaserPumpLightSourceIDKey" refer="OME:LightSourceIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Instrument/OME:LightSource/OME:Laser/OME:Pump"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="PlateScreenIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ScreenIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Plate/SPW:ScreenRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="PlateWellReagentIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ReagentIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Plate/SPW:Well/SPW:ReagentRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="PlateWellWellSampleImageIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ImageIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Plate/SPW:Well/SPW:WellSample/SPW:ImageRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ProjectExperimenterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Project/OME:ExperimenterRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ProjectExperimenterGroupIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterGroupIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Project/OME:ExperimenterGroupRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ScreenPlateIDKeyRef" refer="OME:PlateIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Screen/SPW:PlateRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ScreenScreenAcquisitionWellSampleIDKeyRef" refer="OME:WellSampleIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SPW:Screen/SPW:ScreenAcquisition/SPW:WellSampleRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ExperimentMicrobeamManipulationROIIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ROIIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Experiment/OME:MicrobeamManipulation/ROI:ROIRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="ImageROIIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ROIIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="OME:Image/ROI:ROIRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="AnnotationRefAnnotationIDKeyRef" refer="OME:AnnotationIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath=".//SA:AnnotationRef"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@ID"/>
  <xsd:keyref name="AnnotationAnnotatorExperimenterIDKeyRef" refer="OME:ExperimenterIDKey">
    <xsd:selector xpath="SA:StructuredAnnotations/*"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@Annotator"/>
Schema location
Element Rights
The rights holder of this data and the rights held.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Rights_RightsHolder ome_xsd.tmp#Rights_RightsHeld
content complex
Used by
Element OME
Children RightsHeld, RightsHolder
<Rights xmlns="">
<xsd:element name="Rights">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The rights holder of this data and the rights held.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="RightsHolder" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>The rights holder for this data. [plane text multi-line string] e.g. "Copyright (C) 2002 - 2016 Open Microscopy Environment"</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
      <xsd:element name="RightsHeld" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>The rights held by the rights holder. [plane text multi-line string] e.g. "All rights reserved" or "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License"</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element Rights / RightsHolder
The rights holder for this data. [plane text multi-line string]
e.g. "Copyright (C) 2002 - 2016 Open Microscopy Environment"
Type restriction of xsd:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
whiteSpace preserve
<xsd:element name="RightsHolder" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>The rights holder for this data. [plane text multi-line string] e.g. "Copyright (C) 2002 - 2016 Open Microscopy Environment"</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element Rights / RightsHeld
The rights held by the rights holder. [plane text multi-line string] 
e.g. "All rights reserved" or "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License"
Type restriction of xsd:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
whiteSpace preserve
<xsd:element name="RightsHeld" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>The rights held by the rights holder. [plane text multi-line string] e.g. "All rights reserved" or "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License"</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element Project
The Project ID is required.
Datasets can be grouped into projects using a many-to-many relationship.
A Dataset may belong to one or more Projects by including one or more ProjectRef elements which refer to Project IDs.
Projects do not directly contain images - only by virtue of containing datasets, which themselves contain images.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Project_Name ome_xsd.tmp#Project_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Project_Description ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterRef ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterGroupRef ome_xsd.tmp#DatasetRef SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
content complex
Used by
Element OME
Children AnnotationRef, DatasetRef, Description, ExperimenterGroupRef, ExperimenterRef
<Project ID="" Name="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <ExperimenterRef ID="">{0,1}</ExperimenterRef>
  <ExperimenterGroupRef ID="">{0,1}</ExperimenterGroupRef>
  <DatasetRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</DatasetRef>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Use
ID ProjectID required
Name xsd:string optional
<xsd:element name="Project">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The Project ID is required. Datasets can be grouped into projects using a many-to-many relationship. A Dataset may belong to one or more Projects by including one or more ProjectRef elements which refer to Project IDs. Projects do not directly contain images - only by virtue of containing datasets, which themselves contain images.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>A description for the project. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterGroupRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="DatasetRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ProjectID"/>
Schema location
Element Project / Description
A description for the project. [plane text multi-line string]
Type restriction of xsd:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
whiteSpace preserve
<xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>A description for the project. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element ExperimenterRef
This empty element has a required Experimenter ID and an optional DocumentID attribute which refers to one of the Experimenters defined within OME.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
QName Type Use
ID ExperimenterID required
<xsd:element name="ExperimenterRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This empty element has a required Experimenter ID and an optional DocumentID attribute which refers to one of the Experimenters defined within OME.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterID"/>
Schema location
Element ExperimenterGroupRef
This empty element has a reference (the ExperimenterGroup ID attribute) to a ExperimenterGroup defined within OME.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterGroupRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Elements Dataset, Image, Project
QName Type Use
ID ExperimenterGroupID required
<xsd:element name="ExperimenterGroupRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This empty element has a reference (the ExperimenterGroup ID attribute) to a ExperimenterGroup defined within OME.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterGroupID"/>
Schema location
Element DatasetRef
The DatasetRef element refers to a Dataset by specifying the Dataset ID attribute.
One or more DatasetRef elements may be listed within the Image element to specify what Datasets
the Image belongs to.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#DatasetRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Project
QName Type Use
ID DatasetID required
<xsd:element name="DatasetRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The DatasetRef element refers to a Dataset by specifying the Dataset ID attribute. One or more DatasetRef elements may be listed within the Image element to specify what Datasets the Image belongs to.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DatasetID"/>
Schema location
Element Dataset
An element specifying a collection of images that are always processed together.
Images can belong to more than one Dataset, and a Dataset may contain more than one Image.
Images contain one or more DatasetRef elements to specify what datasets they belong to.
Once a Dataset has been processed in any way, its collection of images cannot be altered.
The ExperimenterRef and ExperimenterGroupRef elements specify the person and group this Dataset belongs to.
Projects may contain one or more Datasets, and Datasets may belong to one or more Projects.
This relationship is specified by listing DatasetRef elements within the Project element.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Dataset_Name ome_xsd.tmp#Dataset_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Dataset_Description ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterRef ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterGroupRef ome_xsd.tmp#ImageRef SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
content complex
Used by
Element OME
Children AnnotationRef, Description, ExperimenterGroupRef, ExperimenterRef, ImageRef
<Dataset ID="" Name="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <ExperimenterRef ID="">{0,1}</ExperimenterRef>
  <ExperimenterGroupRef ID="">{0,1}</ExperimenterGroupRef>
  <ImageRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</ImageRef>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID DatasetID required
Name xsd:string optional
A name for the dataset that is suitable be presented to the user.
<xsd:element name="Dataset">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>An element specifying a collection of images that are always processed together. Images can belong to more than one Dataset, and a Dataset may contain more than one Image. Images contain one or more DatasetRef elements to specify what datasets they belong to. Once a Dataset has been processed in any way, its collection of images cannot be altered. The ExperimenterRef and ExperimenterGroupRef elements specify the person and group this Dataset belongs to. Projects may contain one or more Datasets, and Datasets may belong to one or more Projects. This relationship is specified by listing DatasetRef elements within the Project element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>A description for the dataset. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterGroupRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ImageRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>A name for the dataset that is suitable be presented to the user.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DatasetID"/>
Schema location
Element Dataset / Description
A description for the dataset. [plane text multi-line string]
Type restriction of xsd:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
whiteSpace preserve
<xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>A description for the dataset. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element ImageRef
The ImageRef element is a reference to a OME:Image element.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#ImageRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Elements Dataset, WellSample
QName Type Use
ID ImageID required
<xsd:element name="ImageRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The ImageRef element is a reference to a OME:Image element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ImageID"/>
Schema location
Element Experiment
This element describes the type of experiment.  The required Type attribute must contain one or more entries from the following list:
FP FRET Time-lapse 4-D+ Screen Immunocytochemistry FISH Electrophysiology  Ion-Imaging Colocalization PGI/Documentation
FRAP Photoablation Optical-Trapping Photoactivation Fluorescence-Lifetime Spectral-Imaging Other
FP refers to fluorescent proteins, PGI/Documentation is not a 'data' image.
The optional Description element may contain free text to further describe the experiment.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Experiment_Type ome_xsd.tmp#Experiment_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Experiment_Description ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterRef ome_xsd.tmp#MicrobeamManipulation
content complex
Used by
Element OME
Children Description, ExperimenterRef, MicrobeamManipulation
<Experiment ID="" Type="" xmlns="">
  <ExperimenterRef ID="">{0,1}</ExperimenterRef>
  <MicrobeamManipulation ID="" Type="">{0,unbounded}</MicrobeamManipulation>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID ExperimentID required
Type list of restriction of xsd:string optional
A term to describe the type of experiment.
<xsd:element name="Experiment">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This element describes the type of experiment. The required Type attribute must contain one or more entries from the following list: FP FRET Time-lapse 4-D+ Screen Immunocytochemistry FISH Electrophysiology Ion-Imaging Colocalization PGI/Documentation FRAP Photoablation Optical-Trapping Photoactivation Fluorescence-Lifetime Spectral-Imaging Other FP refers to fluorescent proteins, PGI/Documentation is not a 'data' image. The optional Description element may contain free text to further describe the experiment.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>A description for the experiment. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>This is a link to the Experimenter who conducted the experiment</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="MicrobeamManipulation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>A term to describe the type of experiment.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="FP"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="FRET"/>
              <!-- Förster resonance energy transfer, also known as fluorescence resonance energy transfer, resonance energy transfer (RET) or electronic energy transfer (EET) -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="TimeLapse"/>
              <!--  Time-lapse microscopy (microphotography, photomicrography) -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="FourDPlus"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Screen"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Immunocytochemistry"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Immunofluorescence"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="FISH"/>
              <!-- Fluorescent in situ hybridization -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="Electrophysiology"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="IonImaging"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Colocalization"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="PGIDocumentation"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="FluorescenceLifetime"/>
              <!-- Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="SpectralImaging"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Photobleaching"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="SPIM"/>
              <!-- Selective or Single Plane Illumination Microscopy -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimentID"/>
Schema location
Element Experiment / Description
A description for the experiment. [plane text multi-line string]
Type restriction of xsd:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
whiteSpace preserve
<xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>A description for the experiment. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element MicrobeamManipulation
Defines a microbeam operation type and the region of the image it was applied to.
The LightSourceRef element is a reference to a LightSource specified in the Instrument element which was used for a technique other than illumination for
the purpose of imaging. For example, a laser used for photobleaching.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#MicrobeamManipulation_ID ome_xsd.tmp#MicrobeamManipulation_Type ome_xsd.tmp#MicrobeamManipulation_Description ROI_xsd.tmp#ROIRef ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterRef ome_xsd.tmp#LightSourceSettings
content complex
Used by
Element Experiment
Children Description, ExperimenterRef, LightSourceSettings, ROIRef
<MicrobeamManipulation ID="" Type="" xmlns="" xmlns:ROI="">
  <ROI:ROIRef ID="">{1,unbounded}</ROI:ROIRef>
  <ExperimenterRef ID="">{1,1}</ExperimenterRef>
  <LightSourceSettings Attenuation="" ID="" Wavelength="" WavelengthUnit="nm">{0,unbounded}</LightSourceSettings>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID MicrobeamManipulationID required
Type list of restriction of xsd:string optional
The type of manipulation performed.
<xsd:element name="MicrobeamManipulation">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>Defines a microbeam operation type and the region of the image it was applied to. The LightSourceRef element is a reference to a LightSource specified in the Instrument element which was used for a technique other than illumination for the purpose of imaging. For example, a laser used for photobleaching.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>A description for the Microbeam Manipulation. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ROI:ROIRef" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterRef" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="LightSourceSettings" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="MicrobeamManipulationID"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The type of manipulation performed.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="FRAP"/>
              <!-- Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="FLIP"/>
              <!-- Fluorescence Loss in Photobleaching -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="InverseFRAP"/>
              <!-- iFRAP, inverse FRAP -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="Photoablation"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Photoactivation"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Uncaging"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="OpticalTrapping"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Element MicrobeamManipulation / Description
A description for the Microbeam Manipulation. [plane text multi-line string]
Type restriction of xsd:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
whiteSpace preserve
<xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>A description for the Microbeam Manipulation. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element LightSourceSettings
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#Settings ome_xsd.tmp#LightSourceSettings_ID ome_xsd.tmp#LightSourceSettings_Attenuation ome_xsd.tmp#LightSourceSettings_Wavelength ome_xsd.tmp#LightSourceSettings_WavelengthUnit
Type extension of Settings
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
QName Type Default Use Annotation
Attenuation PercentFraction optional
The Attenuation of the light source [units:none]
A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
ID LightSourceID required
Wavelength PositiveFloat optional
The Wavelength of the light source. Units are set by WavelengthUnit.
WavelengthUnit UnitsLength nm optional
The units of the Wavelength of the light source - default:nanometres[nm]
<xsd:element name="LightSourceSettings">
  <!-- top level definition -->
      <xsd:extension base="Settings">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="LightSourceID"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="Attenuation" use="optional" type="PercentFraction">
            <xsd:documentation>The Attenuation of the light source [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Wavelength" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
            <xsd:documentation>The Wavelength of the light source. Units are set by WavelengthUnit.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="WavelengthUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
            <xsd:documentation>The units of the Wavelength of the light source - default:nanometres[nm]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Experimenter
This element describes a person who performed an imaging experiment.
This person may also be a user of the OME system, in which case the UserName element contains their login name.
Experimenters may belong to one or more groups which are specified using one or more ExperimenterGroupRef elements.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Experimenter_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Experimenter_FirstName ome_xsd.tmp#Experimenter_MiddleName ome_xsd.tmp#Experimenter_LastName ome_xsd.tmp#Experimenter_Email ome_xsd.tmp#Experimenter_Institution ome_xsd.tmp#Experimenter_UserName SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
content complex
Used by
Element OME
Children AnnotationRef
<Experimenter Email="" FirstName="" ID="" Institution="" LastName="" MiddleName="" UserName="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Use Annotation
Email xsd:string optional
A person's email address. [valid email address as string]
FirstName xsd:string optional
First name, sometime called christian name or given name or forename. [plain text string]
ID ExperimenterID required
Institution xsd:string optional
A person's Institution
The organizing structure that people belong to other than groups.  A university, or company, etc.
We do not specify a department element, and do not mean for Institution to be used in this way.
We simply wish to say XXX at YYY.  Where YYY has a better chance of being tied to a geographically fixed location
and of being more recognizable than a group of experimenters. [plain text string]
LastName xsd:string optional
A person's last name sometimes called surname or family name. [plain text string]
MiddleName xsd:string optional
Any other names. [plain text string]
UserName xsd:string optional
This is the username of the experimenter (in a 'unix' or 'database' sense). [plain text string]
<xsd:element name="Experimenter">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This element describes a person who performed an imaging experiment. This person may also be a user of the OME system, in which case the UserName element contains their login name. Experimenters may belong to one or more groups which are specified using one or more ExperimenterGroupRef elements.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterID"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="FirstName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>First name, sometime called christian name or given name or forename. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="MiddleName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>Any other names. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="LastName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>A person's last name sometimes called surname or family name. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Email" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>A person's email address. [valid email address as string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Institution" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>A person's Institution The organizing structure that people belong to other than groups. A university, or company, etc. We do not specify a department element, and do not mean for Institution to be used in this way. We simply wish to say XXX at YYY. Where YYY has a better chance of being tied to a geographically fixed location and of being more recognizable than a group of experimenters. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="UserName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>This is the username of the experimenter (in a 'unix' or 'database' sense). [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element ExperimenterGroup
The ExperimenterGroupID is required.
Information should ideally be specified for at least one Leader as a contact for the group.
The Leaders are themselves Experimenters.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterGroup_Name ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterGroup_ID ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterGroup_Description ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterRef ome_xsd.tmp#Leader SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
content complex
Used by
Element OME
Children AnnotationRef, Description, ExperimenterRef, Leader
<ExperimenterGroup ID="" Name="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <ExperimenterRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</ExperimenterRef>
  <Leader ID="">{0,unbounded}</Leader>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Use
ID ExperimenterGroupID required
Name xsd:string optional
<xsd:element name="ExperimenterGroup">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The ExperimenterGroupID is required. Information should ideally be specified for at least one Leader as a contact for the group. The Leaders are themselves Experimenters.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>A description for the group. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="Leader" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterGroupID"/>
Schema location
Element ExperimenterGroup / Description
A description for the group. [plane text multi-line string]
Type restriction of xsd:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
whiteSpace preserve
<xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>A description for the group. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element Leader
Contact information for a ExperimenterGroup leader specified using a reference
to an Experimenter element defined elsewhere in the document.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#Leader_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
QName Type Use
ID ExperimenterID required
<xsd:element name="Leader">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>Contact information for a ExperimenterGroup leader specified using a reference to an Experimenter element defined elsewhere in the document.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterID"/>
Schema location
Element Instrument
This element describes the instrument used to capture the Image.
It is primarily a container for manufacturer's model and catalog
numbers for the Microscope, LightSource, Detector, Objective and
Filters components.
The Objective element contains the additional elements LensNA and Magnification.
The Filters element can be composed either of separate excitation,
emission filters and a dichroic mirror or a single filter set.
Within the Image itself, a reference is made to this one Filter element.
There may be multiple light sources, detectors, objectives and filters on a microscope.
Each of these has their own ID attribute, which can be referred to from Channel.
It is understood that the light path configuration can be different
for each channel, but cannot be different for each timepoint or
each plane of an XYZ stack.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Instrument_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Microscope ome_xsd.tmp#LightSource ome_xsd.tmp#Detector ome_xsd.tmp#Objective ome_xsd.tmp#FilterSet ome_xsd.tmp#Filter ome_xsd.tmp#Dichroic SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
content complex
Used by
Element OME
Children AnnotationRef, Detector, Dichroic, Filter, FilterSet, LightSource, Microscope, Objective
<Instrument ID="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <Microscope LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" SerialNumber="" Type="">{0,1}</Microscope>
  <LightSource ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" Power="" PowerUnit="mW" SerialNumber="">{0,unbounded}</LightSource>
  <Detector AmplificationGain="" Gain="" ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" Offset="" SerialNumber="" Type="" Voltage="" VoltageUnit="V" Zoom="">{0,unbounded}</Detector>
  <Objective CalibratedMagnification="" Correction="" ID="" Immersion="" Iris="" LensNA="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" NominalMagnification="" SerialNumber="" WorkingDistance="" WorkingDistanceUnit="µm">{0,unbounded}</Objective>
  <FilterSet ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" SerialNumber="">{0,unbounded}</FilterSet>
  <Filter FilterWheel="" ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" SerialNumber="" Type="">{0,unbounded}</Filter>
  <Dichroic ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" SerialNumber="">{0,unbounded}</Dichroic>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Use
ID InstrumentID required
<xsd:element name="Instrument">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This element describes the instrument used to capture the Image. It is primarily a container for manufacturer's model and catalog numbers for the Microscope, LightSource, Detector, Objective and Filters components. The Objective element contains the additional elements LensNA and Magnification. The Filters element can be composed either of separate excitation, emission filters and a dichroic mirror or a single filter set. Within the Image itself, a reference is made to this one Filter element. There may be multiple light sources, detectors, objectives and filters on a microscope. Each of these has their own ID attribute, which can be referred to from Channel. It is understood that the light path configuration can be different for each channel, but cannot be different for each timepoint or each plane of an XYZ stack.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="Microscope" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="LightSource" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Detector" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Objective" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="FilterSet" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Filter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Dichroic" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="InstrumentID"/>
Schema location
Element Microscope
The microscope's manufacturer specification.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Manufacturer ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Model ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_SerialNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_LotNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec ome_xsd.tmp#Microscope_Type
Type extension of ManufacturerSpec
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Instrument
QName Type Use Annotation
LotNumber xsd:string optional
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Manufacturer xsd:string optional
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Model xsd:string optional
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
SerialNumber xsd:string optional
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
Type restriction of xsd:string optional
<xsd:element name="Microscope">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The microscope's manufacturer specification.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="ManufacturerSpec">
        <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="Upright"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Inverted"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Dissection"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Electrophysiology"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Element LightSource
The lightsource for the instrument.  An instrument may have several light sources.
The type of lightsource is specified by one of the child-elements which are 'Laser', 'Filament', 'Arc' or 'LightEmittingDiode'.
Each of the light source types has its own Type attribute to further differentiate the light source
(eg, Nd-YAG for Laser or Hg for Arc).
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Manufacturer ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Model ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_SerialNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_LotNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec ome_xsd.tmp#LightSource_ID ome_xsd.tmp#LightSource_Power ome_xsd.tmp#LightSource_PowerUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Laser ome_xsd.tmp#Filament ome_xsd.tmp#Arc ome_xsd.tmp#LightEmittingDiode ome_xsd.tmp#GenericExcitationSource SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
Type extension of ManufacturerSpec
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Instrument
Children AnnotationRef, Arc, Filament, GenericExcitationSource, Laser, LightEmittingDiode
<LightSource ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" Power="" PowerUnit="mW" SerialNumber="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <Laser FrequencyMultiplication="" LaserMedium="" PockelCell="" Pulse="" RepetitionRate="" RepetitionRateUnit="Hz" Tuneable="" Type="" Wavelength="" WavelengthUnit="nm">{1,1}</Laser>
  <Filament Type="">{1,1}</Filament>
  <Arc Type="">{1,1}</Arc>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
ID LightSourceID required
A LightSource ID must be specified for each light source, and the individual
light sources can be referred to by their LightSource IDs (eg from Channel).
LotNumber xsd:string optional
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Manufacturer xsd:string optional
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Model xsd:string optional
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
Power xsd:float optional
The light-source power. Units are set by PowerUnit.
PowerUnit UnitsPower mW optional
The units of the Power - default:milliwatts[mW].
SerialNumber xsd:string optional
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
<xsd:element name="LightSource">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The lightsource for the instrument. An instrument may have several light sources. The type of lightsource is specified by one of the child-elements which are 'Laser', 'Filament', 'Arc' or 'LightEmittingDiode'. Each of the light source types has its own Type attribute to further differentiate the light source (eg, Nd-YAG for Laser or Hg for Arc).</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="ManufacturerSpec">
          <xsd:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
            <xsd:element ref="Laser" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xsd:element ref="Filament" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xsd:element ref="Arc" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xsd:element ref="LightEmittingDiode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xsd:element ref="GenericExcitationSource" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
          <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="LightSourceID">
            <xsd:documentation>A LightSource ID must be specified for each light source, and the individual light sources can be referred to by their LightSource IDs (eg from Channel).</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Power" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The light-source power. Units are set by PowerUnit.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="PowerUnit" use="optional" default="mW" type="UnitsPower">
            <xsd:documentation>The units of the Power - default:milliwatts[mW].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Laser
Laser types are specified using two attributes - the Type and the LaserMedium.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_Type ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_LaserMedium ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_Wavelength ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_WavelengthUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_FrequencyMultiplication ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_Tuneable ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_Pulse ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_PockelCell ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_RepetitionRate ome_xsd.tmp#Laser_RepetitionRateUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Pump
content complex
Used by
Element LightSource
Children Pump
<Laser FrequencyMultiplication="" LaserMedium="" PockelCell="" Pulse="" RepetitionRate="" RepetitionRateUnit="Hz" Tuneable="" Type="" Wavelength="" WavelengthUnit="nm" xmlns="">
  <Pump ID="">{0,1}</Pump>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
FrequencyMultiplication PositiveInt optional
FrequencyMultiplication that may be specified. [units:none]
LaserMedium restriction of xsd:string optional
The Medium attribute specifies the actual lasing medium
for a given laser type.
PockelCell xsd:boolean optional
If true the laser has a PockelCell to rotate the polarization of the beam. [flag]
Pulse restriction of xsd:string optional
The Pulse mode of the laser.
RepetitionRate xsd:float optional
The is the rate in Hz at which the laser pulses if
the Pulse type is 'Repetitive'. hertz[Hz]
Units are set by RepetitionRateUnit.
RepetitionRateUnit UnitsFrequency Hz optional
The units of the RepetitionRate - default:hertz[Hz].
Tuneable xsd:boolean optional
Whether or not the laser is Tuneable [flag]
Type restriction of xsd:string optional
Type is the general category of laser.
Wavelength PositiveFloat optional
The Wavelength of the laser. Units are set by WavelengthUnit.
WavelengthUnit UnitsLength nm optional
The units of the Wavelength - default:nanometres[nm].
<xsd:element name="Laser">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>Laser types are specified using two attributes - the Type and the LaserMedium.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="Pump" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>The Laser element may contain a Pump sub-element which refers to a LightSource used as a laser pump.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>Type is the general category of laser.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="Excimer"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Gas"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="MetalVapor"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="SolidState"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Dye"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Semiconductor"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="FreeElectron"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="LaserMedium" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The Medium attribute specifies the actual lasing medium for a given laser type.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <!-- MetalVaporLaserMedia -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Cu"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Ag"/>
          <!-- ExcimerLaserMedia -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="ArFl"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="ArCl"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="KrFl"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="KrCl"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="XeFl"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="XeCl"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="XeBr"/>
          <!-- GasLaserMedia -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="N"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Ar"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Kr"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Xe"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="HeNe"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="HeCd"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="CO"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="CO2"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="H2O"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="HFl"/>
          <!-- SolidStateLaserMedia -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="NdGlass"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="NdYAG"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="ErGlass"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="ErYAG"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="HoYLF"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="HoYAG"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Ruby"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="TiSapphire"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Alexandrite"/>
          <!-- DyeLaserMedia -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Rhodamine6G"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="CoumarinC30"/>
          <!-- SemiconductorLaserMedia -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="GaAs"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="GaAlAs"/>
          <!-- FreeElectronLaserMedia -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="EMinus"/>
          <!-- OtherLaserMedia -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Wavelength" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>The Wavelength of the laser. Units are set by WavelengthUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="WavelengthUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the Wavelength - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="FrequencyMultiplication" use="optional" type="PositiveInt">
        <xsd:documentation>FrequencyMultiplication that may be specified. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Tuneable" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
        <xsd:documentation>Whether or not the laser is Tuneable [flag]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Pulse" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The Pulse mode of the laser.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="CW"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Single"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="QSwitched"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Repetitive"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="ModeLocked"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="PockelCell" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
        <xsd:documentation>If true the laser has a PockelCell to rotate the polarization of the beam. [flag]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="RepetitionRate" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The is the rate in Hz at which the laser pulses if the Pulse type is 'Repetitive'. hertz[Hz] Units are set by RepetitionRateUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="RepetitionRateUnit" use="optional" default="Hz" type="UnitsFrequency">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the RepetitionRate - default:hertz[Hz].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Pump
The Pump element is a reference to a LightSource.  It is used within the Laser element to specify the light source for the laser's pump (if any).
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#Pump_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Laser
QName Type Use
ID LightSourceID required
<xsd:element name="Pump">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The Pump element is a reference to a LightSource. It is used within the Laser element to specify the light source for the laser's pump (if any).</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="LightSourceID"/>
Schema location
Element Filament
The Filament element is used to describe various kinds of filament bulbs such as Incadescent or Halogen.
The Power of the Filament is now stored in the LightSource.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Filament_Type
content complex
Used by
Element LightSource
QName Type Use Annotation
Type restriction of xsd:string optional
The type of filament.
<xsd:element name="Filament">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The Filament element is used to describe various kinds of filament bulbs such as Incadescent or Halogen. The Power of the Filament is now stored in the LightSource.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The type of filament.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="Incandescent"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Halogen"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Element Arc
The Arc element is used to describe various kinds of Arc lamps - Hg, Xe, HgXe.
The Power of the Arc is now stored in the LightSource.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Arc_Type
content complex
Used by
Element LightSource
QName Type Use Annotation
Type restriction of xsd:string optional
The type of Arc lamp.
<xsd:element name="Arc">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The Arc element is used to describe various kinds of Arc lamps - Hg, Xe, HgXe. The Power of the Arc is now stored in the LightSource.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The type of Arc lamp.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="Hg"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Xe"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="HgXe"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Element LightEmittingDiode
The LightEmittingDiode element is used to describe
				various kinds of LED lamps.

				As the LightEmittingDiode is inside a LightSource it already has
				available the values from ManufacturerSpec
				(Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber, LotNumber)
				And the values from LightSource which includes Power in milliwatts

				We have looked at extending this element but have had a problem
				producing a generic solution.

				Possible attributes talked about adding include:
					Power in lumens - but this is complicated by multi-channel
						devices like CoolLED where each channel's power is different
					Wavelength Range - not a simple value so would require
						multiple attributes or a child element
					Angle of Projection - this would be further affected by the
						optics used for filtering the naked LED or that combine
						power from multiple devices

					These values are further affected if you over-drive the LED
					resulting in a more complex system

				Another issue is that LED's may not be used directly for
				illumination but as drivers for secondary emissions from doped
				fiber optics. This would require the fiber optics to be modeled.

				Thanks to Paul Goodwin of Applied Precision of information about
				this topic.
Used by
Element LightSource
<xsd:element name="LightEmittingDiode">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The LightEmittingDiode element is used to describe various kinds of LED lamps. As the LightEmittingDiode is inside a LightSource it already has available the values from ManufacturerSpec (Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber, LotNumber) And the values from LightSource which includes Power in milliwatts We have looked at extending this element but have had a problem producing a generic solution. Possible attributes talked about adding include: Power in lumens - but this is complicated by multi-channel devices like CoolLED where each channel's power is different Wavelength Range - not a simple value so would require multiple attributes or a child element Angle of Projection - this would be further affected by the optics used for filtering the naked LED or that combine power from multiple devices These values are further affected if you over-drive the LED resulting in a more complex system Another issue is that LED's may not be used directly for illumination but as drivers for secondary emissions from doped fiber optics. This would require the fiber optics to be modeled. Thanks to Paul Goodwin of Applied Precision of information about this topic.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element GenericExcitationSource
The GenericExcitationSource element is used to represent
a source as a collection of key/value pairs, stored
in a Map. The other lightsource objects should
always be used in preference to this if possible.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Map
content complex
Used by
Element LightSource
Children Map
<GenericExcitationSource xmlns="">
<xsd:element name="GenericExcitationSource">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The GenericExcitationSource element is used to represent a source as a collection of key/value pairs, stored in a Map. The other lightsource objects should always be used in preference to this if possible.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="Map" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema location
Element Map
This is a Mapping of key/value pairs.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#MapPairs_M ome_xsd.tmp#MapPairs
Type extension of MapPairs
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Children M
<Map xmlns="">
  <M K="">{0,unbounded}</M>
<xsd:element name="Map">
    <xsd:documentation>This is a Mapping of key/value pairs.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="OME:MapPairs"/>
Schema location
Element MapPairs / M
This is a key/value pair used to build up a Mapping. The
Element and Attribute name are kept to single letters to minimize the
length at the expense of readability as they are likely to occur many
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#MapPairs_MapPairs_M_K
Type extension of xsd:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
K xsd:string optional
<xsd:element name="M" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation>This is a key/value pair used to build up a Mapping. The Element and Attribute name are kept to single letters to minimize the length at the expense of readability as they are likely to occur many times.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
        <xsd:attribute name="K" type="xsd:string"/>
Schema location
Element Detector
The type of detector used to capture the image.
				The Detector ID can be used as a reference within the Channel element in the Image element.
				The values stored in Detector represent the fixed values,
				variable values modified during the acquisition go in DetectorSettings

				Each attribute now has an indication of what type of detector
				it applies to. This is preparatory work for cleaning up and
				possibly splitting this object into sub-types.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Manufacturer ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Model ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_SerialNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_LotNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec ome_xsd.tmp#Detector_Gain ome_xsd.tmp#Detector_Voltage ome_xsd.tmp#Detector_VoltageUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Detector_Offset ome_xsd.tmp#Detector_Zoom ome_xsd.tmp#Detector_AmplificationGain ome_xsd.tmp#Detector_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Detector_Type SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
Type extension of ManufacturerSpec
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Instrument
Children AnnotationRef
<Detector AmplificationGain="" Gain="" ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" Offset="" SerialNumber="" Type="" Voltage="" VoltageUnit="V" Zoom="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AmplificationGain xsd:float optional
Gain applied to the detector signal.
This is the electronic gain (as apposed to the inherent gain) that is set for the detector. [units:none] {used:EMCCD#EMGain}
Gain xsd:float optional
The Detector Gain for this detector, as a float. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD,PMT}
ID DetectorID required
LotNumber xsd:string optional
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Manufacturer xsd:string optional
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Model xsd:string optional
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
Offset xsd:float optional
The Detector Offset. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}
SerialNumber xsd:string optional
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
Type restriction of xsd:string optional
The Type of detector. E.g. CCD, PMT, EMCCD etc.
Voltage xsd:float optional
The Voltage of the detector (e.g. PMT voltage) as a float. {used:PMT}
Units are set by VoltageUnit.
VoltageUnit UnitsElectricPotential V optional
The units of the Voltage - default:volts[V].
Zoom xsd:float optional
The fixed Zoom for a detector. [units:none] {used:PMT}
<xsd:element name="Detector">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The type of detector used to capture the image. The Detector ID can be used as a reference within the Channel element in the Image element. The values stored in Detector represent the fixed values, variable values modified during the acquisition go in DetectorSettings Each attribute now has an indication of what type of detector it applies to. This is preparatory work for cleaning up and possibly splitting this object into sub-types.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="ManufacturerSpec">
          <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:attribute name="Gain" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The Detector Gain for this detector, as a float. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD,PMT}</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Voltage" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The Voltage of the detector (e.g. PMT voltage) as a float. {used:PMT} Units are set by VoltageUnit.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="VoltageUnit" use="optional" default="V" type="UnitsElectricPotential">
            <xsd:documentation>The units of the Voltage - default:volts[V].</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Offset" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The Detector Offset. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Zoom" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The fixed Zoom for a detector. [units:none] {used:PMT}</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="AmplificationGain" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>Gain applied to the detector signal. This is the electronic gain (as apposed to the inherent gain) that is set for the detector. [units:none] {used:EMCCD#EMGain}</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DetectorID"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation>The Type of detector. E.g. CCD, PMT, EMCCD etc.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="CCD"/>
              <!-- Charge-Coupled Device -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="IntensifiedCCD"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="AnalogVideo"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="PMT"/>
              <!-- Photomultiplier tube -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="Photodiode"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Spectroscopy"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="LifetimeImaging"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="CorrelationSpectroscopy"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="FTIR"/>
              <!-- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="EMCCD"/>
              <!-- Electron Multiplying Charge Coupled Device -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="APD"/>
              <!-- Avalanche Photodiode -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="CMOS"/>
              <!-- complementary metal oxide semiconductor -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="EBCCD"/>
              <!-- electron-bombarded charge-coupled device -->
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Element Objective
A description of the microscope's objective lens.
Required elements include the lens numerical aperture,
and the magnification, both of which a floating
point (real) numbers.
The values are those that are fixed for a particular
objective: either because it has been manufactured to
this specification or the value has been measured on
this particular objective.
Correction: This is the type of correction coating applied to this lens.
Immersion: This is the types of immersion medium the lens is designed to
work with. It is not the same as 'Medium' in ObjectiveRef (a
single type) as here Immersion can have compound values like 'Multi'.
LensNA: The numerical aperture of the lens (as a float)
NominalMagnification: The specified magnification e.g. x10
CalibratedMagnification: The measured magnification e.g. x10.3
WorkingDistance: WorkingDistance of the lens.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Manufacturer ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Model ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_SerialNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_LotNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_Correction ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_Immersion ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_LensNA ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_NominalMagnification ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_CalibratedMagnification ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_WorkingDistance ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_WorkingDistanceUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Objective_Iris SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
Type extension of ManufacturerSpec
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Instrument
Children AnnotationRef
<Objective CalibratedMagnification="" Correction="" ID="" Immersion="" Iris="" LensNA="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" NominalMagnification="" SerialNumber="" WorkingDistance="" WorkingDistanceUnit="µm" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
CalibratedMagnification xsd:float optional
The magnification of the lens as measured by a calibration process- i.e. '59.987' for a 60X lens. [units:none]
Correction restriction of xsd:string optional
The correction applied to the lens
ID ObjectiveID required
Immersion restriction of xsd:string optional
The immersion medium the lens is designed for
Iris xsd:boolean optional
Records whether or not the objective was fitted with an Iris. [flag]
LensNA xsd:float optional
The numerical aperture of the lens expressed as a floating point (real) number.
Expected range 0.02 - 1.5 [units:none]
LotNumber xsd:string optional
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Manufacturer xsd:string optional
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Model xsd:string optional
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
NominalMagnification xsd:float optional
The magnification of the lens as specified by the manufacturer - i.e. '60' is a 60X lens. [units:none]
Note: The type of this has been changed from int to float to allow
the specification of additional lenses e.g. 0.5X lens
SerialNumber xsd:string optional
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
WorkingDistance xsd:float optional
The working distance of the lens expressed as a floating point (real) number. Units are set by WorkingDistanceUnit.
WorkingDistanceUnit UnitsLength µm optional
The units of the working distance - default:microns[µm].
<xsd:element name="Objective">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>A description of the microscope's objective lens. Required elements include the lens numerical aperture, and the magnification, both of which a floating point (real) numbers. The values are those that are fixed for a particular objective: either because it has been manufactured to this specification or the value has been measured on this particular objective. Correction: This is the type of correction coating applied to this lens. Immersion: This is the types of immersion medium the lens is designed to work with. It is not the same as 'Medium' in ObjectiveRef (a single type) as here Immersion can have compound values like 'Multi'. LensNA: The numerical aperture of the lens (as a float) NominalMagnification: The specified magnification e.g. x10 CalibratedMagnification: The measured magnification e.g. x10.3 WorkingDistance: WorkingDistance of the lens.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="ManufacturerSpec">
          <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ObjectiveID"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="Correction" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation>The correction applied to the lens</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="UV"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="PlanApo"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="PlanFluor"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="SuperFluor"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="VioletCorrected"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Achro"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Achromat"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Fluor"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Fl"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Fluar"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Neofluar"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Fluotar"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Apo"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="PlanNeofluar"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="Immersion" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation>The immersion medium the lens is designed for</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="Oil"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Water"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="WaterDipping"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Air"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Multi"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Glycerol"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="LensNA" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The numerical aperture of the lens expressed as a floating point (real) number. Expected range 0.02 - 1.5 [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="NominalMagnification" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The magnification of the lens as specified by the manufacturer - i.e. '60' is a 60X lens. [units:none] Note: The type of this has been changed from int to float to allow the specification of additional lenses e.g. 0.5X lens</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="CalibratedMagnification" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The magnification of the lens as measured by a calibration process- i.e. '59.987' for a 60X lens. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="WorkingDistance" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The working distance of the lens expressed as a floating point (real) number. Units are set by WorkingDistanceUnit.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="WorkingDistanceUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
            <xsd:documentation>The units of the working distance - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Iris" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
            <xsd:documentation>Records whether or not the objective was fitted with an Iris. [flag]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element FilterSet
Filter set manufacturer specification
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Manufacturer ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Model ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_SerialNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_LotNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec ome_xsd.tmp#FilterSet_ID ome_xsd.tmp#FilterSet_ExcitationFilterRef ome_xsd.tmp#DichroicRef ome_xsd.tmp#FilterSet_EmissionFilterRef
Type extension of ManufacturerSpec
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Instrument
Children DichroicRef, EmissionFilterRef, ExcitationFilterRef
<FilterSet ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" SerialNumber="" xmlns="">
  <ExcitationFilterRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</ExcitationFilterRef>
  <DichroicRef ID="">{0,1}</DichroicRef>
  <EmissionFilterRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</EmissionFilterRef>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID FilterSetID required
LotNumber xsd:string optional
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Manufacturer xsd:string optional
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Model xsd:string optional
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
SerialNumber xsd:string optional
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
<xsd:element name="FilterSet">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>Filter set manufacturer specification</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="ManufacturerSpec">
          <xsd:element name="ExcitationFilterRef" type="FilterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xsd:documentation>The Filters placed in the Excitation light path.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element ref="DichroicRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
          <xsd:element name="EmissionFilterRef" type="FilterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xsd:documentation>The Filters placed in the Emission light path.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="FilterSetID"/>
Schema location
Element FilterSet / ExcitationFilterRef
The Filters placed in the Excitation light path.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef_ID ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef
Type FilterRef
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
ID FilterID required
<xsd:element name="ExcitationFilterRef" type="FilterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation>The Filters placed in the Excitation light path.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element DichroicRef
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#DichroicRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Elements FilterSet, LightPath
QName Type Use
ID DichroicID required
<xsd:element name="DichroicRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DichroicID"/>
Schema location
Element FilterSet / EmissionFilterRef
The Filters placed in the Emission light path.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef_ID ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef
Type FilterRef
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
ID FilterID required
<xsd:element name="EmissionFilterRef" type="FilterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation>The Filters placed in the Emission light path.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Filter
A filter is either an excitation or emission filters.
There should be one filter element specified per wavelength in the image.
The channel number associated with a filter set is specified in Channel.
It is based on the FilterSpec type, so has the required attributes Manufacturer, Model, and LotNumber.
It may also contain a Type attribute which may be set to
'LongPass', 'ShortPass', 'BandPass', 'MultiPass',
'Dichroic', 'NeutralDensity', 'Tuneable' or 'Other'.
It can be associated with an optional FilterWheel - Note: this is not the same as a FilterSet
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Manufacturer ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Model ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_SerialNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_LotNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec ome_xsd.tmp#Filter_Type ome_xsd.tmp#Filter_FilterWheel ome_xsd.tmp#Filter_ID ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
Type extension of ManufacturerSpec
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Instrument
Children AnnotationRef, TransmittanceRange
<Filter FilterWheel="" ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" SerialNumber="" Type="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <TransmittanceRange CutIn="" CutInTolerance="" CutInToleranceUnit="nm" CutInUnit="nm" CutOut="" CutOutTolerance="" CutOutToleranceUnit="nm" CutOutUnit="nm" Transmittance="">{0,1}</TransmittanceRange>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Use Annotation
FilterWheel xsd:string optional
A filter 'wheel' in OME can refer to any arrangement of filters in a filter holder of any shape. It could, for example, be a filter slider. [plain text string]
ID FilterID required
LotNumber xsd:string optional
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Manufacturer xsd:string optional
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Model xsd:string optional
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
SerialNumber xsd:string optional
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
Type restriction of xsd:string optional
<xsd:element name="Filter">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>A filter is either an excitation or emission filters. There should be one filter element specified per wavelength in the image. The channel number associated with a filter set is specified in Channel. It is based on the FilterSpec type, so has the required attributes Manufacturer, Model, and LotNumber. It may also contain a Type attribute which may be set to 'LongPass', 'ShortPass', 'BandPass', 'MultiPass', 'Dichroic', 'NeutralDensity', 'Tuneable' or 'Other'. It can be associated with an optional FilterWheel - Note: this is not the same as a FilterSet</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="ManufacturerSpec">
          <xsd:element ref="TransmittanceRange" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
          <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="Dichroic"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="LongPass"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="ShortPass"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="BandPass"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="MultiPass"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="NeutralDensity"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Tuneable"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="FilterWheel" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
            <xsd:documentation>A filter 'wheel' in OME can refer to any arrangement of filters in a filter holder of any shape. It could, for example, be a filter slider. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="FilterID"/>
Schema location
Element TransmittanceRange
This records the range of wavelengths that are transmitted by the filter. It also records the maximum amount of light transmitted.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_CutIn ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_CutInUnit ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_CutOut ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_CutOutUnit ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_CutInTolerance ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_CutInToleranceUnit ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_CutOutTolerance ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_CutOutToleranceUnit ome_xsd.tmp#TransmittanceRange_Transmittance
content complex
Used by
Element Filter
QName Type Default Use Annotation
CutIn PositiveFloat optional
CutIn is the wavelength below which there is less than 50% transmittance for a filter. Units are set by CutInUnit.
CutInTolerance NonNegativeFloat optional
CutInTolerance. Units are set by CutInToleranceUnit.
CutInToleranceUnit UnitsLength nm optional
The units of the CutInTolerance - default:nanometres[nm].
CutInUnit UnitsLength nm optional
The units of the CutIn - default:nanometres[nm].
CutOut PositiveFloat optional
CutOut is the wavelength above which there is less than 50% transmittance for a filter. Units are set by CutOutUnit.
CutOutTolerance NonNegativeFloat optional
CutOutTolerance. Units are set by CutOutToleranceUnit.
CutOutToleranceUnit UnitsLength nm optional
The units of the CutOutTolerance - default:nanometres[nm].
CutOutUnit UnitsLength nm optional
The units of the CutOut - default:nanometres[nm].
Transmittance PercentFraction optional
The amount of light the filter transmits at a maximum [units:none]
A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
<xsd:element name="TransmittanceRange">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This records the range of wavelengths that are transmitted by the filter. It also records the maximum amount of light transmitted.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CutIn" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>CutIn is the wavelength below which there is less than 50% transmittance for a filter. Units are set by CutInUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CutInUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the CutIn - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CutOut" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>CutOut is the wavelength above which there is less than 50% transmittance for a filter. Units are set by CutOutUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CutOutUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the CutOut - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CutInTolerance" use="optional" type="NonNegativeFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>CutInTolerance. Units are set by CutInToleranceUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CutInToleranceUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the CutInTolerance - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CutOutTolerance" use="optional" type="NonNegativeFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>CutOutTolerance. Units are set by CutOutToleranceUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CutOutToleranceUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the CutOutTolerance - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Transmittance" use="optional" type="PercentFraction">
        <xsd:documentation>The amount of light the filter transmits at a maximum [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Dichroic
The dichromatic beamsplitter or dichroic mirror used for this filter combination.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Manufacturer ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Model ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_SerialNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_LotNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec ome_xsd.tmp#Dichroic_ID SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
Type extension of ManufacturerSpec
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Instrument
Children AnnotationRef
<Dichroic ID="" LotNumber="" Manufacturer="" Model="" SerialNumber="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID DichroicID required
LotNumber xsd:string optional
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Manufacturer xsd:string optional
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Model xsd:string optional
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
SerialNumber xsd:string optional
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
<xsd:element name="Dichroic">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The dichromatic beamsplitter or dichroic mirror used for this filter combination.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="ManufacturerSpec">
          <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DichroicID"/>
Schema location
Element Image
This element describes the actual image and its meta-data.
				The elements that are references (ending in Ref or Settings) refer to
				elements defined outside of the Image element. Ref elements are simple
				links, while Settings elements are links with additional values.

				If any of the required Image attributes or elements are missing, its
				guaranteed to be an invalid document. The required attributes and
				elements are ID and Pixels.

				ExperimenterRef is required for all Images with well formed LSIDs.
				ImageType is a vendor-specific designation of the type of image this is.
				Examples of ImageType include 'STK', 'SoftWorx', etc.
				The Name attributes are in all cases the name of the element
				instance. In this case, the name of the image, not necessarily the filename.
				Physical size of pixels are microns[µm].
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Image_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Image_Name ome_xsd.tmp#Image_AcquisitionDate ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterRef ome_xsd.tmp#Image_Description ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimentRef ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimenterGroupRef ome_xsd.tmp#InstrumentRef ome_xsd.tmp#ObjectiveSettings ome_xsd.tmp#ImagingEnvironment ome_xsd.tmp#StageLabel ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels ROI_xsd.tmp#ROIRef ome_xsd.tmp#MicrobeamManipulationRef SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
content complex
Used by
Element OME
Children AcquisitionDate, AnnotationRef, Description, ExperimentRef, ExperimenterGroupRef, ExperimenterRef, ImagingEnvironment, InstrumentRef, MicrobeamManipulationRef, ObjectiveSettings, Pixels, ROIRef, StageLabel
<Image ID="" Name="" xmlns="" xmlns:ROI="" xmlns:SA="">
  <ExperimenterRef ID="">{0,1}</ExperimenterRef>
  <ExperimentRef ID="">{0,1}</ExperimentRef>
  <ExperimenterGroupRef ID="">{0,1}</ExperimenterGroupRef>
  <InstrumentRef ID="">{0,1}</InstrumentRef>
  <ObjectiveSettings CorrectionCollar="" ID="" Medium="" RefractiveIndex="">{0,1}</ObjectiveSettings>
  <ImagingEnvironment AirPressure="" AirPressureUnit="mbar" CO2Percent="" Humidity="" Temperature="" TemperatureUnit="°C">{0,1}</ImagingEnvironment>
  <StageLabel Name="" X="" XUnit="reference frame" Y="" YUnit="reference frame" Z="" ZUnit="reference frame">{0,1}</StageLabel>
  <Pixels BigEndian="" DimensionOrder="" ID="" Interleaved="" PhysicalSizeX="" PhysicalSizeXUnit="µm" PhysicalSizeY="" PhysicalSizeYUnit="µm" PhysicalSizeZ="" PhysicalSizeZUnit="µm" SignificantBits="" SizeC="" SizeT="" SizeX="" SizeY="" SizeZ="" TimeIncrement="" TimeIncrementUnit="s" Type="">{1,1}</Pixels>
  <ROI:ROIRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</ROI:ROIRef>
  <MicrobeamManipulationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</MicrobeamManipulationRef>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Use
ID ImageID required
Name xsd:string optional
<xsd:element name="Image">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This element describes the actual image and its meta-data. The elements that are references (ending in Ref or Settings) refer to elements defined outside of the Image element. Ref elements are simple links, while Settings elements are links with additional values. If any of the required Image attributes or elements are missing, its guaranteed to be an invalid document. The required attributes and elements are ID and Pixels. ExperimenterRef is required for all Images with well formed LSIDs. ImageType is a vendor-specific designation of the type of image this is. Examples of ImageType include 'STK', 'SoftWorx', etc. The Name attributes are in all cases the name of the element instance. In this case, the name of the image, not necessarily the filename. Physical size of pixels are microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="AcquisitionDate" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:dateTime">
          <xsd:documentation>The acquisition date of the Image. The element contains an xsd:dateTime string based on the ISO 8601 format (i.e. 1988-04-07T18:39:09.359) YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sssZ Y - Year M - Month D - Day H - Hour m - minutes S - Seconds s - sub-seconds (optional) Z - Zone (optional) +HH:mm or -HH:mm or Z for UTC Note: xsd:dataTime supports a very wide date range with unlimited precision. The full date range and precision are not typically supported by platform- and language-specific libraries. Where the supported time precision is less than the precision used by the xsd:dateTime timestamp there will be loss of precision; this will typically occur via direct truncation or (less commonly) rounding. The year value can be large and/or negative. Any value covering the current or last century should be correctly processed, but some systems cannot process earlier dates. The sub-second value is defined as an unlimited number of digits after the decimal point. In Java a minimum of millisecond precision is guaranteed. In C++ microsecond precision is guaranteed, with nanosecond precision being available on some platforms. Time zones are supported, eg '2013-10-24T11:52:33+01:00' for Paris, but in most cases it will be converted to UTC when the timestamp is written.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>A description for the image. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimentRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ExperimenterGroupRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="InstrumentRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ObjectiveSettings" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ImagingEnvironment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="StageLabel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Pixels" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ROI:ROIRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="MicrobeamManipulationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ImageID"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string"/>
Schema location
Element Image / AcquisitionDate
The acquisition date of the Image.
							The element contains an xsd:dateTime string based on the ISO 8601 format (i.e. 1988-04-07T18:39:09.359)

							Y - Year
							M - Month
							D - Day
							H - Hour
							m - minutes
							S - Seconds
							s - sub-seconds (optional)
							Z - Zone (optional) +HH:mm or -HH:mm or Z for UTC

							Note: xsd:dataTime supports a very wide date range with unlimited precision. The full date range
								and precision are not typically supported by platform- and language-specific libraries.
								Where the supported time precision is less than the precision used by the xsd:dateTime
								timestamp there will be loss of precision; this will typically occur via direct truncation
								or (less commonly) rounding.

								The year value can be large and/or negative. Any value covering the current or last century
								should be correctly processed, but some systems cannot process earlier dates.

								The sub-second value is defined as an unlimited number of digits after the decimal point.
								In Java a minimum of millisecond precision is guaranteed.
								In C++ microsecond precision is guaranteed, with nanosecond precision being available on 
								some platforms.

								Time zones are supported, eg '2013-10-24T11:52:33+01:00' for Paris, but in most cases it will
								be converted to UTC when the timestamp is written.
Type xsd:dateTime
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
<xsd:element name="AcquisitionDate" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:dateTime">
    <xsd:documentation>The acquisition date of the Image. The element contains an xsd:dateTime string based on the ISO 8601 format (i.e. 1988-04-07T18:39:09.359) YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sssZ Y - Year M - Month D - Day H - Hour m - minutes S - Seconds s - sub-seconds (optional) Z - Zone (optional) +HH:mm or -HH:mm or Z for UTC Note: xsd:dataTime supports a very wide date range with unlimited precision. The full date range and precision are not typically supported by platform- and language-specific libraries. Where the supported time precision is less than the precision used by the xsd:dateTime timestamp there will be loss of precision; this will typically occur via direct truncation or (less commonly) rounding. The year value can be large and/or negative. Any value covering the current or last century should be correctly processed, but some systems cannot process earlier dates. The sub-second value is defined as an unlimited number of digits after the decimal point. In Java a minimum of millisecond precision is guaranteed. In C++ microsecond precision is guaranteed, with nanosecond precision being available on some platforms. Time zones are supported, eg '2013-10-24T11:52:33+01:00' for Paris, but in most cases it will be converted to UTC when the timestamp is written.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Image / Description
A description for the image. [plane text multi-line string]
Type restriction of xsd:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
whiteSpace preserve
<xsd:element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>A description for the image. [plane text multi-line string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
Schema location
Element ExperimentRef
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#ExperimentRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Image
QName Type Use
ID ExperimentID required
<xsd:element name="ExperimentRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimentID"/>
Schema location
Element InstrumentRef
This empty element can be used (via the required Instrument ID attribute) to refer to an Instrument defined within OME.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#InstrumentRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Image
QName Type Use
ID InstrumentID required
<xsd:element name="InstrumentRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This empty element can be used (via the required Instrument ID attribute) to refer to an Instrument defined within OME.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="InstrumentID"/>
Schema location
Element ObjectiveSettings
This holds the setting applied to an objective as well as a
reference to the objective.
The ID is the objective used in this case.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#Settings ome_xsd.tmp#ObjectiveSettings_ID ome_xsd.tmp#ObjectiveSettings_CorrectionCollar ome_xsd.tmp#ObjectiveSettings_Medium ome_xsd.tmp#ObjectiveSettings_RefractiveIndex
Type extension of Settings
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Image
QName Type Use Annotation
CorrectionCollar xsd:float optional
The CorrectionCollar is normally an adjustable ring on the
objective. Each has an arbitrary scale on it so the values
is unit-less. [units:none]
ID ObjectiveID required
Medium restriction of xsd:string optional
RefractiveIndex xsd:float optional
The RefractiveIndex is that of the immersion medium. This is
a ratio so it also unit-less. [units:none]
<xsd:element name="ObjectiveSettings">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This holds the setting applied to an objective as well as a reference to the objective. The ID is the objective used in this case.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Settings">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ObjectiveID"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="CorrectionCollar" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The CorrectionCollar is normally an adjustable ring on the objective. Each has an arbitrary scale on it so the values is unit-less. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Medium" use="optional">
              <xsd:documentation>A description of a Medium used for the lens. The Medium is the actual immersion medium used in this case.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="Air"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Oil"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Water"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Glycerol"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="RefractiveIndex" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The RefractiveIndex is that of the immersion medium. This is a ratio so it also unit-less. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element ImagingEnvironment
This describes the environment that the biological sample was in
during the experiment.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ImagingEnvironment_Temperature ome_xsd.tmp#ImagingEnvironment_TemperatureUnit ome_xsd.tmp#ImagingEnvironment_AirPressure ome_xsd.tmp#ImagingEnvironment_AirPressureUnit ome_xsd.tmp#ImagingEnvironment_Humidity ome_xsd.tmp#ImagingEnvironment_CO2Percent ome_xsd.tmp#Map
content complex
Used by
Element Image
Children Map
<ImagingEnvironment AirPressure="" AirPressureUnit="mbar" CO2Percent="" Humidity="" Temperature="" TemperatureUnit="°C" xmlns="">
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AirPressure xsd:float optional
AirPressure is the define units.
AirPressureUnit UnitsPressure mbar optional
The units the AirPressure is in - default:millibars[mbar].
CO2Percent PercentFraction optional
Carbon Dioxide concentration around the sample [units:none]
A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
Humidity PercentFraction optional
Humidity around the sample [units:none]
A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
Temperature xsd:float optional
The Temperature is the define units.
TemperatureUnit UnitsTemperature °C optional
The units the Temperature is in - default:Celsius[°C].
<xsd:element name="ImagingEnvironment">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This describes the environment that the biological sample was in during the experiment.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="Map" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Temperature" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The Temperature is the define units.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="TemperatureUnit" use="optional" default="°C" type="UnitsTemperature">
        <xsd:documentation>The units the Temperature is in - default:Celsius[°C].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="AirPressure" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>AirPressure is the define units.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="AirPressureUnit" use="optional" default="mbar" type="UnitsPressure">
        <xsd:documentation>The units the AirPressure is in - default:millibars[mbar].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Humidity" use="optional" type="PercentFraction">
        <xsd:documentation>Humidity around the sample [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CO2Percent" use="optional" type="PercentFraction">
        <xsd:documentation>Carbon Dioxide concentration around the sample [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element StageLabel
The StageLabel is used to specify a name and position for a stage position in the microscope's reference frame.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#StageLabel_Name ome_xsd.tmp#StageLabel_X ome_xsd.tmp#StageLabel_XUnit ome_xsd.tmp#StageLabel_Y ome_xsd.tmp#StageLabel_YUnit ome_xsd.tmp#StageLabel_Z ome_xsd.tmp#StageLabel_ZUnit
content complex
Used by
Element Image
QName Type Default Use Annotation
Name xsd:string required
X xsd:float optional
The X position of the stage label. Units are set by XUnit.
XUnit UnitsLength reference frame optional
The units of the X stage position - default:[reference frame].
Y xsd:float optional
The Y position of the stage label. Units are set by YUnit.
YUnit UnitsLength reference frame optional
The units of the Y stage position - default:[reference frame].
Z xsd:float optional
The Z position of the stage label. Units are set by ZUnit.
ZUnit UnitsLength reference frame optional
The units of the Z  stage position - default:[reference frame].
<xsd:element name="StageLabel">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The StageLabel is used to specify a name and position for a stage position in the microscope's reference frame.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Name" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="X" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The X position of the stage label. Units are set by XUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="XUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the X stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Y" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The Y position of the stage label. Units are set by YUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="YUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the Y stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Z" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The Z position of the stage label. Units are set by ZUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ZUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the Z stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Pixels
Pixels is going to be removed in the future, but it is still required.

				This is just notice that the contents of Pixels will be
				moved up to Image in a future release. This is because there
				has only been 1 Pixels object in each Image for some time.
				The concept of multiple Pixels sets for one Image failed to
				take off. It is therefore redundant.

				The Image will be unreadable if any of the required Pixel attributes are missing.

				The Pixels themselves can be stored within the OME-XML compressed by plane, and encoded
				in Base64.
				Or the Pixels may be stored in TIFF format.

				The Pixels element should contain a list of BinData or TiffData, each containing a
				single plane of pixels. These Pixels elements, when read in document order,
				must produce a 5-D pixel array of the size specified in this element, and in the
				dimension order specified by 'DimensionOrder'.

				All of the values in the Pixels object when present should match the same value
				stored in any associated TIFF format (e.g. SizeX should be the same). Where there
				is a mismatch our readers will take the value from the TIFF structure as overriding
				the value in the OME-XML. This is simply a pragmatic decision as it increases the
				likelihood of reading data from a slightly incorrect file.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_DimensionOrder ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_Type ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_SignificantBits ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_Interleaved ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_BigEndian ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_SizeX ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_SizeY ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_SizeZ ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_SizeC ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_SizeT ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_PhysicalSizeX ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_PhysicalSizeXUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_PhysicalSizeY ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_PhysicalSizeYUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_PhysicalSizeZ ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_PhysicalSizeZUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_TimeIncrement ome_xsd.tmp#Pixels_TimeIncrementUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Channel BinaryFile_xsd.tmp#BinData ome_xsd.tmp#TiffData ome_xsd.tmp#MetadataOnly ome_xsd.tmp#Plane
content complex
Used by
Element Image
Children Bin:BinData, Channel, MetadataOnly, Plane, TiffData
<Pixels BigEndian="" DimensionOrder="" ID="" Interleaved="" PhysicalSizeX="" PhysicalSizeXUnit="µm" PhysicalSizeY="" PhysicalSizeYUnit="µm" PhysicalSizeZ="" PhysicalSizeZUnit="µm" SignificantBits="" SizeC="" SizeT="" SizeX="" SizeY="" SizeZ="" TimeIncrement="" TimeIncrementUnit="s" Type="" xmlns="" xmlns:BIN="">
  <Channel AcquisitionMode="" Color="-1" ContrastMethod="" EmissionWavelength="" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ExcitationWavelength="" ExcitationWavelengthUnit="nm" Fluor="" ID="" IlluminationType="" Name="" NDFilter="" PinholeSize="" PinholeSizeUnit="µm" PockelCellSetting="" SamplesPerPixel="">{0,unbounded}</Channel>
  <BIN:BinData BigEndian="" Compression="none" Length="">{1,unbounded}</BIN:BinData>
  <TiffData FirstC="0" FirstT="0" FirstZ="0" IFD="0" PlaneCount="">{1,unbounded}</TiffData>
  <Plane DeltaT="" DeltaTUnit="s" ExposureTime="" ExposureTimeUnit="s" PositionX="" PositionXUnit="reference frame" PositionY="" PositionYUnit="reference frame" PositionZ="" PositionZUnit="reference frame" TheC="" TheT="" TheZ="">{0,unbounded}</Plane>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
BigEndian xsd:boolean optional
This is true if the pixels data was written in BigEndian order.

						If this value is present it should match the value used in BinData
						or TiffData. If it does not a reader should honour the value used
						in the BinData or TiffData. This values is useful for MetadataOnly
						files and is to allow for future storage solutions.
DimensionOrder restriction of xsd:string required
The order in which the individual planes of data are interleaved.
ID PixelsID required
Interleaved xsd:boolean optional
How the channels are arranged within the data block:
true if channels are stored RGBRGBRGB...;
false if channels are stored RRR...GGG...BBB...
PhysicalSizeX PositiveFloat optional
Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeXUnit.
PhysicalSizeXUnit UnitsLength µm optional
The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].
PhysicalSizeY PositiveFloat optional
Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeYUnit.
PhysicalSizeYUnit UnitsLength µm optional
The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].
PhysicalSizeZ PositiveFloat optional
Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeZUnit.
PhysicalSizeZUnit UnitsLength µm optional
The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].
SignificantBits PositiveInt optional
The number of bits within the type storing each pixel that are significant.
e.g. you can store 12 bit data within a 16 bit type.
This does not reduce the storage requirements but can be a useful indicator
when processing or viewing the image data.
SizeC PositiveInt required
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
SizeT PositiveInt required
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
SizeX PositiveInt required
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
SizeY PositiveInt required
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
SizeZ PositiveInt required
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
TimeIncrement xsd:float optional
TimeIncrement is used for time series that have a global
timing specification instead of per-timepoint timing info.
For example in a video stream. Units are set by TimeIncrementUnit.
TimeIncrementUnit UnitsTime s optional
The units of the TimeIncrement - default:seconds[s].
Type PixelType required
The variable type used to represent each pixel in the image.
<xsd:element name="Pixels">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>Pixels is going to be removed in the future, but it is still required. This is just notice that the contents of Pixels will be moved up to Image in a future release. This is because there has only been 1 Pixels object in each Image for some time. The concept of multiple Pixels sets for one Image failed to take off. It is therefore redundant. The Image will be unreadable if any of the required Pixel attributes are missing. The Pixels themselves can be stored within the OME-XML compressed by plane, and encoded in Base64. Or the Pixels may be stored in TIFF format. The Pixels element should contain a list of BinData or TiffData, each containing a single plane of pixels. These Pixels elements, when read in document order, must produce a 5-D pixel array of the size specified in this element, and in the dimension order specified by 'DimensionOrder'. All of the values in the Pixels object when present should match the same value stored in any associated TIFF format (e.g. SizeX should be the same). Where there is a mismatch our readers will take the value from the TIFF structure as overriding the value in the OME-XML. This is simply a pragmatic decision as it increases the likelihood of reading data from a slightly incorrect file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="Channel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
        <xsd:element ref="BIN:BinData" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xsd:element ref="TiffData" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xsd:element ref="MetadataOnly" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Plane" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="PixelsID"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="DimensionOrder" use="required">
        <xsd:documentation>The order in which the individual planes of data are interleaved.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="XYZCT"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="XYZTC"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="XYCTZ"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="XYCZT"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="XYTCZ"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="XYTZC"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="required" type="PixelType">
        <xsd:documentation>The variable type used to represent each pixel in the image.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SignificantBits" use="optional" type="PositiveInt">
        <xsd:documentation>The number of bits within the type storing each pixel that are significant. e.g. you can store 12 bit data within a 16 bit type. This does not reduce the storage requirements but can be a useful indicator when processing or viewing the image data.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Interleaved" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
        <xsd:documentation>How the channels are arranged within the data block: true if channels are stored RGBRGBRGB...; false if channels are stored RRR...GGG...BBB...</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="BigEndian" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
        <xsd:documentation>This is true if the pixels data was written in BigEndian order. If this value is present it should match the value used in BinData or TiffData. If it does not a reader should honour the value used in the BinData or TiffData. This values is useful for MetadataOnly files and is to allow for future storage solutions.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SizeX" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
        <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SizeY" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
        <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SizeZ" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
        <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SizeC" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
        <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SizeT" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
        <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeX" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeXUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeXUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeY" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeYUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeYUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeZ" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeZUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeZUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="TimeIncrement" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>TimeIncrement is used for time series that have a global timing specification instead of per-timepoint timing info. For example in a video stream. Units are set by TimeIncrementUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="TimeIncrementUnit" use="optional" default="s" type="UnitsTime">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the TimeIncrement - default:seconds[s].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Channel
There must be one per channel in the Image, even for a single-plane image.
And information about how each of them was acquired is stored in the various optional *Ref elements.  Each Logical Channel is composed of one or more
ChannelComponents.  For example, an entire spectrum in an FTIR experiment may be stored in a single Logical Channel with each discrete wavenumber of the spectrum
constituting a ChannelComponent of the FTIR Logical Channel.  An RGB image where the Red, Green and Blue components do not reflect discrete probes but are
instead the output of a color camera would be treated similarly - one Logical channel with three ChannelComponents in this case.
The total number of ChannelComponents for a set of pixels must equal SizeC.
The IlluminationType attribute is a string enumeration which may be set to 'Transmitted', 'Epifluorescence', 'Oblique', or 'NonLinear'.
The user interface logic for labeling a given channel for the user should use the first existing attribute in the following sequence:
Name -> Fluor -> EmissionWavelength -> ChannelComponent/Index.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_ID ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_Name ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_SamplesPerPixel ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_IlluminationType ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_PinholeSize ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_PinholeSizeUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_AcquisitionMode ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_ContrastMethod ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_ExcitationWavelength ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_ExcitationWavelengthUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_EmissionWavelength ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_EmissionWavelengthUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_Fluor ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_NDFilter ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_PockelCellSetting ome_xsd.tmp#Channel_Color ome_xsd.tmp#LightSourceSettings ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings ome_xsd.tmp#FilterSetRef SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef ome_xsd.tmp#LightPath
content complex
Used by
Element Pixels
Children AnnotationRef, DetectorSettings, FilterSetRef, LightPath, LightSourceSettings
<Channel AcquisitionMode="" Color="-1" ContrastMethod="" EmissionWavelength="" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ExcitationWavelength="" ExcitationWavelengthUnit="nm" Fluor="" ID="" IlluminationType="" Name="" NDFilter="" PinholeSize="" PinholeSizeUnit="µm" PockelCellSetting="" SamplesPerPixel="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <LightSourceSettings Attenuation="" ID="" Wavelength="" WavelengthUnit="nm">{0,1}</LightSourceSettings>
  <DetectorSettings Binning="" Gain="" ID="" Integration="" Offset="" ReadOutRate="" ReadOutRateUnit="MHz" Voltage="" VoltageUnit="V" Zoom="">{0,1}</DetectorSettings>
  <FilterSetRef ID="">{0,1}</FilterSetRef>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AcquisitionMode restriction of xsd:string optional
AcquisitionMode describes the type of microscopy performed for each channel
Color Color -1 optional
A color used to render this channel - encoded as RGBA
The default value "-1" is #FFFFFFFF so solid white (it is a signed 32 bit value)
NOTE: Prior to the 2012-06 schema the default value was incorrect and produced a transparent red not solid white.
ContrastMethod restriction of xsd:string optional
ContrastMethod describes the technique used to achieve contrast for each channel
EmissionWavelength PositiveFloat optional
Wavelength of emission for a particular channel. Units are set by EmissionWavelengthUnit.
EmissionWavelengthUnit UnitsLength nm optional
The units of the wavelength of emission - default:nanometres[nm].
ExcitationWavelength PositiveFloat optional
Wavelength of excitation for a particular channel. Units are set by ExcitationWavelengthUnit.
ExcitationWavelengthUnit UnitsLength nm optional
The units of the wavelength of excitation - default:nanometres[nm].
Fluor xsd:string optional
The Fluor attribute is used for fluorescence images.
This is the name of the fluorophore used to produce this channel [plain text string]
ID ChannelID required
IlluminationType restriction of xsd:string optional
The method of illumination used to capture the channel.
NDFilter xsd:float optional
The NDfilter attribute is used to specify the combined effect of any neutral density filters used.
						The amount of light the filter transmits at a maximum [units:none]
						A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.

						NOTE: This was formerly described as "units optical density expressed as a PercentFraction".
						      This was how the field had been described in the schema from the beginning but all
						      the use of it has been in the opposite direction, i.e. as a amount transmitted,
						      not the amount blocked. This change has been made to make the model reflect this usage.
Name xsd:string optional
A name for the channel that is suitable be presented to the user.
PinholeSize xsd:float optional
The optional PinholeSize attribute allows specifying adjustable
pin hole diameters for confocal microscopes. Units are set by PinholeSizeUnit.
PinholeSizeUnit UnitsLength µm optional
The units of the pin hole diameter for confocal microscopes - default:microns[µm].
PockelCellSetting xsd:int optional
The PockelCellSetting used for this channel. This is the amount the polarization of the beam is rotated by. [units:none]
SamplesPerPixel PositiveInt optional
The number of samples the detector takes to form each pixel value. [units:none]
Note: This is not the same as "Frame Averaging" - see Integration in DetectorSettings
<xsd:element name="Channel">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>There must be one per channel in the Image, even for a single-plane image. And information about how each of them was acquired is stored in the various optional *Ref elements. Each Logical Channel is composed of one or more ChannelComponents. For example, an entire spectrum in an FTIR experiment may be stored in a single Logical Channel with each discrete wavenumber of the spectrum constituting a ChannelComponent of the FTIR Logical Channel. An RGB image where the Red, Green and Blue components do not reflect discrete probes but are instead the output of a color camera would be treated similarly - one Logical channel with three ChannelComponents in this case. The total number of ChannelComponents for a set of pixels must equal SizeC. The IlluminationType attribute is a string enumeration which may be set to 'Transmitted', 'Epifluorescence', 'Oblique', or 'NonLinear'. The user interface logic for labeling a given channel for the user should use the first existing attribute in the following sequence: Name -> Fluor -> EmissionWavelength -> ChannelComponent/Index.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="LightSourceSettings" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="DetectorSettings" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="FilterSetRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="LightPath" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ChannelID"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>A name for the channel that is suitable be presented to the user.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SamplesPerPixel" use="optional" type="PositiveInt">
        <xsd:documentation>The number of samples the detector takes to form each pixel value. [units:none] Note: This is not the same as "Frame Averaging" - see Integration in DetectorSettings</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="IlluminationType" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The method of illumination used to capture the channel.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="Transmitted"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Epifluorescence"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Oblique"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="NonLinear"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="PinholeSize" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The optional PinholeSize attribute allows specifying adjustable pin hole diameters for confocal microscopes. Units are set by PinholeSizeUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PinholeSizeUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the pin hole diameter for confocal microscopes - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="AcquisitionMode" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>AcquisitionMode describes the type of microscopy performed for each channel</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="WideField"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="LaserScanningConfocalMicroscopy"/>
          <!-- CLSM or LSCM -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="SpinningDiskConfocal"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="SlitScanConfocal"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="MultiPhotonMicroscopy"/>
          <!-- laser scanning multiphoton microscopy (LSMM), two photon microscopy -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="StructuredIllumination"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="SingleMoleculeImaging"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="TotalInternalReflection"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="FluorescenceLifetime"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="SpectralImaging"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="FluorescenceCorrelationSpectroscopy"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="NearFieldScanningOpticalMicroscopy"/>
          <!-- NSOM -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="SecondHarmonicGenerationImaging"/>
          <!-- Second harmonic imaging microscopy (SHIM) -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="PALM"/>
          <!-- photo-activated localization microscopy, photo-activation localization microscopy -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="STORM"/>
          <!-- stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="STED"/>
          <!-- stimulated emission depletion -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="TIRF"/>
          <!-- total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRFM) -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="FSM"/>
          <!-- Fluorescence speckle microscopy -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="LCM"/>
          <!-- Laser capture microdissection -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ContrastMethod" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>ContrastMethod describes the technique used to achieve contrast for each channel</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="Brightfield"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Phase"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="DIC"/>
          <!-- Differential Interference Contrast -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="HoffmanModulation"/>
          <!-- Hoffman Modulation Contrast (HMC) -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="ObliqueIllumination"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="PolarizedLight"/>
          <!-- Polarization Microscopy -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Darkfield"/>
          <!-- Dark Field Imaging -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Fluorescence"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ExcitationWavelength" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>Wavelength of excitation for a particular channel. Units are set by ExcitationWavelengthUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ExcitationWavelengthUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the wavelength of excitation - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="EmissionWavelength" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
        <xsd:documentation>Wavelength of emission for a particular channel. Units are set by EmissionWavelengthUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="EmissionWavelengthUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the wavelength of emission - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Fluor" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>The Fluor attribute is used for fluorescence images. This is the name of the fluorophore used to produce this channel [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="NDFilter" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The NDfilter attribute is used to specify the combined effect of any neutral density filters used. The amount of light the filter transmits at a maximum [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0. NOTE: This was formerly described as "units optical density expressed as a PercentFraction". This was how the field had been described in the schema from the beginning but all the use of it has been in the opposite direction, i.e. as a amount transmitted, not the amount blocked. This change has been made to make the model reflect this usage.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PockelCellSetting" use="optional" type="xsd:int">
        <xsd:documentation>The PockelCellSetting used for this channel. This is the amount the polarization of the beam is rotated by. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Color" use="optional" type="Color" default="-1">
        <xsd:documentation>A color used to render this channel - encoded as RGBA The default value "-1" is #FFFFFFFF so solid white (it is a signed 32 bit value) NOTE: Prior to the 2012-06 schema the default value was incorrect and produced a transparent red not solid white.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element DetectorSettings
This holds the setting applied to a detector as well as a
				reference to the detector.
				The ID is the detector used in this case.
				The values stored in DetectorSettings represent the variable values,
				fixed values not modified during the acquisition go in Detector.

				Each attribute now has an indication of what type of detector
				it applies to. This is preparatory work for cleaning up and
				possibly splitting this object into sub-types.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#Settings ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_ID ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_Offset ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_Gain ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_Voltage ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_VoltageUnit ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_Zoom ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_ReadOutRate ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_ReadOutRateUnit ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_Binning ome_xsd.tmp#DetectorSettings_Integration
Type extension of Settings
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Channel
QName Type Default Use Annotation
Binning restriction of xsd:string optional
Represents the number of pixels that are combined to form larger pixels. {used:CCD,EMCCD}
Gain xsd:float optional
The Gain of the detector. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD,PMT}
ID DetectorID required
Integration PositiveInt optional
This is the number of sequential frames that get averaged,
to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}
Offset xsd:float optional
The Offset of the detector. [units none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}
ReadOutRate xsd:float optional
The speed at which the detector can count pixels.  {used:CCD,EMCCD}
This is the bytes per second that
can be read from the detector (like a baud rate).
Units are set by ReadOutRateUnit.
ReadOutRateUnit UnitsFrequency MHz optional
The units of the ReadOutRate - default:megahertz[Hz].
Voltage xsd:float optional
The Voltage of the detector. {used:PMT}
Units are set by VoltageUnit.
VoltageUnit UnitsElectricPotential V optional
The units of the Voltage of the detector - default:volts[V]
Zoom xsd:float optional
The Zoom or "Confocal Zoom" or "Scan Zoom" for a detector. [units:none] {used:PMT}
<xsd:element name="DetectorSettings">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This holds the setting applied to a detector as well as a reference to the detector. The ID is the detector used in this case. The values stored in DetectorSettings represent the variable values, fixed values not modified during the acquisition go in Detector. Each attribute now has an indication of what type of detector it applies to. This is preparatory work for cleaning up and possibly splitting this object into sub-types.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Settings">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DetectorID"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="Offset" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The Offset of the detector. [units none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Gain" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The Gain of the detector. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD,PMT}</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Voltage" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The Voltage of the detector. {used:PMT} Units are set by VoltageUnit.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="VoltageUnit" use="optional" default="V" type="UnitsElectricPotential">
            <xsd:documentation>The units of the Voltage of the detector - default:volts[V]</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Zoom" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The Zoom or "Confocal Zoom" or "Scan Zoom" for a detector. [units:none] {used:PMT}</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ReadOutRate" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
            <xsd:documentation>The speed at which the detector can count pixels. {used:CCD,EMCCD} This is the bytes per second that can be read from the detector (like a baud rate). Units are set by ReadOutRateUnit.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ReadOutRateUnit" use="optional" default="MHz" type="UnitsFrequency">
            <xsd:documentation>The units of the ReadOutRate - default:megahertz[Hz].</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="Binning" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation>Represents the number of pixels that are combined to form larger pixels. {used:CCD,EMCCD}</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="1x1"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="2x2"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="4x4"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="8x8"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="Integration" use="optional" type="PositiveInt">
            <xsd:documentation>This is the number of sequential frames that get averaged, to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element FilterSetRef
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#FilterSetRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Channel
QName Type Use
ID FilterSetID required
<xsd:element name="FilterSetRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="FilterSetID"/>
Schema location
Element LightPath
A description of the light path
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LightPath_ExcitationFilterRef ome_xsd.tmp#DichroicRef ome_xsd.tmp#LightPath_EmissionFilterRef SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
content complex
Used by
Element Channel
Children AnnotationRef, DichroicRef, EmissionFilterRef, ExcitationFilterRef
<LightPath xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <ExcitationFilterRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</ExcitationFilterRef>
  <DichroicRef ID="">{0,1}</DichroicRef>
  <EmissionFilterRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</EmissionFilterRef>
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
<xsd:element name="LightPath">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>A description of the light path</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="ExcitationFilterRef" type="FilterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:documentation>The Filters placed in the Excitation light path.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="DichroicRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element name="EmissionFilterRef" type="FilterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:documentation>The Filters placed in the Emission light path.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Schema location
Element LightPath / ExcitationFilterRef
The Filters placed in the Excitation light path.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef_ID ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef
Type FilterRef
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
ID FilterID required
<xsd:element name="ExcitationFilterRef" type="FilterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation>The Filters placed in the Excitation light path.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element LightPath / EmissionFilterRef
The Filters placed in the Emission light path.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef_ID ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef
Type FilterRef
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
ID FilterID required
<xsd:element name="EmissionFilterRef" type="FilterRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation>The Filters placed in the Emission light path.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element TiffData
This described the location of the pixel data in a tiff file.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#TiffData_IFD ome_xsd.tmp#TiffData_FirstZ ome_xsd.tmp#TiffData_FirstT ome_xsd.tmp#TiffData_FirstC ome_xsd.tmp#TiffData_PlaneCount ome_xsd.tmp#TiffData_UUID
content complex
Used by
Element Pixels
Children UUID
<TiffData FirstC="0" FirstT="0" FirstZ="0" IFD="0" PlaneCount="" xmlns="">
  <UUID FileName="">{0,1}</UUID>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
FirstC NonNegativeInt 0 optional
Gives the C position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0.
Default is 0 (the first C position). [units:none]
FirstT NonNegativeInt 0 optional
Gives the T position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0.
Default is 0 (the first T position). [units:none]
FirstZ NonNegativeInt 0 optional
Gives the Z position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0.
Default is 0 (the first Z position). [units:none]
IFD NonNegativeInt 0 optional
Gives the IFD(s) for which this element is applicable. Indexed from 0.
Default is 0 (the first IFD). [units:none]
PlaneCount NonNegativeInt optional
Gives the number of IFDs affected. Dimension order of IFDs is given by the enclosing
Pixels element's DimensionOrder attribute. Default is the number of IFDs in the TIFF
file, unless an IFD is specified, in which case the default is 1. [units:none]
<xsd:element name="TiffData">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This described the location of the pixel data in a tiff file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="UUID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>This must be used when the IFDs are located in another file. Note: It is permissible for this to be self referential.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:extension base="UniversallyUniqueIdentifier">
              <xsd:attribute name="FileName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
                  <xsd:documentation>This can be used when the IFDs are located in another file. The / (forward slash) is used as the path separator. A relative path is recommended. However an absolute path can be specified. Default is to use the file the ome-xml data has been pulled from. Note: It is permissible for this to be self referential. The file image1.tiff may contain ome-xml data that has FilePath="image1.tiff" or "./image1.tiff"</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="IFD" type="NonNegativeInt" default="0" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>Gives the IFD(s) for which this element is applicable. Indexed from 0. Default is 0 (the first IFD). [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="FirstZ" type="NonNegativeInt" default="0" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>Gives the Z position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0. Default is 0 (the first Z position). [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="FirstT" type="NonNegativeInt" default="0" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>Gives the T position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0. Default is 0 (the first T position). [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="FirstC" type="NonNegativeInt" default="0" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>Gives the C position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0. Default is 0 (the first C position). [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PlaneCount" use="optional" type="NonNegativeInt">
        <xsd:documentation>Gives the number of IFDs affected. Dimension order of IFDs is given by the enclosing Pixels element's DimensionOrder attribute. Default is the number of IFDs in the TIFF file, unless an IFD is specified, in which case the default is 1. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element TiffData / UUID
This must be used when the IFDs are located in another file.
Note: It is permissible for this to be self referential.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#UniversallyUniqueIdentifier ome_xsd.tmp#TiffData_TiffData_UUID_FileName
Type extension of UniversallyUniqueIdentifier
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
QName Type Use Annotation
FileName xsd:string optional
This can be used when the IFDs are located in another file.
The / (forward slash) is used as the path separator.
A relative path is recommended. However an absolute path can be specified.
Default is to use the file the ome-xml data has been pulled from.
Note: It is permissible for this to be self referential. The file image1.tiff
may contain ome-xml data that has FilePath="image1.tiff" or "./image1.tiff"
<xsd:element name="UUID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>This must be used when the IFDs are located in another file. Note: It is permissible for this to be self referential.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="UniversallyUniqueIdentifier">
        <xsd:attribute name="FileName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
            <xsd:documentation>This can be used when the IFDs are located in another file. The / (forward slash) is used as the path separator. A relative path is recommended. However an absolute path can be specified. Default is to use the file the ome-xml data has been pulled from. Note: It is permissible for this to be self referential. The file image1.tiff may contain ome-xml data that has FilePath="image1.tiff" or "./image1.tiff"</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element MetadataOnly
This place holder means there is on pixel data in this file.
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:element name="MetadataOnly">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>This place holder means there is on pixel data in this file.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Plane
The Plane object holds microscope stage and image timing data
for a given channel/z-section/timepoint.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_TheZ ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_TheT ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_TheC ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_DeltaT ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_DeltaTUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_ExposureTime ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_ExposureTimeUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_PositionX ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_PositionXUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_PositionY ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_PositionYUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_PositionZ ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_PositionZUnit ome_xsd.tmp#Plane_HashSHA1 SA_xsd.tmp#AnnotationRef
content complex
Used by
Element Pixels
Children AnnotationRef, HashSHA1
<Plane DeltaT="" DeltaTUnit="s" ExposureTime="" ExposureTimeUnit="s" PositionX="" PositionXUnit="reference frame" PositionY="" PositionYUnit="reference frame" PositionZ="" PositionZUnit="reference frame" TheC="" TheT="" TheZ="" xmlns="" xmlns:SA="">
  <SA:AnnotationRef ID="">{0,unbounded}</SA:AnnotationRef>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
DeltaT xsd:float optional
Time since the beginning of the experiment.
Units are set by DeltaTUnit.
DeltaTUnit UnitsTime s optional
The units of the DeltaT - default:seconds[s].
ExposureTime xsd:float optional
The length of the exposure.
Units are set by ExposureTimeUnit.
ExposureTimeUnit UnitsTime s optional
The units of the ExposureTime - default:seconds[s].
PositionX xsd:float optional
The X position of the stage. Units are set by PositionXUnit.
PositionXUnit UnitsLength reference frame optional
The units of the X stage position - default:[reference frame].
PositionY xsd:float optional
The Y position of the stage. Units are set by PositionYUnit.
PositionYUnit UnitsLength reference frame optional
The units of the Y stage position - default:[reference frame].
PositionZ xsd:float optional
The Z position of the stage. Units are set by PositionZUnit.
PositionZUnit UnitsLength reference frame optional
The units of the Z stage position - default:[reference frame].
TheC NonNegativeInt required
The channel this plane is for. [units:none]
This is numbered from 0.
TheT NonNegativeInt required
The timepoint this plane is for. [units:none]
This is numbered from 0.
TheZ NonNegativeInt required
The Z-section this plane is for. [units:none]
This is numbered from 0.
<xsd:element name="Plane">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>The Plane object holds microscope stage and image timing data for a given channel/z-section/timepoint.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xsd:documentation>This optional element is a hash of the plane's image data. It is a choice between all the support hash types. Currently the only method supported is SHA1.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:element name="HashSHA1" type="Hex40" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <xsd:element ref="SA:AnnotationRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:attribute name="TheZ" use="required" type="NonNegativeInt">
        <xsd:documentation>The Z-section this plane is for. [units:none] This is numbered from 0.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="TheT" use="required" type="NonNegativeInt">
        <xsd:documentation>The timepoint this plane is for. [units:none] This is numbered from 0.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="TheC" use="required" type="NonNegativeInt">
        <xsd:documentation>The channel this plane is for. [units:none] This is numbered from 0.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="DeltaT" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>Time since the beginning of the experiment. Units are set by DeltaTUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="DeltaTUnit" use="optional" default="s" type="UnitsTime">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the DeltaT - default:seconds[s].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ExposureTime" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The length of the exposure. Units are set by ExposureTimeUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ExposureTimeUnit" use="optional" default="s" type="UnitsTime">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the ExposureTime - default:seconds[s].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PositionX" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The X position of the stage. Units are set by PositionXUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PositionXUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the X stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PositionY" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The Y position of the stage. Units are set by PositionYUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PositionYUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the Y stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PositionZ" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
        <xsd:documentation>The Z position of the stage. Units are set by PositionZUnit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="PositionZUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
        <xsd:documentation>The units of the Z stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element Plane / HashSHA1
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Hex40
Type Hex40
content simple
minOccurs 1
maxOccurs 1
length 20
<xsd:element name="HashSHA1" type="Hex40" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema location
Element MicrobeamManipulationRef
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#MicrobeamManipulationRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
Used by
Element Image
QName Type Use
ID MicrobeamManipulationID required
<xsd:element name="MicrobeamManipulationRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="MicrobeamManipulationID"/>
Schema location
Element OME / BinaryOnly
Pointer to an external metadata file. If this
element is present, then no other metadata may be present in this
file, i.e. this file is a place-holder.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#OME_OME_BinaryOnly_MetadataFile ome_xsd.tmp#OME_OME_BinaryOnly_UUID
content complex
minOccurs 1
maxOccurs 1
QName Type Use Annotation
MetadataFile xsd:string required
Filename of the OME-XML metadata file for
this binary data. If the file cannot be found, a search can
be performed based on the UUID.
UUID UniversallyUniqueIdentifier required
The unique identifier of another OME-XML
block whose metadata describes the binary data in this file.
This UUID is considered authoritative regardless of
mismatches in the filename.
<xsd:element name="BinaryOnly" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:documentation>Pointer to an external metadata file. If this element is present, then no other metadata may be present in this file, i.e. this file is a place-holder.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="MetadataFile" type="xsd:string" use="required">
        <xsd:documentation>Filename of the OME-XML metadata file for this binary data. If the file cannot be found, a search can be performed based on the UUID.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="UUID" type="UniversallyUniqueIdentifier" use="required">
        <xsd:documentation>The unique identifier of another OME-XML block whose metadata describes the binary data in this file. This UUID is considered authoritative regardless of mismatches in the filename.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element ChannelRef
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#ChannelRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
QName Type Use
ID ChannelID required
<xsd:element name="ChannelRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ChannelID"/>
Schema location
Element ProjectRef
There may be one or more of these in a Dataset.
This empty element has a required Project ID attribute that refers to Projects defined within the OME element.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#ProjectRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
content complex
QName Type Use
ID ProjectID required
<xsd:element name="ProjectRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:documentation>There may be one or more of these in a Dataset. This empty element has a required Project ID attribute that refers to Projects defined within the OME element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="Reference">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ProjectID"/>
Schema location
Complex Type Reference
Reference is an empty complex type that is contained and extended by all the *Ref elements and also the Settings Complex Type
Each *Ref element defines an attribute named ID of simple type *ID and no other information
Each simple type *ID is restricted to the base type LSID with an appropriate pattern
Used by
<xsd:complexType name="Reference">
    <xsd:documentation>Reference is an empty complex type that is contained and extended by all the *Ref elements and also the Settings Complex Type Each *Ref element defines an attribute named ID of simple type *ID and no other information Each simple type *ID is restricted to the base type LSID with an appropriate pattern</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type ExperimenterID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experimenter:\S+)|(Experimenter:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="ExperimenterID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experimenter:\S+)|(Experimenter:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type LSID
Either LSID or internal consistent IDs for the file
Type restriction of xsd:string
pattern (urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="LSID">
    <xsd:documentation>Either LSID or internal consistent IDs for the file See:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type ExperimenterGroupID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:ExperimenterGroup:\S+)|(ExperimenterGroup:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="ExperimenterGroupID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:ExperimenterGroup:\S+)|(ExperimenterGroup:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type DatasetID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Dataset:\S+)|(Dataset:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="DatasetID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Dataset:\S+)|(Dataset:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type ProjectID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Project:\S+)|(Project:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="ProjectID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Project:\S+)|(Project:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type ImageID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Image:\S+)|(Image:\S+))
Used by
Attributes Image/@ID, ImageRef/@ID
<xsd:simpleType name="ImageID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Image:\S+)|(Image:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Complex Type Settings
Settings is an empty complex type that is contained and extended by all the *Settings elements
Each *Settings element defines an attribute named ID of simple type *ID and the other information that is needed.
Each simple type *ID is restricted to the base type LSID with an appropriate pattern
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
Used by
<xsd:complexType name="Settings">
    <xsd:documentation>Settings is an empty complex type that is contained and extended by all the *Settings elements Each *Settings element defines an attribute named ID of simple type *ID and the other information that is needed. Each simple type *ID is restricted to the base type LSID with an appropriate pattern</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:extension base="Reference">
Schema location
Simple Type LightSourceID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:LightSource:\S+)|(LightSource:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="LightSourceID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:LightSource:\S+)|(LightSource:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type PercentFraction
A simple type that restricts the value to a float between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
Type restriction of xsd:float
maxInclusive 1.0
minInclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="PercentFraction">
    <xsd:documentation>A simple type that restricts the value to a float between 0 and 1 (inclusive).</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
    <xsd:maxInclusive value="1.0"/>
    <xsd:minInclusive value="0.0"/>
Schema location
Simple Type PositiveFloat
A simple type that restricts the value to a float between >0 and max 32-bit float {i.e. (2−2^-23) × 2^27 ≈ 3.4 × 10^38}
Type restriction of xsd:float
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>A simple type that restricts the value to a float between >0 and max 32-bit float {i.e. (2−2^-23) × 2^27 ≈ 3.4 × 10^38}</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
    <xsd:minExclusive value="0.0"/>
Schema location
Simple Type UnitsLength
The units used to represent a length
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units used to represent a length</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="Ym">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is yotta meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Zm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is zetta meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Em">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is exa meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Pm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is peta meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Tm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is tera meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Gm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is giga meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Mm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is mega meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="km">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is kilo meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="hm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is hecto meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="dam">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is deca meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="m">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="dm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is deci meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="cm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is centi meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is milli meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="µm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is micro meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="nm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is nano meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="pm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is pico meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="fm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is femto meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="am">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is atto meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="zm">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is zepto meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ym">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is yocto meters.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Å">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is ångströms.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="thou">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="li">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="in">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is inch.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ft">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is foot.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="yd">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is yard.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mi">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is terrestrial mile.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ua">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ly">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is light year.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="pc">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is parsec.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="pt">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="pixel">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="reference frame">
        <xsd:documentation>The length unit is reference frame.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type MicrobeamManipulationID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:MicrobeamManipulation:\S+)|(MicrobeamManipulation:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="MicrobeamManipulationID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:MicrobeamManipulation:\S+)|(MicrobeamManipulation:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type ExperimentID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experiment:\S+)|(Experiment:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="ExperimentID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experiment:\S+)|(Experiment:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type NonNegativeInt
A simple type that restricts the value to an integer between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive).
Type restriction of xsd:int
minInclusive 0
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="NonNegativeInt">
    <xsd:documentation>A simple type that restricts the value to an integer between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive).</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:int">
    <xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
Schema location
Simple Type Color
A simple type that identifies itself as a Color, the value is an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive).
The value is a signed 32 bit encoding of RGBA so "-1" is #FFFFFFFF or solid white.
NOTE: Prior to the 2012-06 schema the default values were incorrect and produced a transparent red not solid white.
Type xsd:int
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="Color">
    <xsd:documentation>A simple type that identifies itself as a Color, the value is an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive). The value is a signed 32 bit encoding of RGBA so "-1" is #FFFFFFFF or solid white. NOTE: Prior to the 2012-06 schema the default values were incorrect and produced a transparent red not solid white.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:int">
Schema location
Simple Type PositiveInt
A simple type that restricts the value to an integer between 1 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive).
Type restriction of xsd:int
minInclusive 1
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>A simple type that restricts the value to an integer between 1 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive).</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:int">
    <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
Schema location
Complex Type ManufacturerSpec
This is the base from which many microscope components are extended. E.g Objective, Filter etc.
Provides attributes for recording common properties of these components such as Manufacturer name, Model etc,
all of which are optional.
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Manufacturer ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_Model ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_SerialNumber ome_xsd.tmp#ManufacturerSpec_LotNumber
Used by
QName Type Use Annotation
LotNumber xsd:string optional
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Manufacturer xsd:string optional
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Model xsd:string optional
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
SerialNumber xsd:string optional
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
<xsd:complexType name="ManufacturerSpec">
    <xsd:documentation>This is the base from which many microscope components are extended. E.g Objective, Filter etc. Provides attributes for recording common properties of these components such as Manufacturer name, Model etc, all of which are optional.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="Manufacturer" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
      <xsd:documentation>The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="Model" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
      <xsd:documentation>The Model of the component. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="SerialNumber" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
      <xsd:documentation>The serial number of the component. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="LotNumber" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
      <xsd:documentation>The lot number of the component. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type UnitsFrequency
The units used to represent frequency
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration YHz
The frequency unit is yotta hertz.
enumeration ZHz
The frequency unit is zetta hertz.
enumeration EHz
The frequency unit is   exa hertz.
enumeration PHz
The frequency unit is  peta hertz.
enumeration THz
The frequency unit is  tera hertz.
enumeration GHz
The frequency unit is  giga hertz.
enumeration MHz
The frequency unit is  mega hertz.
enumeration kHz
The frequency unit is  kilo hertz.
enumeration hHz
The frequency unit is hecto hertz.
enumeration daHz
The frequency unit is  deca hertz.
enumeration Hz
The frequency unit is       hertz.
enumeration dHz
The frequency unit is  deci hertz.
enumeration cHz
The frequency unit is centi hertz.
enumeration mHz
The frequency unit is milli hertz.
enumeration µHz
The frequency unit is micro hertz.
enumeration nHz
The frequency unit is  nano hertz.
enumeration pHz
The frequency unit is  pico hertz.
enumeration fHz
The frequency unit is femto hertz.
enumeration aHz
The frequency unit is  atto hertz.
enumeration zHz
The frequency unit is zepto hertz.
enumeration yHz
The frequency unit is yocto hertz.
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="UnitsFrequency">
    <xsd:documentation>The units used to represent frequency</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="YHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is yotta hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ZHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is zetta hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="EHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is exa hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="PHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is peta hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="THz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is tera hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="GHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is giga hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="MHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is mega hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="kHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is kilo hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="hHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is hecto hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="daHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is deca hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Hz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="dHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is deci hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="cHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is centi hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is milli hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="µHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is micro hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="nHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is nano hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="pHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is pico hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="fHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is femto hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="aHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is atto hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="zHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is zepto hertz.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="yHz">
        <xsd:documentation>The frequency unit is yocto hertz.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Complex Type MapPairs
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#MapPairs_M
Used by
Children M
<xsd:complexType name="MapPairs">
  <xsd:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:element name="M" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation>This is a key/value pair used to build up a Mapping. The Element and Attribute name are kept to single letters to minimize the length at the expense of readability as they are likely to occur many times.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:attribute name="K" type="xsd:string"/>
Schema location
Simple Type UnitsPower
The units used to represent power
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration YW
The power unit is yotta watts.
enumeration ZW
The power unit is zetta watts.
enumeration EW
The power unit is   exa watts.
enumeration PW
The power unit is  peta watts.
enumeration TW
The power unit is  tera watts.
enumeration GW
The power unit is  giga watts.
enumeration MW
The power unit is  mega watts.
enumeration kW
The power unit is  kilo watts.
enumeration hW
The power unit is hecto watts.
enumeration daW
The power unit is  deca watts.
enumeration W
The power unit is       watts.
enumeration dW
The power unit is  deci watts.
enumeration cW
The power unit is centi watts.
enumeration mW
The power unit is milli watts.
enumeration µW
The power unit is micro watts.
enumeration nW
The power unit is  nano watts.
enumeration pW
The power unit is  pico watts.
enumeration fW
The power unit is femto watts.
enumeration aW
The power unit is  atto watts.
enumeration zW
The power unit is zepto watts.
enumeration yW
The power unit is yocto watts.
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="UnitsPower">
    <xsd:documentation>The units used to represent power</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="YW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is yotta watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ZW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is zetta watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="EW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is exa watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="PW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is peta watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="TW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is tera watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="GW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is giga watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="MW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is mega watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="kW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is kilo watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="hW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is hecto watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="daW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is deca watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="W">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="dW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is deci watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="cW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is centi watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is milli watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="µW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is micro watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="nW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is nano watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="pW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is pico watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="fW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is femto watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="aW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is atto watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="zW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is zepto watts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="yW">
        <xsd:documentation>The power unit is yocto watts.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type UnitsElectricPotential
The units used to represent an electric potential
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration YV
The voltage unit is yotta volts.
enumeration ZV
The voltage unit is zetta volts.
enumeration EV
The voltage unit is   exa volts.
enumeration PV
The voltage unit is  peta volts.
enumeration TV
The voltage unit is  tera volts.
enumeration GV
The voltage unit is  giga volts.
enumeration MV
The voltage unit is  mega volts.
enumeration kV
The voltage unit is  kilo volts.
enumeration hV
The voltage unit is hecto volts.
enumeration daV
The voltage unit is  deca volts.
enumeration V
The voltage unit is       volts.
enumeration dV
The voltage unit is  deci volts.
enumeration cV
The voltage unit is centi volts.
enumeration mV
The voltage unit is milli volts.
enumeration µV
The voltage unit is micro volts.
enumeration nV
The voltage unit is  nano volts.
enumeration pV
The voltage unit is  pico volts.
enumeration fV
The voltage unit is femto volts.
enumeration aV
The voltage unit is  atto volts.
enumeration zV
The voltage unit is zepto volts.
enumeration yV
The voltage unit is yocto volts.
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="UnitsElectricPotential">
    <xsd:documentation>The units used to represent an electric potential</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="YV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is yotta volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ZV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is zetta volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="EV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is exa volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="PV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is peta volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="TV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is tera volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="GV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is giga volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="MV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is mega volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="kV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is kilo volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="hV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is hecto volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="daV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is deca volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="V">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="dV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is deci volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="cV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is centi volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is milli volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="µV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is micro volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="nV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is nano volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="pV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is pico volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="fV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is femto volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="aV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is atto volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="zV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is zepto volts.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="yV">
        <xsd:documentation>The voltage unit is yocto volts.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type DetectorID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Detector:\S+)|(Detector:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="DetectorID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Detector:\S+)|(Detector:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type ObjectiveID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Objective:\S+)|(Objective:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="ObjectiveID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Objective:\S+)|(Objective:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Complex Type FilterRef
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#Reference ome_xsd.tmp#FilterRef_ID
Type extension of Reference
Type hierarchy
Used by
QName Type Use
ID FilterID required
<xsd:complexType name="FilterRef">
  <!-- top level definition -->
    <xsd:extension base="Reference">
      <xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="FilterID"/>
Schema location
Simple Type FilterID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Filter:\S+)|(Filter:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="FilterID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Filter:\S+)|(Filter:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type DichroicID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Dichroic:\S+)|(Dichroic:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="DichroicID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Dichroic:\S+)|(Dichroic:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type FilterSetID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:FilterSet:\S+)|(FilterSet:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="FilterSetID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:FilterSet:\S+)|(FilterSet:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type NonNegativeFloat
A simple type that restricts the value to a float between >=0 and max 32-bit float {i.e. (2−2^-23) × 2^27 ≈ 3.4 × 10^38}
Type restriction of xsd:float
minInclusive 0
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="NonNegativeFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>A simple type that restricts the value to a float between >=0 and max 32-bit float {i.e. (2−2^-23) × 2^27 ≈ 3.4 × 10^38}</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">
    <xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
Schema location
Simple Type InstrumentID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Instrument:\S+)|(Instrument:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="InstrumentID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Instrument:\S+)|(Instrument:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type UnitsTemperature
The units used to represent a temperature
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration °C
The temperature unit is degree Centigrade.
enumeration °F
The temperature unit is degree Fahrenheit.
enumeration K
The temperature unit is        Kelvin.
enumeration °R
The temperature unit is degree Rankine.
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="UnitsTemperature">
    <xsd:documentation>The units used to represent a temperature</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="°C">
        <xsd:documentation>The temperature unit is degree Centigrade.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="°F">
        <xsd:documentation>The temperature unit is degree Fahrenheit.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="K">
        <xsd:documentation>The temperature unit is Kelvin.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="°R">
        <xsd:documentation>The temperature unit is degree Rankine.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type UnitsPressure
The units used to represent a pressure
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration YPa
The pressure unit is yotta pascal.
enumeration ZPa
The pressure unit is zetta pascal.
enumeration EPa
The pressure unit is   exa pascal.
enumeration PPa
The pressure unit is  peta pascal.
enumeration TPa
The pressure unit is  tera pascal.
enumeration GPa
The pressure unit is  giga pascal.
enumeration MPa
The pressure unit is  mega pascal.
enumeration kPa
The pressure unit is  kilo pascal.
enumeration hPa
The pressure unit is hecto pascal.
enumeration daPa
The pressure unit is  deca pascal.
enumeration Pa
The pressure unit is       pascal.
enumeration dPa
The pressure unit is  deci pascal.
enumeration cPa
The pressure unit is centi pascal.
enumeration mPa
The pressure unit is milli pascal.
enumeration µPa
The pressure unit is micro pascal.
enumeration nPa
The pressure unit is  nano pascal.
enumeration pPa
The pressure unit is  pico pascal.
enumeration fPa
The pressure unit is femto pascal.
enumeration aPa
The pressure unit is  atto pascal.
enumeration zPa
The pressure unit is zepto pascal.
enumeration yPa
The pressure unit is yocto pascal.
enumeration bar
The pressure unit is       bar.
enumeration Mbar
The pressure unit is  mega bar.
enumeration kbar
The pressure unit is  kilo bar.
enumeration dbar
The pressure unit is  deci bar.
enumeration cbar
The pressure unit is centi bar.
enumeration mbar
The pressure unit is milli bar.
enumeration atm
The pressure unit is standard atmosphere.
enumeration psi
The pressure unit is pound-force per square inch.
enumeration Torr
The pressure unit is       torr.
enumeration mTorr
The pressure unit is milli torr.
enumeration mm Hg
The pressure unit is millimetre of mercury.
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="UnitsPressure">
    <xsd:documentation>The units used to represent a pressure</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="YPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is yotta pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ZPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is zetta pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="EPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is exa pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="PPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is peta pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="TPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is tera pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="GPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is giga pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="MPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is mega pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="kPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is kilo pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="hPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is hecto pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="daPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is deca pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Pa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="dPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is deci pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="cPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is centi pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is milli pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="µPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is micro pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="nPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is nano pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="pPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is pico pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="fPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is femto pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="aPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is atto pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="zPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is zepto pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="yPa">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is yocto pascal.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="bar">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is bar.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Mbar">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is mega bar.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="kbar">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is kilo bar.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="dbar">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is deci bar.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="cbar">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is centi bar.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mbar">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is milli bar.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="atm">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is standard atmosphere.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="psi">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is pound-force per square inch.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Torr">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is torr.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mTorr">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is milli torr.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="mm Hg">
        <xsd:documentation>The pressure unit is millimetre of mercury.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type ChannelID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Channel:\S+)|(Channel:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="ChannelID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Channel:\S+)|(Channel:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type NonNegativeLong
A simple type that restricts the value to a long between 0 and 9223372036854775807 (inclusive).
Type restriction of xsd:long
minInclusive 0
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="NonNegativeLong">
    <xsd:documentation>A simple type that restricts the value to a long between 0 and 9223372036854775807 (inclusive).</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:long">
    <xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
Schema location
Simple Type UniversallyUniqueIdentifier
This is a unique ID for the file but does not conform to the ID pattern used in the rest of the file.
The rest of the IDs are either an full LSID or an internal ID which is a string that is simply unique in this file.
As the UniversallyUniqueIdentifier is used from outside this file to identify it having the same ID in another file could cause problems.
A UUID is 32 hexadecimal digits, in 5 groups, 8-4-4-4-12, separated by hyphens
e.g. urn:uuid:3e450fae-b8f2-4d35-aa54-702168b2487f
There are methods to generate these in most modern languages.
Type restriction of xsd:anyURI
pattern (urn:uuid:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="UniversallyUniqueIdentifier">
    <xsd:documentation>This is a unique ID for the file but does not conform to the ID pattern used in the rest of the file. The rest of the IDs are either an full LSID or an internal ID which is a string that is simply unique in this file. As the UniversallyUniqueIdentifier is used from outside this file to identify it having the same ID in another file could cause problems. A UUID is 32 hexadecimal digits, in 5 groups, 8-4-4-4-12, separated by hyphens e.g. urn:uuid:3e450fae-b8f2-4d35-aa54-702168b2487f There are methods to generate these in most modern languages.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyURI">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:uuid:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})"/>
Schema location
Simple Type Hex40
Binary contents coded in hexadecimal (20 characters long)
Type restriction of xsd:hexBinary
length 20
Used by
Element Plane/HashSHA1
<xsd:simpleType name="Hex40">
    <xsd:documentation>Binary contents coded in hexadecimal (20 characters long)</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:hexBinary">
    <xsd:length value="20"/>
Schema location
Simple Type UnitsTime
The units used to represent a time interval
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration Ys
The time unit is yotta seconds.
enumeration Zs
The time unit is zetta seconds.
enumeration Es
The time unit is   exa seconds.
enumeration Ps
The time unit is  peta seconds.
enumeration Ts
The time unit is  tera seconds.
enumeration Gs
The time unit is  giga seconds.
enumeration Ms
The time unit is  mega seconds.
enumeration ks
The time unit is  kilo seconds.
enumeration hs
The time unit is hecto seconds.
enumeration das
The time unit is  deca seconds.
enumeration s
The time unit is       seconds.
enumeration ds
The time unit is  deci seconds.
enumeration cs
The time unit is centi seconds.
enumeration ms
The time unit is milli seconds.
enumeration µs
The time unit is micro seconds.
enumeration ns
The time unit is  nano seconds.
enumeration ps
The time unit is  pico seconds.
enumeration fs
The time unit is femto seconds.
enumeration as
The time unit is  atto seconds.
enumeration zs
The time unit is zepto seconds.
enumeration ys
The time unit is yocto seconds.
enumeration min
The time unit is       minutes.
enumeration h
The time unit is         hours.
enumeration d
The time unit is          days.
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="UnitsTime">
    <xsd:documentation>The units used to represent a time interval</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="Ys">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is yotta seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Zs">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is zetta seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Es">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is exa seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Ps">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is peta seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Ts">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is tera seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Gs">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is giga seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="Ms">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is mega seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ks">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is kilo seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="hs">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is hecto seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="das">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is deca seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="s">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ds">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is deci seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="cs">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is centi seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ms">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is milli seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="µs">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is micro seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ns">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is nano seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ps">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is pico seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="fs">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is femto seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="as">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is atto seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="zs">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is zepto seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="ys">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is yocto seconds.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="min">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is minutes.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="h">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is hours.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="d">
        <xsd:documentation>The time unit is days.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type PixelsID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Pixels:\S+)|(Pixels:\S+))
Used by
Attribute Pixels/@ID
<xsd:simpleType name="PixelsID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Pixels:\S+)|(Pixels:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Simple Type PixelType
The number size/kind used to represent a pixel
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration int8
enumeration int16
enumeration int32
enumeration uint8
enumeration uint16
enumeration uint32
enumeration float
enumeration bit
enumeration double
enumeration complex
enumeration double-complex
Used by
Attribute Pixels/@Type
<xsd:simpleType name="PixelType">
    <xsd:documentation>The number size/kind used to represent a pixel</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="int8"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="int16"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="int32"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="uint8"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="uint16"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="uint32"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="float"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="bit"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="double"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="complex"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="double-complex"/>
Schema location
Simple Type UnitsAngle
The units used to represent an angle
Type restriction of xsd:string
enumeration deg
The angle unit is degree.
enumeration rad
The angle unit is radian.
enumeration gon
The angle unit is gradian.
<xsd:simpleType name="UnitsAngle">
    <xsd:documentation>The units used to represent an angle</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value="deg">
        <xsd:documentation>The angle unit is degree.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="rad">
        <xsd:documentation>The angle unit is radian.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:enumeration value="gon">
        <xsd:documentation>The angle unit is gradian.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Simple Type ModuleID
Diagram ome_xsd.tmp#LSID
Type restriction of LSID
Type hierarchy
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Module:\S+)|(Module:\S+))
<xsd:simpleType name="ModuleID">
  <xsd:restriction base="LSID">
    <xsd:pattern value="(urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Module:\S+)|(Module:\S+)"/>
Schema location
Attribute ExperimenterRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ExperimenterID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experimenter:\S+)|(Experimenter:\S+))
Used by
Element ExperimenterRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterID"/>
Schema location
Attribute ExperimenterGroupRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ExperimenterGroupID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:ExperimenterGroup:\S+)|(ExperimenterGroup:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterGroupID"/>
Schema location
Attribute DatasetRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type DatasetID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Dataset:\S+)|(Dataset:\S+))
Used by
Element DatasetRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DatasetID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Project / @Name
Namespace No namespace
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Project
<xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string"/>
Schema location
Attribute Project / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ProjectID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Project:\S+)|(Project:\S+))
Used by
Element Project
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ProjectID"/>
Schema location
Attribute ImageRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ImageID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Image:\S+)|(Image:\S+))
Used by
Element ImageRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ImageID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Dataset / @Name
Namespace No namespace
A name for the dataset that is suitable be presented to the user.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Dataset
<xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>A name for the dataset that is suitable be presented to the user.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Dataset / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type DatasetID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Dataset:\S+)|(Dataset:\S+))
Used by
Element Dataset
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DatasetID"/>
Schema location
Attribute LightSourceSettings / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type LightSourceID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:LightSource:\S+)|(LightSource:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="LightSourceID"/>
Schema location
Attribute LightSourceSettings / @Attenuation
Namespace No namespace
The Attenuation of the light source [units:none]
A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
Type PercentFraction
use optional
maxInclusive 1.0
minInclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Attenuation" use="optional" type="PercentFraction">
    <xsd:documentation>The Attenuation of the light source [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute LightSourceSettings / @Wavelength
Namespace No namespace
The Wavelength of the light source. Units are set by WavelengthUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Wavelength" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>The Wavelength of the light source. Units are set by WavelengthUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute LightSourceSettings / @WavelengthUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Wavelength of the light source - default:nanometres[nm]
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default nm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="WavelengthUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Wavelength of the light source - default:nanometres[nm]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute MicrobeamManipulation / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type MicrobeamManipulationID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:MicrobeamManipulation:\S+)|(MicrobeamManipulation:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="MicrobeamManipulationID"/>
Schema location
Attribute MicrobeamManipulation / @Type
Namespace No namespace
The type of manipulation performed.
Type list of restriction of xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The type of manipulation performed.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="FRAP"/>
          <!-- Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="FLIP"/>
          <!-- Fluorescence Loss in Photobleaching -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="InverseFRAP"/>
          <!-- iFRAP, inverse FRAP -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Photoablation"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Photoactivation"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Uncaging"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="OpticalTrapping"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Experiment / @Type
Namespace No namespace
A term to describe the type of experiment.
Type list of restriction of xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Experiment
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>A term to describe the type of experiment.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="FP"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="FRET"/>
          <!-- Förster resonance energy transfer, also known as fluorescence resonance energy transfer, resonance energy transfer (RET) or electronic energy transfer (EET) -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="TimeLapse"/>
          <!--  Time-lapse microscopy (microphotography, photomicrography) -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="FourDPlus"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Screen"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Immunocytochemistry"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Immunofluorescence"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="FISH"/>
          <!-- Fluorescent in situ hybridization -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Electrophysiology"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="IonImaging"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Colocalization"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="PGIDocumentation"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="FluorescenceLifetime"/>
          <!-- Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="SpectralImaging"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Photobleaching"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="SPIM"/>
          <!-- Selective or Single Plane Illumination Microscopy -->
          <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Experiment / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ExperimentID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experiment:\S+)|(Experiment:\S+))
Used by
Element Experiment
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimentID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Experimenter / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ExperimenterID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experimenter:\S+)|(Experimenter:\S+))
Used by
Element Experimenter
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Experimenter / @FirstName
Namespace No namespace
First name, sometime called christian name or given name or forename. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Experimenter
<xsd:attribute name="FirstName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>First name, sometime called christian name or given name or forename. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Experimenter / @MiddleName
Namespace No namespace
Any other names. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Experimenter
<xsd:attribute name="MiddleName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>Any other names. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Experimenter / @LastName
Namespace No namespace
A person's last name sometimes called surname or family name. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Experimenter
<xsd:attribute name="LastName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>A person's last name sometimes called surname or family name. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Experimenter / @Email
Namespace No namespace
A person's email address. [valid email address as string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Experimenter
<xsd:attribute name="Email" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>A person's email address. [valid email address as string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Experimenter / @Institution
Namespace No namespace
A person's Institution
The organizing structure that people belong to other than groups.  A university, or company, etc.
We do not specify a department element, and do not mean for Institution to be used in this way.
We simply wish to say XXX at YYY.  Where YYY has a better chance of being tied to a geographically fixed location
and of being more recognizable than a group of experimenters. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Experimenter
<xsd:attribute name="Institution" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>A person's Institution The organizing structure that people belong to other than groups. A university, or company, etc. We do not specify a department element, and do not mean for Institution to be used in this way. We simply wish to say XXX at YYY. Where YYY has a better chance of being tied to a geographically fixed location and of being more recognizable than a group of experimenters. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Experimenter / @UserName
Namespace No namespace
This is the username of the experimenter (in a 'unix' or 'database' sense). [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Experimenter
<xsd:attribute name="UserName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>This is the username of the experimenter (in a 'unix' or 'database' sense). [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Leader / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ExperimenterID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experimenter:\S+)|(Experimenter:\S+))
Used by
Element Leader
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterID"/>
Schema location
Attribute ExperimenterGroup / @Name
Namespace No namespace
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
Schema location
Attribute ExperimenterGroup / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ExperimenterGroupID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:ExperimenterGroup:\S+)|(ExperimenterGroup:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimenterGroupID"/>
Schema location
Attribute ManufacturerSpec / @Manufacturer
Namespace No namespace
The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type ManufacturerSpec
<xsd:attribute name="Manufacturer" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>The manufacturer of the component. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ManufacturerSpec / @Model
Namespace No namespace
The Model of the component. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type ManufacturerSpec
<xsd:attribute name="Model" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>The Model of the component. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ManufacturerSpec / @SerialNumber
Namespace No namespace
The serial number of the component. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type ManufacturerSpec
<xsd:attribute name="SerialNumber" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>The serial number of the component. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ManufacturerSpec / @LotNumber
Namespace No namespace
The lot number of the component. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type ManufacturerSpec
<xsd:attribute name="LotNumber" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>The lot number of the component. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Microscope / @Type
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Upright
enumeration Inverted
enumeration Dissection
enumeration Electrophysiology
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Microscope
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Upright"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Inverted"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Dissection"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Electrophysiology"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Pump / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type LightSourceID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:LightSource:\S+)|(LightSource:\S+))
Used by
Element Pump
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="LightSourceID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @Type
Namespace No namespace
Type is the general category of laser.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Excimer
enumeration Gas
enumeration MetalVapor
enumeration SolidState
enumeration Dye
enumeration Semiconductor
enumeration FreeElectron
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Type is the general category of laser.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Excimer"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Gas"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="MetalVapor"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="SolidState"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Dye"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Semiconductor"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="FreeElectron"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @LaserMedium
Namespace No namespace
The Medium attribute specifies the actual lasing medium
for a given laser type.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Cu
enumeration Ag
enumeration ArFl
enumeration ArCl
enumeration KrFl
enumeration KrCl
enumeration XeFl
enumeration XeCl
enumeration XeBr
enumeration N
enumeration Ar
enumeration Kr
enumeration Xe
enumeration HeNe
enumeration HeCd
enumeration CO
enumeration CO2
enumeration H2O
enumeration HFl
enumeration NdGlass
enumeration NdYAG
enumeration ErGlass
enumeration ErYAG
enumeration HoYLF
enumeration HoYAG
enumeration Ruby
enumeration TiSapphire
enumeration Alexandrite
enumeration Rhodamine6G
enumeration CoumarinC30
enumeration GaAs
enumeration GaAlAs
enumeration EMinus
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="LaserMedium" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The Medium attribute specifies the actual lasing medium for a given laser type.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <!-- MetalVaporLaserMedia -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="Cu"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Ag"/>
      <!-- ExcimerLaserMedia -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="ArFl"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="ArCl"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="KrFl"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="KrCl"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="XeFl"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="XeCl"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="XeBr"/>
      <!-- GasLaserMedia -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="N"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Ar"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Kr"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Xe"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="HeNe"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="HeCd"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="CO"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="CO2"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="H2O"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="HFl"/>
      <!-- SolidStateLaserMedia -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="NdGlass"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="NdYAG"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="ErGlass"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="ErYAG"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="HoYLF"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="HoYAG"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Ruby"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="TiSapphire"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Alexandrite"/>
      <!-- DyeLaserMedia -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="Rhodamine6G"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="CoumarinC30"/>
      <!-- SemiconductorLaserMedia -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="GaAs"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="GaAlAs"/>
      <!-- FreeElectronLaserMedia -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="EMinus"/>
      <!-- OtherLaserMedia -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @Wavelength
Namespace No namespace
The Wavelength of the laser. Units are set by WavelengthUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="Wavelength" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>The Wavelength of the laser. Units are set by WavelengthUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @WavelengthUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Wavelength - default:nanometres[nm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default nm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="WavelengthUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Wavelength - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @FrequencyMultiplication
Namespace No namespace
FrequencyMultiplication that may be specified. [units:none]
Type PositiveInt
use optional
minInclusive 1
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="FrequencyMultiplication" use="optional" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>FrequencyMultiplication that may be specified. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @Tuneable
Namespace No namespace
Whether or not the laser is Tuneable [flag]
Type xsd:boolean
use optional
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="Tuneable" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>Whether or not the laser is Tuneable [flag]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @Pulse
Namespace No namespace
The Pulse mode of the laser.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration CW
enumeration Single
enumeration QSwitched
enumeration Repetitive
enumeration ModeLocked
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="Pulse" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The Pulse mode of the laser.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="CW"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Single"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="QSwitched"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Repetitive"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="ModeLocked"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @PockelCell
Namespace No namespace
If true the laser has a PockelCell to rotate the polarization of the beam. [flag]
Type xsd:boolean
use optional
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="PockelCell" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>If true the laser has a PockelCell to rotate the polarization of the beam. [flag]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @RepetitionRate
Namespace No namespace
The is the rate in Hz at which the laser pulses if
the Pulse type is 'Repetitive'. hertz[Hz]
Units are set by RepetitionRateUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="RepetitionRate" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The is the rate in Hz at which the laser pulses if the Pulse type is 'Repetitive'. hertz[Hz] Units are set by RepetitionRateUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Laser / @RepetitionRateUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the RepetitionRate - default:hertz[Hz].
Type UnitsFrequency
use optional
default Hz
enumeration YHz
The frequency unit is yotta hertz.
enumeration ZHz
The frequency unit is zetta hertz.
enumeration EHz
The frequency unit is   exa hertz.
enumeration PHz
The frequency unit is  peta hertz.
enumeration THz
The frequency unit is  tera hertz.
enumeration GHz
The frequency unit is  giga hertz.
enumeration MHz
The frequency unit is  mega hertz.
enumeration kHz
The frequency unit is  kilo hertz.
enumeration hHz
The frequency unit is hecto hertz.
enumeration daHz
The frequency unit is  deca hertz.
enumeration Hz
The frequency unit is       hertz.
enumeration dHz
The frequency unit is  deci hertz.
enumeration cHz
The frequency unit is centi hertz.
enumeration mHz
The frequency unit is milli hertz.
enumeration µHz
The frequency unit is micro hertz.
enumeration nHz
The frequency unit is  nano hertz.
enumeration pHz
The frequency unit is  pico hertz.
enumeration fHz
The frequency unit is femto hertz.
enumeration aHz
The frequency unit is  atto hertz.
enumeration zHz
The frequency unit is zepto hertz.
enumeration yHz
The frequency unit is yocto hertz.
Used by
Element Laser
<xsd:attribute name="RepetitionRateUnit" use="optional" default="Hz" type="UnitsFrequency">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the RepetitionRate - default:hertz[Hz].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Filament / @Type
Namespace No namespace
The type of filament.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Incandescent
enumeration Halogen
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Filament
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The type of filament.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Incandescent"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Halogen"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Arc / @Type
Namespace No namespace
The type of Arc lamp.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Hg
enumeration Xe
enumeration HgXe
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Arc
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The type of Arc lamp.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Hg"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Xe"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="HgXe"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute MapPairs / M / @K
Namespace No namespace
Type xsd:string
content simple
Used by
Element MapPairs/M
<xsd:attribute name="K" type="xsd:string"/>
Schema location
Attribute LightSource / @ID
Namespace No namespace
A LightSource ID must be specified for each light source, and the individual
light sources can be referred to by their LightSource IDs (eg from Channel).
Type LightSourceID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:LightSource:\S+)|(LightSource:\S+))
Used by
Element LightSource
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="LightSourceID">
    <xsd:documentation>A LightSource ID must be specified for each light source, and the individual light sources can be referred to by their LightSource IDs (eg from Channel).</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute LightSource / @Power
Namespace No namespace
The light-source power. Units are set by PowerUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element LightSource
<xsd:attribute name="Power" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The light-source power. Units are set by PowerUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute LightSource / @PowerUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Power - default:milliwatts[mW].
Type UnitsPower
use optional
default mW
enumeration YW
The power unit is yotta watts.
enumeration ZW
The power unit is zetta watts.
enumeration EW
The power unit is   exa watts.
enumeration PW
The power unit is  peta watts.
enumeration TW
The power unit is  tera watts.
enumeration GW
The power unit is  giga watts.
enumeration MW
The power unit is  mega watts.
enumeration kW
The power unit is  kilo watts.
enumeration hW
The power unit is hecto watts.
enumeration daW
The power unit is  deca watts.
enumeration W
The power unit is       watts.
enumeration dW
The power unit is  deci watts.
enumeration cW
The power unit is centi watts.
enumeration mW
The power unit is milli watts.
enumeration µW
The power unit is micro watts.
enumeration nW
The power unit is  nano watts.
enumeration pW
The power unit is  pico watts.
enumeration fW
The power unit is femto watts.
enumeration aW
The power unit is  atto watts.
enumeration zW
The power unit is zepto watts.
enumeration yW
The power unit is yocto watts.
Used by
Element LightSource
<xsd:attribute name="PowerUnit" use="optional" default="mW" type="UnitsPower">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Power - default:milliwatts[mW].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Detector / @Gain
Namespace No namespace
The Detector Gain for this detector, as a float. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD,PMT}
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Detector
<xsd:attribute name="Gain" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Detector Gain for this detector, as a float. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD,PMT}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Detector / @Voltage
Namespace No namespace
The Voltage of the detector (e.g. PMT voltage) as a float. {used:PMT}
Units are set by VoltageUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Detector
<xsd:attribute name="Voltage" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Voltage of the detector (e.g. PMT voltage) as a float. {used:PMT} Units are set by VoltageUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Detector / @VoltageUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Voltage - default:volts[V].
Type UnitsElectricPotential
use optional
default V
enumeration YV
The voltage unit is yotta volts.
enumeration ZV
The voltage unit is zetta volts.
enumeration EV
The voltage unit is   exa volts.
enumeration PV
The voltage unit is  peta volts.
enumeration TV
The voltage unit is  tera volts.
enumeration GV
The voltage unit is  giga volts.
enumeration MV
The voltage unit is  mega volts.
enumeration kV
The voltage unit is  kilo volts.
enumeration hV
The voltage unit is hecto volts.
enumeration daV
The voltage unit is  deca volts.
enumeration V
The voltage unit is       volts.
enumeration dV
The voltage unit is  deci volts.
enumeration cV
The voltage unit is centi volts.
enumeration mV
The voltage unit is milli volts.
enumeration µV
The voltage unit is micro volts.
enumeration nV
The voltage unit is  nano volts.
enumeration pV
The voltage unit is  pico volts.
enumeration fV
The voltage unit is femto volts.
enumeration aV
The voltage unit is  atto volts.
enumeration zV
The voltage unit is zepto volts.
enumeration yV
The voltage unit is yocto volts.
Used by
Element Detector
<xsd:attribute name="VoltageUnit" use="optional" default="V" type="UnitsElectricPotential">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Voltage - default:volts[V].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Detector / @Offset
Namespace No namespace
The Detector Offset. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Detector
<xsd:attribute name="Offset" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Detector Offset. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Detector / @Zoom
Namespace No namespace
The fixed Zoom for a detector. [units:none] {used:PMT}
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Detector
<xsd:attribute name="Zoom" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The fixed Zoom for a detector. [units:none] {used:PMT}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Detector / @AmplificationGain
Namespace No namespace
Gain applied to the detector signal.
This is the electronic gain (as apposed to the inherent gain) that is set for the detector. [units:none] {used:EMCCD#EMGain}
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Detector
<xsd:attribute name="AmplificationGain" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>Gain applied to the detector signal. This is the electronic gain (as apposed to the inherent gain) that is set for the detector. [units:none] {used:EMCCD#EMGain}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Detector / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type DetectorID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Detector:\S+)|(Detector:\S+))
Used by
Element Detector
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DetectorID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Detector / @Type
Namespace No namespace
The Type of detector. E.g. CCD, PMT, EMCCD etc.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration CCD
enumeration IntensifiedCCD
enumeration AnalogVideo
enumeration PMT
enumeration Photodiode
enumeration Spectroscopy
enumeration LifetimeImaging
enumeration CorrelationSpectroscopy
enumeration FTIR
enumeration EMCCD
enumeration APD
enumeration CMOS
enumeration EBCCD
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Detector
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The Type of detector. E.g. CCD, PMT, EMCCD etc.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="CCD"/>
      <!-- Charge-Coupled Device -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="IntensifiedCCD"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="AnalogVideo"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="PMT"/>
      <!-- Photomultiplier tube -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="Photodiode"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Spectroscopy"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="LifetimeImaging"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="CorrelationSpectroscopy"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="FTIR"/>
      <!-- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="EMCCD"/>
      <!-- Electron Multiplying Charge Coupled Device -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="APD"/>
      <!-- Avalanche Photodiode -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="CMOS"/>
      <!-- complementary metal oxide semiconductor -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="EBCCD"/>
      <!-- electron-bombarded charge-coupled device -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ObjectiveID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Objective:\S+)|(Objective:\S+))
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ObjectiveID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @Correction
Namespace No namespace
The correction applied to the lens
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration UV
enumeration PlanApo
enumeration PlanFluor
enumeration SuperFluor
enumeration VioletCorrected
enumeration Achro
enumeration Achromat
enumeration Fluor
enumeration Fl
enumeration Fluar
enumeration Neofluar
enumeration Fluotar
enumeration Apo
enumeration PlanNeofluar
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="Correction" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The correction applied to the lens</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="UV"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="PlanApo"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="PlanFluor"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="SuperFluor"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="VioletCorrected"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Achro"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Achromat"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Fluor"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Fl"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Fluar"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Neofluar"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Fluotar"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Apo"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="PlanNeofluar"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @Immersion
Namespace No namespace
The immersion medium the lens is designed for
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Oil
enumeration Water
enumeration WaterDipping
enumeration Air
enumeration Multi
enumeration Glycerol
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="Immersion" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The immersion medium the lens is designed for</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Oil"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Water"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="WaterDipping"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Air"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Multi"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Glycerol"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @LensNA
Namespace No namespace
The numerical aperture of the lens expressed as a floating point (real) number.
Expected range 0.02 - 1.5 [units:none]
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="LensNA" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The numerical aperture of the lens expressed as a floating point (real) number. Expected range 0.02 - 1.5 [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @NominalMagnification
Namespace No namespace
The magnification of the lens as specified by the manufacturer - i.e. '60' is a 60X lens. [units:none]
Note: The type of this has been changed from int to float to allow
the specification of additional lenses e.g. 0.5X lens
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="NominalMagnification" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The magnification of the lens as specified by the manufacturer - i.e. '60' is a 60X lens. [units:none] Note: The type of this has been changed from int to float to allow the specification of additional lenses e.g. 0.5X lens</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @CalibratedMagnification
Namespace No namespace
The magnification of the lens as measured by a calibration process- i.e. '59.987' for a 60X lens. [units:none]
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="CalibratedMagnification" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The magnification of the lens as measured by a calibration process- i.e. '59.987' for a 60X lens. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @WorkingDistance
Namespace No namespace
The working distance of the lens expressed as a floating point (real) number. Units are set by WorkingDistanceUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="WorkingDistance" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The working distance of the lens expressed as a floating point (real) number. Units are set by WorkingDistanceUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @WorkingDistanceUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the working distance - default:microns[µm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default µm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="WorkingDistanceUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the working distance - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Objective / @Iris
Namespace No namespace
Records whether or not the objective was fitted with an Iris. [flag]
Type xsd:boolean
use optional
Used by
Element Objective
<xsd:attribute name="Iris" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>Records whether or not the objective was fitted with an Iris. [flag]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute FilterRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type FilterID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Filter:\S+)|(Filter:\S+))
Used by
Complex Type FilterRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="FilterID"/>
Schema location
Attribute DichroicRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type DichroicID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Dichroic:\S+)|(Dichroic:\S+))
Used by
Element DichroicRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DichroicID"/>
Schema location
Attribute FilterSet / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type FilterSetID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:FilterSet:\S+)|(FilterSet:\S+))
Used by
Element FilterSet
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="FilterSetID"/>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @CutIn
Namespace No namespace
CutIn is the wavelength below which there is less than 50% transmittance for a filter. Units are set by CutInUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CutIn" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>CutIn is the wavelength below which there is less than 50% transmittance for a filter. Units are set by CutInUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @CutInUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the CutIn - default:nanometres[nm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default nm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CutInUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the CutIn - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @CutOut
Namespace No namespace
CutOut is the wavelength above which there is less than 50% transmittance for a filter. Units are set by CutOutUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CutOut" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>CutOut is the wavelength above which there is less than 50% transmittance for a filter. Units are set by CutOutUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @CutOutUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the CutOut - default:nanometres[nm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default nm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CutOutUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the CutOut - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @CutInTolerance
Namespace No namespace
CutInTolerance. Units are set by CutInToleranceUnit.
Type NonNegativeFloat
use optional
minInclusive 0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CutInTolerance" use="optional" type="NonNegativeFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>CutInTolerance. Units are set by CutInToleranceUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @CutInToleranceUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the CutInTolerance - default:nanometres[nm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default nm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CutInToleranceUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the CutInTolerance - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @CutOutTolerance
Namespace No namespace
CutOutTolerance. Units are set by CutOutToleranceUnit.
Type NonNegativeFloat
use optional
minInclusive 0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CutOutTolerance" use="optional" type="NonNegativeFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>CutOutTolerance. Units are set by CutOutToleranceUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @CutOutToleranceUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the CutOutTolerance - default:nanometres[nm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default nm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CutOutToleranceUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the CutOutTolerance - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TransmittanceRange / @Transmittance
Namespace No namespace
The amount of light the filter transmits at a maximum [units:none]
A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
Type PercentFraction
use optional
maxInclusive 1.0
minInclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Transmittance" use="optional" type="PercentFraction">
    <xsd:documentation>The amount of light the filter transmits at a maximum [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Filter / @Type
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Dichroic
enumeration LongPass
enumeration ShortPass
enumeration BandPass
enumeration MultiPass
enumeration NeutralDensity
enumeration Tuneable
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Filter
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Dichroic"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="LongPass"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="ShortPass"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="BandPass"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="MultiPass"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="NeutralDensity"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Tuneable"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Filter / @FilterWheel
Namespace No namespace
A filter 'wheel' in OME can refer to any arrangement of filters in a filter holder of any shape. It could, for example, be a filter slider. [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Filter
<xsd:attribute name="FilterWheel" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>A filter 'wheel' in OME can refer to any arrangement of filters in a filter holder of any shape. It could, for example, be a filter slider. [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Filter / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type FilterID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Filter:\S+)|(Filter:\S+))
Used by
Element Filter
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="FilterID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Dichroic / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type DichroicID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Dichroic:\S+)|(Dichroic:\S+))
Used by
Element Dichroic
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DichroicID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Instrument / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type InstrumentID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Instrument:\S+)|(Instrument:\S+))
Used by
Element Instrument
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="InstrumentID"/>
Schema location
Attribute ExperimentRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ExperimentID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Experiment:\S+)|(Experiment:\S+))
Used by
Element ExperimentRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ExperimentID"/>
Schema location
Attribute InstrumentRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type InstrumentID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Instrument:\S+)|(Instrument:\S+))
Used by
Element InstrumentRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="InstrumentID"/>
Schema location
Attribute ObjectiveSettings / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ObjectiveID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Objective:\S+)|(Objective:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ObjectiveID"/>
Schema location
Attribute ObjectiveSettings / @CorrectionCollar
Namespace No namespace
The CorrectionCollar is normally an adjustable ring on the
objective. Each has an arbitrary scale on it so the values
is unit-less. [units:none]
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CorrectionCollar" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The CorrectionCollar is normally an adjustable ring on the objective. Each has an arbitrary scale on it so the values is unit-less. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ObjectiveSettings / @Medium
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Air
enumeration Oil
enumeration Water
enumeration Glycerol
enumeration Other
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Medium" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation>A description of a Medium used for the lens. The Medium is the actual immersion medium used in this case.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Air"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Oil"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Water"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Glycerol"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute ObjectiveSettings / @RefractiveIndex
Namespace No namespace
The RefractiveIndex is that of the immersion medium. This is
a ratio so it also unit-less. [units:none]
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="RefractiveIndex" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The RefractiveIndex is that of the immersion medium. This is a ratio so it also unit-less. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ImagingEnvironment / @Temperature
Namespace No namespace
The Temperature is the define units.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Temperature" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Temperature is the define units.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ImagingEnvironment / @TemperatureUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units the Temperature is in - default:Celsius[°C].
Type UnitsTemperature
use optional
default °C
enumeration °C
The temperature unit is degree Centigrade.
enumeration °F
The temperature unit is degree Fahrenheit.
enumeration K
The temperature unit is        Kelvin.
enumeration °R
The temperature unit is degree Rankine.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TemperatureUnit" use="optional" default="°C" type="UnitsTemperature">
    <xsd:documentation>The units the Temperature is in - default:Celsius[°C].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ImagingEnvironment / @AirPressure
Namespace No namespace
AirPressure is the define units.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="AirPressure" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>AirPressure is the define units.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ImagingEnvironment / @AirPressureUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units the AirPressure is in - default:millibars[mbar].
Type UnitsPressure
use optional
default mbar
enumeration YPa
The pressure unit is yotta pascal.
enumeration ZPa
The pressure unit is zetta pascal.
enumeration EPa
The pressure unit is   exa pascal.
enumeration PPa
The pressure unit is  peta pascal.
enumeration TPa
The pressure unit is  tera pascal.
enumeration GPa
The pressure unit is  giga pascal.
enumeration MPa
The pressure unit is  mega pascal.
enumeration kPa
The pressure unit is  kilo pascal.
enumeration hPa
The pressure unit is hecto pascal.
enumeration daPa
The pressure unit is  deca pascal.
enumeration Pa
The pressure unit is       pascal.
enumeration dPa
The pressure unit is  deci pascal.
enumeration cPa
The pressure unit is centi pascal.
enumeration mPa
The pressure unit is milli pascal.
enumeration µPa
The pressure unit is micro pascal.
enumeration nPa
The pressure unit is  nano pascal.
enumeration pPa
The pressure unit is  pico pascal.
enumeration fPa
The pressure unit is femto pascal.
enumeration aPa
The pressure unit is  atto pascal.
enumeration zPa
The pressure unit is zepto pascal.
enumeration yPa
The pressure unit is yocto pascal.
enumeration bar
The pressure unit is       bar.
enumeration Mbar
The pressure unit is  mega bar.
enumeration kbar
The pressure unit is  kilo bar.
enumeration dbar
The pressure unit is  deci bar.
enumeration cbar
The pressure unit is centi bar.
enumeration mbar
The pressure unit is milli bar.
enumeration atm
The pressure unit is standard atmosphere.
enumeration psi
The pressure unit is pound-force per square inch.
enumeration Torr
The pressure unit is       torr.
enumeration mTorr
The pressure unit is milli torr.
enumeration mm Hg
The pressure unit is millimetre of mercury.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="AirPressureUnit" use="optional" default="mbar" type="UnitsPressure">
    <xsd:documentation>The units the AirPressure is in - default:millibars[mbar].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ImagingEnvironment / @Humidity
Namespace No namespace
Humidity around the sample [units:none]
A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
Type PercentFraction
use optional
maxInclusive 1.0
minInclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Humidity" use="optional" type="PercentFraction">
    <xsd:documentation>Humidity around the sample [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ImagingEnvironment / @CO2Percent
Namespace No namespace
Carbon Dioxide concentration around the sample [units:none]
A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
Type PercentFraction
use optional
maxInclusive 1.0
minInclusive 0.0
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CO2Percent" use="optional" type="PercentFraction">
    <xsd:documentation>Carbon Dioxide concentration around the sample [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute StageLabel / @Name
Namespace No namespace
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
Element StageLabel
<xsd:attribute name="Name" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
Schema location
Attribute StageLabel / @X
Namespace No namespace
The X position of the stage label. Units are set by XUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element StageLabel
<xsd:attribute name="X" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The X position of the stage label. Units are set by XUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute StageLabel / @XUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the X stage position - default:[reference frame].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default reference frame
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element StageLabel
<xsd:attribute name="XUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the X stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute StageLabel / @Y
Namespace No namespace
The Y position of the stage label. Units are set by YUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element StageLabel
<xsd:attribute name="Y" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Y position of the stage label. Units are set by YUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute StageLabel / @YUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Y stage position - default:[reference frame].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default reference frame
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element StageLabel
<xsd:attribute name="YUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Y stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute StageLabel / @Z
Namespace No namespace
The Z position of the stage label. Units are set by ZUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element StageLabel
<xsd:attribute name="Z" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Z position of the stage label. Units are set by ZUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute StageLabel / @ZUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Z  stage position - default:[reference frame].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default reference frame
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element StageLabel
<xsd:attribute name="ZUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Z stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type DetectorID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Detector:\S+)|(Detector:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="DetectorID"/>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @Offset
Namespace No namespace
The Offset of the detector. [units none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Offset" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Offset of the detector. [units none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @Gain
Namespace No namespace
The Gain of the detector. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD,PMT}
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Gain" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Gain of the detector. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD,PMT}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @Voltage
Namespace No namespace
The Voltage of the detector. {used:PMT}
Units are set by VoltageUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Voltage" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Voltage of the detector. {used:PMT} Units are set by VoltageUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @VoltageUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Voltage of the detector - default:volts[V]
Type UnitsElectricPotential
use optional
default V
enumeration YV
The voltage unit is yotta volts.
enumeration ZV
The voltage unit is zetta volts.
enumeration EV
The voltage unit is   exa volts.
enumeration PV
The voltage unit is  peta volts.
enumeration TV
The voltage unit is  tera volts.
enumeration GV
The voltage unit is  giga volts.
enumeration MV
The voltage unit is  mega volts.
enumeration kV
The voltage unit is  kilo volts.
enumeration hV
The voltage unit is hecto volts.
enumeration daV
The voltage unit is  deca volts.
enumeration V
The voltage unit is       volts.
enumeration dV
The voltage unit is  deci volts.
enumeration cV
The voltage unit is centi volts.
enumeration mV
The voltage unit is milli volts.
enumeration µV
The voltage unit is micro volts.
enumeration nV
The voltage unit is  nano volts.
enumeration pV
The voltage unit is  pico volts.
enumeration fV
The voltage unit is femto volts.
enumeration aV
The voltage unit is  atto volts.
enumeration zV
The voltage unit is zepto volts.
enumeration yV
The voltage unit is yocto volts.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="VoltageUnit" use="optional" default="V" type="UnitsElectricPotential">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Voltage of the detector - default:volts[V]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @Zoom
Namespace No namespace
The Zoom or "Confocal Zoom" or "Scan Zoom" for a detector. [units:none] {used:PMT}
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Zoom" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Zoom or "Confocal Zoom" or "Scan Zoom" for a detector. [units:none] {used:PMT}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @ReadOutRate
Namespace No namespace
The speed at which the detector can count pixels.  {used:CCD,EMCCD}
This is the bytes per second that
can be read from the detector (like a baud rate).
Units are set by ReadOutRateUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ReadOutRate" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The speed at which the detector can count pixels. {used:CCD,EMCCD} This is the bytes per second that can be read from the detector (like a baud rate). Units are set by ReadOutRateUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @ReadOutRateUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the ReadOutRate - default:megahertz[Hz].
Type UnitsFrequency
use optional
default MHz
enumeration YHz
The frequency unit is yotta hertz.
enumeration ZHz
The frequency unit is zetta hertz.
enumeration EHz
The frequency unit is   exa hertz.
enumeration PHz
The frequency unit is  peta hertz.
enumeration THz
The frequency unit is  tera hertz.
enumeration GHz
The frequency unit is  giga hertz.
enumeration MHz
The frequency unit is  mega hertz.
enumeration kHz
The frequency unit is  kilo hertz.
enumeration hHz
The frequency unit is hecto hertz.
enumeration daHz
The frequency unit is  deca hertz.
enumeration Hz
The frequency unit is       hertz.
enumeration dHz
The frequency unit is  deci hertz.
enumeration cHz
The frequency unit is centi hertz.
enumeration mHz
The frequency unit is milli hertz.
enumeration µHz
The frequency unit is micro hertz.
enumeration nHz
The frequency unit is  nano hertz.
enumeration pHz
The frequency unit is  pico hertz.
enumeration fHz
The frequency unit is femto hertz.
enumeration aHz
The frequency unit is  atto hertz.
enumeration zHz
The frequency unit is zepto hertz.
enumeration yHz
The frequency unit is yocto hertz.
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ReadOutRateUnit" use="optional" default="MHz" type="UnitsFrequency">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the ReadOutRate - default:megahertz[Hz].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @Binning
Namespace No namespace
Represents the number of pixels that are combined to form larger pixels. {used:CCD,EMCCD}
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration 1x1
enumeration 2x2
enumeration 4x4
enumeration 8x8
enumeration Other
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Binning" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Represents the number of pixels that are combined to form larger pixels. {used:CCD,EMCCD}</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="1x1"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="2x2"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="4x4"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="8x8"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute DetectorSettings / @Integration
Namespace No namespace
This is the number of sequential frames that get averaged,
to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}
Type PositiveInt
use optional
minInclusive 1
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="Integration" use="optional" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>This is the number of sequential frames that get averaged, to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. [units:none] {used:CCD,EMCCD}</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute FilterSetRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type FilterSetID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:FilterSet:\S+)|(FilterSet:\S+))
Used by
Element FilterSetRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="FilterSetID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ChannelID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Channel:\S+)|(Channel:\S+))
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ChannelID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @Name
Namespace No namespace
A name for the channel that is suitable be presented to the user.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>A name for the channel that is suitable be presented to the user.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @SamplesPerPixel
Namespace No namespace
The number of samples the detector takes to form each pixel value. [units:none]
Note: This is not the same as "Frame Averaging" - see Integration in DetectorSettings
Type PositiveInt
use optional
minInclusive 1
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="SamplesPerPixel" use="optional" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>The number of samples the detector takes to form each pixel value. [units:none] Note: This is not the same as "Frame Averaging" - see Integration in DetectorSettings</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @IlluminationType
Namespace No namespace
The method of illumination used to capture the channel.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Transmitted
enumeration Epifluorescence
enumeration Oblique
enumeration NonLinear
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="IlluminationType" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The method of illumination used to capture the channel.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Transmitted"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Epifluorescence"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Oblique"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="NonLinear"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @PinholeSize
Namespace No namespace
The optional PinholeSize attribute allows specifying adjustable
pin hole diameters for confocal microscopes. Units are set by PinholeSizeUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="PinholeSize" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The optional PinholeSize attribute allows specifying adjustable pin hole diameters for confocal microscopes. Units are set by PinholeSizeUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @PinholeSizeUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the pin hole diameter for confocal microscopes - default:microns[µm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default µm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="PinholeSizeUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the pin hole diameter for confocal microscopes - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @AcquisitionMode
Namespace No namespace
AcquisitionMode describes the type of microscopy performed for each channel
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration WideField
enumeration LaserScanningConfocalMicroscopy
enumeration SpinningDiskConfocal
enumeration SlitScanConfocal
enumeration MultiPhotonMicroscopy
enumeration StructuredIllumination
enumeration SingleMoleculeImaging
enumeration TotalInternalReflection
enumeration FluorescenceLifetime
enumeration SpectralImaging
enumeration FluorescenceCorrelationSpectroscopy
enumeration NearFieldScanningOpticalMicroscopy
enumeration SecondHarmonicGenerationImaging
enumeration PALM
enumeration STORM
enumeration STED
enumeration TIRF
enumeration FSM
enumeration LCM
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="AcquisitionMode" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>AcquisitionMode describes the type of microscopy performed for each channel</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="WideField"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="LaserScanningConfocalMicroscopy"/>
      <!-- CLSM or LSCM -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="SpinningDiskConfocal"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="SlitScanConfocal"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="MultiPhotonMicroscopy"/>
      <!-- laser scanning multiphoton microscopy (LSMM), two photon microscopy -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="StructuredIllumination"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="SingleMoleculeImaging"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="TotalInternalReflection"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="FluorescenceLifetime"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="SpectralImaging"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="FluorescenceCorrelationSpectroscopy"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="NearFieldScanningOpticalMicroscopy"/>
      <!-- NSOM -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="SecondHarmonicGenerationImaging"/>
      <!-- Second harmonic imaging microscopy (SHIM) -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="PALM"/>
      <!-- photo-activated localization microscopy, photo-activation localization microscopy -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="STORM"/>
      <!-- stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="STED"/>
      <!-- stimulated emission depletion -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="TIRF"/>
      <!-- total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRFM) -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="FSM"/>
      <!-- Fluorescence speckle microscopy -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="LCM"/>
      <!-- Laser capture microdissection -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @ContrastMethod
Namespace No namespace
ContrastMethod describes the technique used to achieve contrast for each channel
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration Brightfield
enumeration Phase
enumeration DIC
enumeration HoffmanModulation
enumeration ObliqueIllumination
enumeration PolarizedLight
enumeration Darkfield
enumeration Fluorescence
enumeration Other
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="ContrastMethod" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>ContrastMethod describes the technique used to achieve contrast for each channel</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Brightfield"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Phase"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="DIC"/>
      <!-- Differential Interference Contrast -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="HoffmanModulation"/>
      <!-- Hoffman Modulation Contrast (HMC) -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="ObliqueIllumination"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="PolarizedLight"/>
      <!-- Polarization Microscopy -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="Darkfield"/>
      <!-- Dark Field Imaging -->
      <xsd:enumeration value="Fluorescence"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @ExcitationWavelength
Namespace No namespace
Wavelength of excitation for a particular channel. Units are set by ExcitationWavelengthUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="ExcitationWavelength" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>Wavelength of excitation for a particular channel. Units are set by ExcitationWavelengthUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @ExcitationWavelengthUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the wavelength of excitation - default:nanometres[nm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default nm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="ExcitationWavelengthUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the wavelength of excitation - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @EmissionWavelength
Namespace No namespace
Wavelength of emission for a particular channel. Units are set by EmissionWavelengthUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="EmissionWavelength" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>Wavelength of emission for a particular channel. Units are set by EmissionWavelengthUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @EmissionWavelengthUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the wavelength of emission - default:nanometres[nm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default nm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="EmissionWavelengthUnit" use="optional" default="nm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the wavelength of emission - default:nanometres[nm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @Fluor
Namespace No namespace
The Fluor attribute is used for fluorescence images.
This is the name of the fluorophore used to produce this channel [plain text string]
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="Fluor" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>The Fluor attribute is used for fluorescence images. This is the name of the fluorophore used to produce this channel [plain text string]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @NDFilter
Namespace No namespace
The NDfilter attribute is used to specify the combined effect of any neutral density filters used.
						The amount of light the filter transmits at a maximum [units:none]
						A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.

						NOTE: This was formerly described as "units optical density expressed as a PercentFraction".
						      This was how the field had been described in the schema from the beginning but all
						      the use of it has been in the opposite direction, i.e. as a amount transmitted,
						      not the amount blocked. This change has been made to make the model reflect this usage.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="NDFilter" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The NDfilter attribute is used to specify the combined effect of any neutral density filters used. The amount of light the filter transmits at a maximum [units:none] A fraction, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0. NOTE: This was formerly described as "units optical density expressed as a PercentFraction". This was how the field had been described in the schema from the beginning but all the use of it has been in the opposite direction, i.e. as a amount transmitted, not the amount blocked. This change has been made to make the model reflect this usage.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @PockelCellSetting
Namespace No namespace
The PockelCellSetting used for this channel. This is the amount the polarization of the beam is rotated by. [units:none]
Type xsd:int
use optional
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="PockelCellSetting" use="optional" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:documentation>The PockelCellSetting used for this channel. This is the amount the polarization of the beam is rotated by. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Channel / @Color
Namespace No namespace
A color used to render this channel - encoded as RGBA
The default value "-1" is #FFFFFFFF so solid white (it is a signed 32 bit value)
NOTE: Prior to the 2012-06 schema the default value was incorrect and produced a transparent red not solid white.
Type Color
use optional
default -1
Used by
Element Channel
<xsd:attribute name="Color" use="optional" type="Color" default="-1">
    <xsd:documentation>A color used to render this channel - encoded as RGBA The default value "-1" is #FFFFFFFF so solid white (it is a signed 32 bit value) NOTE: Prior to the 2012-06 schema the default value was incorrect and produced a transparent red not solid white.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TiffData / UUID / @FileName
Namespace No namespace
This can be used when the IFDs are located in another file.
The / (forward slash) is used as the path separator.
A relative path is recommended. However an absolute path can be specified.
Default is to use the file the ome-xml data has been pulled from.
Note: It is permissible for this to be self referential. The file image1.tiff
may contain ome-xml data that has FilePath="image1.tiff" or "./image1.tiff"
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element TiffData/UUID
<xsd:attribute name="FileName" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>This can be used when the IFDs are located in another file. The / (forward slash) is used as the path separator. A relative path is recommended. However an absolute path can be specified. Default is to use the file the ome-xml data has been pulled from. Note: It is permissible for this to be self referential. The file image1.tiff may contain ome-xml data that has FilePath="image1.tiff" or "./image1.tiff"</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TiffData / @IFD
Namespace No namespace
Gives the IFD(s) for which this element is applicable. Indexed from 0.
Default is 0 (the first IFD). [units:none]
Type NonNegativeInt
use optional
default 0
minInclusive 0
Used by
Element TiffData
<xsd:attribute name="IFD" type="NonNegativeInt" default="0" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Gives the IFD(s) for which this element is applicable. Indexed from 0. Default is 0 (the first IFD). [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TiffData / @FirstZ
Namespace No namespace
Gives the Z position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0.
Default is 0 (the first Z position). [units:none]
Type NonNegativeInt
use optional
default 0
minInclusive 0
Used by
Element TiffData
<xsd:attribute name="FirstZ" type="NonNegativeInt" default="0" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Gives the Z position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0. Default is 0 (the first Z position). [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TiffData / @FirstT
Namespace No namespace
Gives the T position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0.
Default is 0 (the first T position). [units:none]
Type NonNegativeInt
use optional
default 0
minInclusive 0
Used by
Element TiffData
<xsd:attribute name="FirstT" type="NonNegativeInt" default="0" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Gives the T position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0. Default is 0 (the first T position). [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TiffData / @FirstC
Namespace No namespace
Gives the C position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0.
Default is 0 (the first C position). [units:none]
Type NonNegativeInt
use optional
default 0
minInclusive 0
Used by
Element TiffData
<xsd:attribute name="FirstC" type="NonNegativeInt" default="0" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Gives the C position of the image plane at the specified IFD. Indexed from 0. Default is 0 (the first C position). [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute TiffData / @PlaneCount
Namespace No namespace
Gives the number of IFDs affected. Dimension order of IFDs is given by the enclosing
Pixels element's DimensionOrder attribute. Default is the number of IFDs in the TIFF
file, unless an IFD is specified, in which case the default is 1. [units:none]
Type NonNegativeInt
use optional
minInclusive 0
Used by
Element TiffData
<xsd:attribute name="PlaneCount" use="optional" type="NonNegativeInt">
    <xsd:documentation>Gives the number of IFDs affected. Dimension order of IFDs is given by the enclosing Pixels element's DimensionOrder attribute. Default is the number of IFDs in the TIFF file, unless an IFD is specified, in which case the default is 1. [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @TheZ
Namespace No namespace
The Z-section this plane is for. [units:none]
This is numbered from 0.
Type NonNegativeInt
use required
minInclusive 0
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="TheZ" use="required" type="NonNegativeInt">
    <xsd:documentation>The Z-section this plane is for. [units:none] This is numbered from 0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @TheT
Namespace No namespace
The timepoint this plane is for. [units:none]
This is numbered from 0.
Type NonNegativeInt
use required
minInclusive 0
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="TheT" use="required" type="NonNegativeInt">
    <xsd:documentation>The timepoint this plane is for. [units:none] This is numbered from 0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @TheC
Namespace No namespace
The channel this plane is for. [units:none]
This is numbered from 0.
Type NonNegativeInt
use required
minInclusive 0
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="TheC" use="required" type="NonNegativeInt">
    <xsd:documentation>The channel this plane is for. [units:none] This is numbered from 0.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @DeltaT
Namespace No namespace
Time since the beginning of the experiment.
Units are set by DeltaTUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="DeltaT" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>Time since the beginning of the experiment. Units are set by DeltaTUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @DeltaTUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the DeltaT - default:seconds[s].
Type UnitsTime
use optional
default s
enumeration Ys
The time unit is yotta seconds.
enumeration Zs
The time unit is zetta seconds.
enumeration Es
The time unit is   exa seconds.
enumeration Ps
The time unit is  peta seconds.
enumeration Ts
The time unit is  tera seconds.
enumeration Gs
The time unit is  giga seconds.
enumeration Ms
The time unit is  mega seconds.
enumeration ks
The time unit is  kilo seconds.
enumeration hs
The time unit is hecto seconds.
enumeration das
The time unit is  deca seconds.
enumeration s
The time unit is       seconds.
enumeration ds
The time unit is  deci seconds.
enumeration cs
The time unit is centi seconds.
enumeration ms
The time unit is milli seconds.
enumeration µs
The time unit is micro seconds.
enumeration ns
The time unit is  nano seconds.
enumeration ps
The time unit is  pico seconds.
enumeration fs
The time unit is femto seconds.
enumeration as
The time unit is  atto seconds.
enumeration zs
The time unit is zepto seconds.
enumeration ys
The time unit is yocto seconds.
enumeration min
The time unit is       minutes.
enumeration h
The time unit is         hours.
enumeration d
The time unit is          days.
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="DeltaTUnit" use="optional" default="s" type="UnitsTime">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the DeltaT - default:seconds[s].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @ExposureTime
Namespace No namespace
The length of the exposure.
Units are set by ExposureTimeUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="ExposureTime" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The length of the exposure. Units are set by ExposureTimeUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @ExposureTimeUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the ExposureTime - default:seconds[s].
Type UnitsTime
use optional
default s
enumeration Ys
The time unit is yotta seconds.
enumeration Zs
The time unit is zetta seconds.
enumeration Es
The time unit is   exa seconds.
enumeration Ps
The time unit is  peta seconds.
enumeration Ts
The time unit is  tera seconds.
enumeration Gs
The time unit is  giga seconds.
enumeration Ms
The time unit is  mega seconds.
enumeration ks
The time unit is  kilo seconds.
enumeration hs
The time unit is hecto seconds.
enumeration das
The time unit is  deca seconds.
enumeration s
The time unit is       seconds.
enumeration ds
The time unit is  deci seconds.
enumeration cs
The time unit is centi seconds.
enumeration ms
The time unit is milli seconds.
enumeration µs
The time unit is micro seconds.
enumeration ns
The time unit is  nano seconds.
enumeration ps
The time unit is  pico seconds.
enumeration fs
The time unit is femto seconds.
enumeration as
The time unit is  atto seconds.
enumeration zs
The time unit is zepto seconds.
enumeration ys
The time unit is yocto seconds.
enumeration min
The time unit is       minutes.
enumeration h
The time unit is         hours.
enumeration d
The time unit is          days.
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="ExposureTimeUnit" use="optional" default="s" type="UnitsTime">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the ExposureTime - default:seconds[s].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @PositionX
Namespace No namespace
The X position of the stage. Units are set by PositionXUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="PositionX" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The X position of the stage. Units are set by PositionXUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @PositionXUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the X stage position - default:[reference frame].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default reference frame
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="PositionXUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the X stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @PositionY
Namespace No namespace
The Y position of the stage. Units are set by PositionYUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="PositionY" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Y position of the stage. Units are set by PositionYUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @PositionYUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Y stage position - default:[reference frame].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default reference frame
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="PositionYUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Y stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @PositionZ
Namespace No namespace
The Z position of the stage. Units are set by PositionZUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="PositionZ" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>The Z position of the stage. Units are set by PositionZUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Plane / @PositionZUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the Z stage position - default:[reference frame].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default reference frame
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Plane
<xsd:attribute name="PositionZUnit" use="optional" default="reference frame" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the Z stage position - default:[reference frame].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type PixelsID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Pixels:\S+)|(Pixels:\S+))
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="PixelsID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @DimensionOrder
Namespace No namespace
The order in which the individual planes of data are interleaved.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use required
enumeration XYZCT
enumeration XYZTC
enumeration XYCTZ
enumeration XYCZT
enumeration XYTCZ
enumeration XYTZC
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="DimensionOrder" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation>The order in which the individual planes of data are interleaved.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="XYZCT"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="XYZTC"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="XYCTZ"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="XYCZT"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="XYTCZ"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="XYTZC"/>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @Type
Namespace No namespace
The variable type used to represent each pixel in the image.
Type PixelType
use required
enumeration int8
enumeration int16
enumeration int32
enumeration uint8
enumeration uint16
enumeration uint32
enumeration float
enumeration bit
enumeration double
enumeration complex
enumeration double-complex
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="required" type="PixelType">
    <xsd:documentation>The variable type used to represent each pixel in the image.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @SignificantBits
Namespace No namespace
The number of bits within the type storing each pixel that are significant.
e.g. you can store 12 bit data within a 16 bit type.
This does not reduce the storage requirements but can be a useful indicator
when processing or viewing the image data.
Type PositiveInt
use optional
minInclusive 1
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="SignificantBits" use="optional" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>The number of bits within the type storing each pixel that are significant. e.g. you can store 12 bit data within a 16 bit type. This does not reduce the storage requirements but can be a useful indicator when processing or viewing the image data.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @Interleaved
Namespace No namespace
How the channels are arranged within the data block:
true if channels are stored RGBRGBRGB...;
false if channels are stored RRR...GGG...BBB...
Type xsd:boolean
use optional
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="Interleaved" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>How the channels are arranged within the data block: true if channels are stored RGBRGBRGB...; false if channels are stored RRR...GGG...BBB...</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @BigEndian
Namespace No namespace
This is true if the pixels data was written in BigEndian order.

						If this value is present it should match the value used in BinData
						or TiffData. If it does not a reader should honour the value used
						in the BinData or TiffData. This values is useful for MetadataOnly
						files and is to allow for future storage solutions.
Type xsd:boolean
use optional
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="BigEndian" use="optional" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>This is true if the pixels data was written in BigEndian order. If this value is present it should match the value used in BinData or TiffData. If it does not a reader should honour the value used in the BinData or TiffData. This values is useful for MetadataOnly files and is to allow for future storage solutions.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @SizeX
Namespace No namespace
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
Type PositiveInt
use required
minInclusive 1
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="SizeX" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @SizeY
Namespace No namespace
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
Type PositiveInt
use required
minInclusive 1
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="SizeY" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @SizeZ
Namespace No namespace
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
Type PositiveInt
use required
minInclusive 1
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="SizeZ" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @SizeC
Namespace No namespace
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
Type PositiveInt
use required
minInclusive 1
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="SizeC" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @SizeT
Namespace No namespace
Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]
Type PositiveInt
use required
minInclusive 1
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="SizeT" use="required" type="PositiveInt">
    <xsd:documentation>Dimensional size of pixel data array [units:none]</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @PhysicalSizeX
Namespace No namespace
Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeXUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeX" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeXUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @PhysicalSizeXUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default µm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeXUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @PhysicalSizeY
Namespace No namespace
Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeYUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeY" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeYUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @PhysicalSizeYUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default µm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeYUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @PhysicalSizeZ
Namespace No namespace
Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeZUnit.
Type PositiveFloat
use optional
minExclusive 0.0
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeZ" use="optional" type="PositiveFloat">
    <xsd:documentation>Physical size of a pixel. Units are set by PhysicalSizeZUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @PhysicalSizeZUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].
Type UnitsLength
use optional
default µm
enumeration Ym
The length unit is yotta meters.
enumeration Zm
The length unit is zetta meters.
enumeration Em
The length unit is   exa meters.
enumeration Pm
The length unit is  peta meters.
enumeration Tm
The length unit is  tera meters.
enumeration Gm
The length unit is  giga meters.
enumeration Mm
The length unit is  mega meters.
enumeration km
The length unit is  kilo meters.
enumeration hm
The length unit is hecto meters.
enumeration dam
The length unit is  deca meters.
enumeration m
The length unit is       meters.
enumeration dm
The length unit is  deci meters.
enumeration cm
The length unit is centi meters.
enumeration mm
The length unit is milli meters.
enumeration µm
The length unit is micro meters.
enumeration nm
The length unit is  nano meters.
enumeration pm
The length unit is  pico meters.
enumeration fm
The length unit is femto meters.
enumeration am
The length unit is  atto meters.
enumeration zm
The length unit is zepto meters.
enumeration ym
The length unit is yocto meters.
enumeration Å
The length unit is    ångströms.
enumeration thou
The length unit is thou (or mil, 1/1000 of an inch).
enumeration li
The length unit is line (1/12 of an inch).
enumeration in
The length unit is inch.
enumeration ft
The length unit is foot.
enumeration yd
The length unit is yard.
enumeration mi
The length unit is terrestrial mile.
enumeration ua
The length unit is astronomical unit. The official term is ua as the SI standard assigned AU to absorbance unit.
enumeration ly
The length unit is light year.
enumeration pc
The length unit is parsec.
enumeration pt
The length unit is typography point. This unit should be limited to font sizes.
enumeration pixel
The length unit is pixel. This unit should be limited to the ROI objects. It can then be resolved to real units from the PhysicalSize units of the Image the ROI is attached to.
enumeration reference frame
The length unit is reference frame.
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="PhysicalSizeZUnit" use="optional" default="µm" type="UnitsLength">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the physical size of a pixel - default:microns[µm].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @TimeIncrement
Namespace No namespace
TimeIncrement is used for time series that have a global
timing specification instead of per-timepoint timing info.
For example in a video stream. Units are set by TimeIncrementUnit.
Type xsd:float
use optional
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="TimeIncrement" use="optional" type="xsd:float">
    <xsd:documentation>TimeIncrement is used for time series that have a global timing specification instead of per-timepoint timing info. For example in a video stream. Units are set by TimeIncrementUnit.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute Pixels / @TimeIncrementUnit
Namespace No namespace
The units of the TimeIncrement - default:seconds[s].
Type UnitsTime
use optional
default s
enumeration Ys
The time unit is yotta seconds.
enumeration Zs
The time unit is zetta seconds.
enumeration Es
The time unit is   exa seconds.
enumeration Ps
The time unit is  peta seconds.
enumeration Ts
The time unit is  tera seconds.
enumeration Gs
The time unit is  giga seconds.
enumeration Ms
The time unit is  mega seconds.
enumeration ks
The time unit is  kilo seconds.
enumeration hs
The time unit is hecto seconds.
enumeration das
The time unit is  deca seconds.
enumeration s
The time unit is       seconds.
enumeration ds
The time unit is  deci seconds.
enumeration cs
The time unit is centi seconds.
enumeration ms
The time unit is milli seconds.
enumeration µs
The time unit is micro seconds.
enumeration ns
The time unit is  nano seconds.
enumeration ps
The time unit is  pico seconds.
enumeration fs
The time unit is femto seconds.
enumeration as
The time unit is  atto seconds.
enumeration zs
The time unit is zepto seconds.
enumeration ys
The time unit is yocto seconds.
enumeration min
The time unit is       minutes.
enumeration h
The time unit is         hours.
enumeration d
The time unit is          days.
Used by
Element Pixels
<xsd:attribute name="TimeIncrementUnit" use="optional" default="s" type="UnitsTime">
    <xsd:documentation>The units of the TimeIncrement - default:seconds[s].</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute MicrobeamManipulationRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type MicrobeamManipulationID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:MicrobeamManipulation:\S+)|(MicrobeamManipulation:\S+))
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="MicrobeamManipulationID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Image / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ImageID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Image:\S+)|(Image:\S+))
Used by
Element Image
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ImageID"/>
Schema location
Attribute Image / @Name
Namespace No namespace
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element Image
<xsd:attribute name="Name" use="optional" type="xsd:string"/>
Schema location
Attribute OME / BinaryOnly / @MetadataFile
Namespace No namespace
Filename of the OME-XML metadata file for
this binary data. If the file cannot be found, a search can
be performed based on the UUID.
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
Element OME/BinaryOnly
<xsd:attribute name="MetadataFile" type="xsd:string" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation>Filename of the OME-XML metadata file for this binary data. If the file cannot be found, a search can be performed based on the UUID.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute OME / BinaryOnly / @UUID
Namespace No namespace
The unique identifier of another OME-XML
block whose metadata describes the binary data in this file.
This UUID is considered authoritative regardless of
mismatches in the filename.
Type UniversallyUniqueIdentifier
use required
pattern (urn:uuid:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})
Used by
Element OME/BinaryOnly
<xsd:attribute name="UUID" type="UniversallyUniqueIdentifier" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation>The unique identifier of another OME-XML block whose metadata describes the binary data in this file. This UUID is considered authoritative regardless of mismatches in the filename.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute OME / @UUID
Namespace No namespace
This unique identifier is used to keep track of multi part files.
						It allows the links between files to survive renaming.

						While OPTIONAL in the general case this is REQUIRED in a
						MetadataOnly Companion to a collection of BinaryOnly files.
Type UniversallyUniqueIdentifier
use optional
pattern (urn:uuid:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})
Used by
Element OME
<xsd:attribute name="UUID" type="UniversallyUniqueIdentifier" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>This unique identifier is used to keep track of multi part files. It allows the links between files to survive renaming. While OPTIONAL in the general case this is REQUIRED in a MetadataOnly Companion to a collection of BinaryOnly files.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute OME / @Creator
Namespace No namespace
This is the name of the creating application of the OME-XML
and preferably its full version.
e.g "CompanyName, SoftwareName, V2.6.3456"
This is optional but we hope it will be set by applications
writing out OME-XML from scratch.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element OME
<xsd:attribute name="Creator" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>This is the name of the creating application of the OME-XML and preferably its full version. e.g "CompanyName, SoftwareName, V2.6.3456" This is optional but we hope it will be set by applications writing out OME-XML from scratch.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute ChannelRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ChannelID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Channel:\S+)|(Channel:\S+))
Used by
Element ChannelRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ChannelID"/>
Schema location
Attribute ProjectRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
Type ProjectID
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:\S+:\S+)|(\S+:\S+)) & ((urn:lsid:([\w\-\.]+\.[\w\-\.]+)+:Project:\S+)|(Project:\S+))
Used by
Element ProjectRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" use="required" type="ProjectID"/>
Schema location