by uutzinger » Tue May 21, 2013 11:00 pm
This was very helpful. Following code segments will expand bfsave on windows to include bigtiff and compression support:
% I - a 5D matrix containing the pixels data
% outputPath - a string containing the location of the path where to
% save the resulting OME-TIFF
% dimensionOrder - optional. A string representing the dimension
% order, Default: XYZCT.
% Compression - use zlib, bzip2, none, LZW, JPEG, JPEG-2000,
% Uncompressed
% zlib is not available on Windows and results in no compression
% JPEG is very slow
% bigTiff - use 64 bit tiff tags, true or false
% List all values of Compression
CompressionValues = ome.xml.model.enums.Compression.values();
Compressions = cell(numel(CompressionValues)+4, 1);
for i = 1 :numel(CompressionValues),
Compressions{i} = char(CompressionValues(i).toString());
Compressions{numel(CompressionValues)+1}='LZW'; % Error in OME xml, lists only unix compressors
Compressions{numel(CompressionValues)+2}='JPEG'; % Error in OME xml, lists only unix compressors
Compressions{numel(CompressionValues)+3}='Uncompressed'; % Error in OME xml, lists only unix compressors
Compressions{numel(CompressionValues)+4}='JPEG-2000'; % Error in OME xml, lists only unix compressors
.. some code here ...
ip.addOptional('dimensionOrder', 'XYZCT', @(x) ismember(x, dimensionsOrders));
ip.addOptional('Compression', 'zlib', @(x) ismember(x, Compressions));
ip.addOptional('bigTiff', false , @islogical);
.. some code here ...
% Create ImageWriter
writer = loci.formats.ImageWriter();
if ~strcmp(ip.Results.Compression, 'none')