Dear all,
recently we get a lot of complaints by our users saying they are not able to run Insight any more on their machines (we are using Webstart to avoid out-of-sync client versions). We didn't do any recent changes to our OMERO server, currently we're one minor version late (making it 4.4.9).
First I thought this was only an issue with MacOS (as documented in [1]) but now also Windows people are unhappy. The error message states (see screenshot below) the application was blocked by security settings, which did not show up until a few days ago. I tried with a Windows machine running Java7, Update 45. Playing with the "Security" settings in Java's control panel, I managed to make it work again. However, that's a per-user setting, and I'd need to tell all my users how to find the Control Panel and what exactly to change there. Am I correct in assuming this is due to the fact that the webstart jars are provided via http instead of https or is this more the code signing stuff as well? I couldn't find where to adjust this, as our webclient is already running on https only and the OMERO config just contains an entry "webstart_host" but nothing about the protocol or port.
In addition, even when lowering the security level, there is still a Warning presented to the user about the application (attachment 2), but I guess this is about the previously mentioned signin issue?
On Linux and MacOS, I am able to add an exception for this specific host only, while retaining the general security level on the default. This doesn't seem to be possible with Windows.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
[1] ... -os-x-10.8