the command bin/omero python shell does not work. Do I have to install something additionally?
I get the error message: invalid choice: 'python'
The result is:
bin/omero python shell
usage: bin/omero [-h] [-v] [-d DEBUG] [--path PATH] [-C] [-s SERVER] [-p PORT]
[-g GROUP] [-u USER] [-w PASSWORD] [-k KEY]
<subcommand> ...
bin/omero: error: argument <subcommand>: invalid choice: 'python'
choose from:
admin, cecog, chgrp, config, db, delete, download, export, group,
help, hql, import, ldap, load, login, logout, node, perf, quit,
script, search, server, sessions, shell, testengine, upload, user,
version, web
Thanks, Andreas