In the meantime, you might be able to adapt a script called "Restore colors" listed on the scripts page: This was originally developed for LSM and LIF formats and it uses attributes in the 'Original Metadata' for each image to set the channel colours after import. If you can find equivalent metadata in the 'Original Metadata' (middle panel on the right) then you could adapt this script to work with your Scan-R data.
However, I just checked some Scan-R data I just imported and I don't see any useful info in the Original Metadata, so, you could just hard-code the colours in the script.
But probably your best bet is to manually set the rendering settings on one image in the Preview tab on the right and "apply to all" of the other images after import.
On another topic - I noticed that my ScanR import doesn't create a Plate of Wells, I just get a load of images. Do you get a Plate on import? Do you expect to get a Plate, or just a list of images/wells?