we recently tried to copy some images imported by Dropbox (and thus residing in "Orphaned Images") from one user (A, an administrator) to another new user (B). While doing so we encountered a range of problems:
1) Apparently, there is no defined default or primary group in OMERO any more, so Dropbox imported the images of user A to some random group (probably the last active one), which took some time to figure out and is not documented at all (neither is the fact that the images are normally delivered to the "Orphaned Images" section).
2) We soon found out that images can only be copied inside the same group so we first moved the images to the target group which both users A and B are members of. Using OMERO.insight, it was then impossible to copy images in the "Orphaned Images" folder without CUT/PASTING (this worked) them to a dataset of user A first.
3) We then tried to copy or move this images to user B, but since this was a new user, he had no target projects or datasets yet and apparently, a copy or move operation between users is only allowed into datasets or projects (at least it did only work that way when using OMERO.insight, when trying to move directly into "Orphaned Images", the PASTE option is greyed out).
4) We then tried (since user A is an admin) to create a project or dataset for user B, but this is apparently not possible at all, even for administrators.
==> We are stuck now with the images residing in some project of user A and the only way to get them to user B would be to create a group specifically for this purpose (holding both users).
So to summarize:
1) The Dropbox import behavior should be properly documented and made more controllable. The word "group" does not even appear on http://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/omero5/sysadmins/dropbox.html
2) The specifics of how data can be copied and moved between groups and datasets should be documented in more detail. It should be possible to copy images between groups. It should be perfectly clear when images are physically copied or just linked.
3) The "Orphaned Images" folder should not have any special treatment when it comes to copying and moving. It should definitely be possible to move or copy data directly to another "Orphaned Images" folder.
4) There should be a way for administrators to create projects/datasets for other users, preferably directly in OMERO.web and OMERO.insight. A CLI option should also be available for this task.