Hi Derek,
are you referring to this step:
- Code: Select all
Start the server:
C:\omero_dist> bin\omero admin start
Creating var\master
Initializing var\log
Creating var\registry
No descriptor given. Using etc\grid\default.xml
If so, is it possible that you don't have permissions to create the directory var\master? Is there anything else printed to the console? What's the name of the directory you are in and is there a "var" directory?
What seems to have happened is that a previous step which is supposed to automatically set the path to your installation has failed (possibly because of permissions):
- Code: Select all
If you've chosen a non-default install directory (other than c:\omero_dist), the output will look like this:
C:\OMERO.server-Beta-4.2.0>bin\omero admin start
Found default value: c:\omero_dist\var\master
Attempting to correct...
Converting from c:\omero_dist to C:\OMERO.server-Beta-4.2.0
Changes made: 6
No descriptor given. Using etc\grid\windefault.xml
[SC] CreateService SUCCESS
If you would like to move the directory again, see bin\winconfig.bat --help, which gets called automatically on an initial install.
You may try using bin\winconfig.bat to fix the value, and show us the console output if it fails.