Hi Jonathan,
You're going to have to play with this a bit, since the current code doesn't support your use case particularly well, and I haven't tested everything I'm going to suggest here....
I think you'll need to add global methods (on the window object) which can be called from between iframes. I don't have much experience of iframes, but presumably you have some way to call functions in one viewer iframe from the other viewer iframe.
Handling zoom changes should be pretty straight forward.
In the section of javascript after the viewport initialisation, you can add your
own listener for zoom changes.
- Code: Select all
viewport.bind('zoom', function(e, percent) {
// if this window is the 'control' window
// call setZoom(percent) on the "experimental" window
// and vice versa
Add a setZoom() method to your global window object for each viewer;
- Code: Select all
window.setZoom = function(percent) {
if (viewport) {
Handling panning of the image is slightly less nice, since we don't trigger any events you can listen to.
Either you can go in and edit ome.viewportImage.js, adding a line right at the end of the this.doMove function:
- Code: Select all
image.trigger('move', [left, top]);
Then you can listen for 'move' events in the same way as 'zoom' above.
Alternatively, if you don't want to edit ome.viewportImage.js you can add a listener
for the mousemove events when the user is dragging the image, then grab the
top and left offsets.
NB: you have to wait for the viewport to load and the draggable div to be created
before you bind mousemove events to it:
- Code: Select all
viewport.bind('imageLoad', function() {
$("div.draggable").mousemove(function (e) {
var $dragdiv = $(this);
if ($dragdiv.hasClass('ondrag')) {
var top = $dragdiv.css('top');
var left = $dragdiv.css('left');
// now call window.setMove(left, top) on the other viewer
Finally, you'll need to add a window.setMove(left, top) method to the viewer.
You should be able to directly apply the offsets to the draggable div:
- Code: Select all
window.setMove = function(left, top) {
$("div.draggable").css( {'left': left, 'top':top});
Hope that helps. Good luck!