by wmoore » Mon May 09, 2016 2:39 pm
Hi Daniel,
When you delete a Dataset, this should delete the images it contains *unless* the images are also in another Dataset.
For the images you've already deleted, you could try to search for them (in Insight or web client) to see if you can find them in another Dataset.
If you're trying this again with other images, before you delete the Dataset, you can tell if the images are in other Datasets by selecting an image and in the right panel look under "Located in" pane in Insight (bottom of General tab) or under the 'tree' icon at top toolbar in right panel of webclient.
Also, if you click the 'link' button (top of right panel in webclient) you can get a bookmark link to an image. Then you can check after deleting whether the image has gone by trying to visit that link in your browser.
You can directly delete the images (select the images and 'delete') which will delete them even if they are in multiple Datasets.
How did you import these images?
If the are an "in place" import via the command line, then their location on disk will not affect the disk usage in OMERO so you will not see a change when they are deleted.
If you see no images for that user in the Images tab in Insight, that would suggest that they have been deleted (if you saw them there before deleting?).
Hope some of this is useful. Let us know if this doesn't explain what you're seeing.