hi Will,
thank you for this prompt answer!
we are running OMERO 5.2.5 and the group has rwra-- rights.
however, I am still quit new to omero.
in the meanwhile I found out more about the Project / Dataset / Screen "hierarchy".
and I found out that we here locally only make use of Screen and the Screen / Plate / Well / Image hierarchy.
so, no wonder that
https://my_host/webgateway/proj/list/ returns an empty [] JSON list!
this problem is solved.
but the API is still not working as expected.
according to the webclient, a plate_id of interest is for example 1101.
when I enter:
https://my_host/webgateway/annotations/plate/1101/i get the following answer:
{"query": "select obj0 from plate obj0\n\n left outer join fetch obj0.annotationLinks links\n left outer join fetch links.child\n join fetch links.details.owner\n join fetch links.details.creationEvent\n where obj0.id=:id", "error": "[u'plate'] cannot be queried"}
when I enter:
https://my_host/webgateway/annotations/Plate/1101/i get the following answer:
{"query": "select obj0 from late obj0\n\n left outer join fetch obj0.annotationLinks links\n left outer join fetch links.child\n join fetch links.details.owner\n join fetch links.details.creationEvent\n where obj0.id=:id", "error": "[u'Plate'] with id 1101 not found"}
because of the "error" statements I conclude that "Plate" is a valid <objtype> where as "plate" is not.
anyhow, the database query seems somehow not to find any annotation.
I assume, some annotation should be found anyway, as this plate / plate_id via webclient clearly exist. is this assumption wrong? or where am I doing the mistake?
additionally, is there somewhere a list of valid objtypes? it is hard to figure them out by try and error.
there are some really nice "commands" like imgData and wellData.
unfortunately seems plateData and screenData not yet to be implemented, but those would exactly the command I am looking for : ).
above all, I really enjoy to work with omero so far.
maybe you have some insights about the new emerged questions. so I would be happy to hear them.
thank you once again,