I can't see what you'd be missing. In a local test build I tried changing mine to:
- Code: Select all
$ bin/omero config get omero.fs.repo.path
- Code: Select all
$ find ManagedRepository/ -name '*.dcm'
I imported "ankle.dcm" before the change, then restarted the server with the new configuration and imported "brain.dcm".
My initial advice would be to,
- use "config get" to double-check the configuration
- restart the server
- double-check that you're finding a genuinely new import in "ManagedRepository/".
If there's still a baffling lack of picking up the new configuration, please go ahead and send us the output of "bin/omero admin diagnostics" and paste a transcript of the checks you did via shell then we'll try to help you to get to the bottom of what's going on.