by mtbc » Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:17 am
Dear Kouichi,
It's certainly true that the ImageJ plugin needs adjustment to allow it to assemble images locally by fetching tile by tile rather than trying to grab a whole plane at once from the server. It's also true that the server's ROI service is deprecated and the query and update services do not adequately offer what is needed, especially at scale.
If you need any help or guidance on using the API to work with ROIs then please do feel free to start new threads here to ask, we would be happy to try to help. If you are working at scale, e.g., with tens of thousands of ROIs on images, there may be particular challenges there. Unfortunately it remains easy to write a script that looks like it should work to, say, use the update service to adjust ROIs, but in practice needs some non-obvious adjustment.