we have one of our PIs who's using Micro-Manager for their microscope, saving everything as OME-TIFF stacks with metadata companion files. Their images are usually DIC + FITC two-channel; on the ImageJ instance inside Micro-Manager, these show up correctly as greyscale and green, respectively.After importing into OMERO they show up as red and green, so I decided to investigate whether Bio-Formats was missing any colour information and just defaulting the DIC channel to red in the absence of relevant info. Opening these images via Bio-Formats in Fiji shows these channels as greyscale and magenta, though, so there was no consistency there. OMERO and Fiji, both using Bio-Formats, managed to get the colours wrong in two different ways! Both of them are using the same (newest) Bio-Formats version.
These are the first few lines of the metadata XML file as well:
- Code: Select all
<OME xmlns="http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/OME/2016-06" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/OME/2016-06 http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/OME/2016-06/ome.xsd">
<Instrument ID="Microscope">
<Detector ID="Ratiga R6" Manufacturer="PMUSBCam00" Offset="400.0"/>
<Image ID="Image:0" Name="RW10006_1_MMStack">
<InstrumentRef ID="Microscope"/>
<StageLabel Name="Pos0" X="-448.0" XUnit="µm" Y="4307.0" YUnit="µm"/>
<Pixels BigEndian="false" DimensionOrder="XYCZT" ID="Pixels:0" Interleaved="false" PhysicalSizeX="0.09014424" PhysicalSizeXUnit="µm" PhysicalSizeY="0.09014424" PhysicalSizeYUnit="µm" SignificantBits="16" SizeC="2" SizeT="439" SizeX="650" SizeY="650" SizeZ="1" TimeIncrement="650.0" TimeIncrementUnit="ms" Type="uint16">
<Channel Color="-1" ID="Channel:0:0" Name="DIC" SamplesPerPixel="1">
<Channel Color="-16724992" ID="Channel:0:1" Name="FITC" SamplesPerPixel="1">
Any ideas/guidance on why that is happening would be very helpful!
Best regards