To see the JSON that iviewer is using, you can go to: ... data/93002
Here's the JSON,
- Code: Select all
{"delta_t_unit_symbol": null, "init_zoom": 0, "tiles": false, "families": ["polynomial", "logarithmic", "linear", "exponential"], "roi_count": 0, "perms": {"canAnnotate": true, "canEdit": true, "canDelete": true, "canLink": true}, "rdefs": {"defaultT": 0, "model": "color", "invertAxis": false, "projection": "normal", "defaultZ": 8}, "pixel_range": [0, 65535], "interpolate": true, "channels": [{"coefficient": 1.0, "active": true, "window": {"max": 4095.0, "end": 4095.0, "start": 20.0, "min": 20.0}, "family": "linear", "color": "0000FF", "inverted": false, "reverseIntensity": false, "emissionWave": 450.0, "label": "Hoechst33258"}, {"coefficient": 1.0, "active": true, "window": {"max": 90.0, "end": 90.0, "start": 26.0, "min": 26.0}, "family": "linear", "color": "FFFFFF", "inverted": false, "reverseIntensity": false, "emissionWave": null, "label": "TD"}], "meta": {"projectName": "Nikon_A1", "imageId": 93002, "imageAuthor": "Mahsa Asadniaye Fard Jahromi", "imageTimestamp": 1540173399.0, "pixelsType": "uint16", "datasetId": 2901, "projectDescription": "", "datasetName": "Mahsa", "wellSampleId": "", "projectId": 970, "imageDescription": "", "wellId": "", "imageName": "tile006.nd2", "datasetDescription": ""}, "id": 93002, "pixel_size": {"symbol_y": "\u00b5m", "symbol_x": "\u00b5m", "symbol_z": "\u00b5m", "unit_y": 0.****************, "unit_x": 0.****************, "unit_z": 10.0, "y": 0.****************, "x": 0.****************, "z": 10.0}, "size": {"width": 1024, "c": 2, "z": 17, "t": 1, "height": 1024}, "split_channel": {"c": {"width": 2054, "gridy": 2, "border": 2, "gridx": 2, "height": 2054}, "g": {"width": 2054, "gridy": 1, "border": 2, "gridx": 2, "height": 1028}}, "import_date": "2018-10-22 02:56:39", "delta_t": []}