by wmoore » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:38 am
Hi Jeff,
If you open one image and adjust the RGB levels suitably, then it is possible to copy those rendering settings and apply to a group of images (E.g. selected images or a whole dataset).
You can copy the rendering settings using the copy button in the image-viewer toolbar (3rd button from the left), or you can copy the settings without opening an image by right-clicking a thumbnail and choosing "Copy Settings" from the pop-up menu.
You can then paste the settings in much the same way (either to an individual image, or to a group of images). E.g. to apply the settings to a dataset, right-click on a dataset and choose "Paste Settings".
NB. If there are any images in the dataset that the settings cannot be applied to (E.g. different number of channels) then they will be ignored and you will see an appropriate message.
Hope that helps,