Hi Steve,
I am wondering whether large size of ndpi format would be supported near future.
Yes, they will. However, the technical work required to support this is very definitely not easy.
Almost of half of images for our dataset are ndpi images for us (emory univ.) , and it is difficult to tile and customize ndpi images. It's very urgent issue for us.
I found out that this issue has high priority throughout omero ticket web site. But, I don't know what's the current status for this issue ?
I assume you mean this ticket:
http://trac.openmicroscopy.org/ome/ticket/5092The status is: we know it needs to be done, but it requires far more time and effort than we have to spare for the next release (4.3.2). The hope is to have it done for the following release, though an actual timeline has not yet been established. To give you an idea of the scope of work involved, we are honestly considering that the easiest solution might be to implement our own JPEG decoder from scratch.
If you would like to receive an email each time that ticket is updated, please PM me with a valid email address and I will CC you.
It would be great if I know someone who actually handle this issue.
I couldn't find contact information.
It is best if you contact us through the forums and/or mailing lists, rather than contacting individual developers - that way, anyone else who is wondering about this same issue can benefit from the response.