I realize there are several discussions on this topic already, but I can't seem to make sense of them. I'd like to upload images to our database directly from MATLAB. Our OMERO database is v4.3.4.
I understand that the first step is to get the ImportLibrary. From one of the discussions, I found that it should be in the Linux client downloads. So I downloaded the 4.3.3 clients, and found the jar file OmeroImporter.jar. Is that the correct file to use?
I added this to the java path in MATLAB, and typed: import ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig;
I starter a client by using:
>> loadOmero;
>>c = omero.client(ServerName);
>> s = c.createSession(Uname,pwd);
>> g = s.createGateway();
but when I type: config = ImportConfig();
I get the following error:
??? Java exception occurred:
at java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences.node(AbstractPreferences.java:817)
at java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences.node(AbstractPreferences.java:800)
at java.util.prefs.Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Preferences.java:358)
at ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig.prefs(ImportConfig.java:140)
at ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig.<init>(ImportConfig.java:168)
at ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig.<init>(ImportConfig.java:154)
Is there something else that I need to import, or do I need to run something else first?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!