Is there a simple way to figure out how much an image in the server occupy on disk, in the pixelstore? I don't find this information in insight and it would be very useful as an admin
$ bin/omero hql --admin 'select p.pixelsType.value, sum(sizex * sizey * sizez * sizet * sizec)/1000000 from Pixels p group by p.pixelsType.value'
Using session ace76294-3654-46d2-8219-0e679b1f63e1 (root@localhost:4064). Idle timeout: 10.0 min. Current group: 53d20859-3871-4faa-b5f5-dc2515a123d1
# | Col1 | Col2
0 | uint8 | 73.0
1 | int16 | 36.0
2 | uint16 | 0.0
3 | int8 | 48.0
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