I read through the permission doc
https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/omero4/sysadmins/server-permissions.htmlcannot figure out the admin's roles in manipulating group member's data. what methods are available for admins ?
for example, when I log in as a admin
- Code: Select all
// connect as admin;
myClient = new client (hostName, portNo);
myEntry = myClient.createSession(admin,admin_passwd);
// do stuff of groups, experimenters, projects, datasets;
Then later on, I need to change the role as a specific group member grp_mb_1 to do something ,e.g.,
- Code: Select all
ServiceFactoryPrx myEntry_mb = myClient.createSession(grp_mb_1,grp_mb_1_passwd);
ThumbnailStorePrx store = myEntry_mb.createThumbnailStore();
// doing thumbnails;
Why changes the role ? I found myEntry (admin) cannot retrieve rp_mb_1 's thumbnails properly, but myEntry_mb does.
So, is there a way to obtain grp_mb_1's password as a admin? We not use LADP accession, but user(passwd) . OR, are there simple methods that allow admin acting as grp_mb_1 temporarily like myEntry_mb.createThumbnailStore()?